20. Crows

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(I re-read a lot of my chapters and realized how bad a lot of them were,so I am practicing making actual scripts and plans for things now,for better quality chapters,I appreciate all 500!!! Of you still reading,if it weren't for that I probably would have given up on this)

You couldn't wrap your head around it,why the hell was all this happening? First,your manor had turned on you and kicked you into the woods,you'd stumbled across a mansion run by a nine foot vampire lady and her crazy daughters,almost killed 4 times,became girlfriends with the nine foot vampire lady,and then immediately almost died again

Why was everything so confusing here? At the manor it was simple,or simple-ish,at least there you thought you were safe,and understood what you were supposed to do and be,but here? You had no idea what to do or what you were most of the time

And why was literally everyone trying to murder you? What had you done that was so awful that you had to be killed? It was all so damn confusing,but what could you do about it


Your taken from your thoughts,hearing the sound of Your..lovers..? Voice. yeah lover you could call her your lover now...

She looked at you with a soft smile,her brows showing a small bit of concern,she'd noticed your puzzled,and probably frustrated expression "is everything alright?" She asked calmly,stepping closer to you

You nod "yes Alcina I'm fine..just had a bit of a..playful argument with my friend" it was very clear you were lying,especially when she noticed the tear in your dress,the fabric lightly soaked in blood

"Oh is that so?" She asked,leaning down to be eve level with you

A small pang of your heart filled your chest,and you nodded,giving her a smile "yeah,just a little friendly argument"

She hummed softly and nodded,before grabbing your arm with the wound,pulling you to her by it making you wince "then what's this?" She asked,her nail tracing a circle around it

"Oh I uh...banged my shoulder on one of the counters" your voice wavered a little

"Ah I see...so you had a friendly argument with one of the maidens,then 'banged' your self so roughly on the counter that it not only tore your sleeve open but also wounded your shoulder?" She asked,her voice oddly pitying

"Y..yep! Exactly" you squeak,and lightly pull your arm away

"Tsk...darling,you know how much I hate liars..." her voice turned more stern,and slightly disappointed

"I'm n..not lying! I promise.." you reply,your heart beat spiking a little,though you didn't know why,you trusted her not to hurt you..

She shook her head "especially when it's you lying to me..~" she purred,grabbing your shoulder and pressing you to the wall,her nails digging into your shoulder making you cry out

"A..Alcina..!" You whine,feeling trapped again,and her grip loosened slightly,to not open your wound further

"Now,tell me again,what happened" she smiled,a glint of playfulness,and a small tinge of anger in her eyes

You couldn't tell her..you couldn't,you'd promised Violet...and with who ever it was she was working with,it sounded like if Violet was hurt,you would be to "I..I told you! I was having a argument then I hurt my self on the-"

She growled softly "the truth,or do I have to pry it out of you~?" She asked,tilting her head and leaning in closer,her lips inches from you,making your cheeks flush red

"I'm sorry I..I'm sorry ok I did lie but I..I..I can't tell you I'm sorry.." you start to ramble,your tone apologetic and a little fearful

Her eyes soften a little,and her grip loosened as she noticed your unease. She leaned in and gently kissed your nose "shh..darling,I'm not going to hurt you..~ just tell me the truth..and I'll take care of your wound again" she cooed into your ear making you shiver

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