17. Questions

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When you arrived home,Lady Dimitrescu walked you inside,staying silent and closing the door behind you,before she sighed,sounding frustrated

"I'm going to go take my Bath...go grab my clothes and my pipe and bring them to me" she said,and before you could respond she walked away,though she didn't walk to her bedroom? Where else could she be going for a bath...

Then you remembered her blood pool,she must be going to bathe in that,you couldn't imagine that she'd get very clean in it,but you didn't question it

"Oh,and Y/N"

You pause "yes my lady?"

"Bring me some wine while your at it,one of my private selections,the ones on that shelf in my bedroom"

You nod as she continues to walk,and you turn and head up the stairs to her chambers,you were still confused about the whole meeting with lady Dimitrescus so called family and Mother Miranda,she'd seemed to act like she knew who you were...and her voice sounded so familiar..... all questions you hoped would he answered at some point,hopefully in the future,and hopefully it wouldn't lead to anything bad

Once in your ladies chambers you grab all the things she'd need,grabbing one of her gowns from her closet,folding it and setting it aside for the moment,before walking to her vanity,climbing in he chair and grabbing her pipe,and a Match box,hopping down and setting it on the clothes pile

You then walk over to the wine shelfs,a feeling of unease coming over you as you look at it,you were fully aware that her special selection was wines made from her past Handmaidens,or maidens she'd had a fondness for,the thought making you shiver,were you ever going to end up like that? Bottled and in her shelfs,forever preserved...until she finished you off...no,no that was a silly thought,she'd made it clear she didn't want to harm you...she wouldn't lie about that,would she?

You brush that sickening thought away and open it,grabbing a bottle off,even the casing for it was fancier then usual,tinted green instead of red,and gold swirls like snakes curling around it,you set it under your arm and grab a wine glass for her,walking to the door and grabbing her other things,before making your way to her special bathing room

You were still dressed in the red gown she'd given you,since you'd had no time to undress and put on your uniform,your heels clicking as you made your way down the halls,your heart rate quickening the closer you got to the room,and oddly the halls seemed to get darker as well...every other candle was unlit,leaving the path in darkness,which didn't help your anxiety,especially with the sisters that could just be lurking around,stalking you

You let out a breath,calming your self,or at least trying to,and finally you find the doors that open up to the blood bath,knocking on the large doors

"Come in"

You push the door open,and step in,closing the door behind you "I've brought everything you asked my lady" you say in a quiet tone,looking at the marbled floor to avoid eye contact with her,she was sitting fully naked,and half submerged in the bath,the room was warm,and statues of women holding scented candles were in each corner,making the room smell nice to

"Set it over there" she gestures to a bench and you nod walking over to it,blushing as you notice her large bra and undergarments resting on the bench

"And bring me my pipe to dear" you nod and set down the clothes and wine,grabbing her pipe and the matches bringing them over to her and kneeling down to hand them to her

She takes the pipe with two fingers,bringing it to her mouth "light it for me" she asks

"Yes my lady" you take a Match from the box and strike it against the box,lighting it and leaning forward,lighting her pipe for her and she smiled

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