21. Wilted flowers

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(Whoa now there's 1000 of you? I didn't think it was that good you little weirdos


After you'd had that little "date" with Alcina,things had gone pretty smoothly for you. The sisters and Violet had left you alone besides the occasional glares,Alcina didn't really call you her maid anymore and lifted most of your jobs off. Life was going pretty good!

It had been about a week since the fight with Violet,and a couple months since you'd arrived,things seemed to be going so quickly....but almost painfully slowly at the same time

You were in the middle of your thoughts,standing in Alcinas bedroom and folding her blankets before a blood-curdling scream was heard from the hall

"What The-"

Speaking of Violet

You turn and see the bedroom doors slam open "You little bitch! You told her! You sneaky little rat!" Screamed Violet,her hair torn from her bun and her arm bleeding as she lunged at you

You scream as she pushes you in to the window "I didn't say anything! I didn't tell her I swear I didn't I-" you hiss in pain as she slams your head in to the golden frame

"Don't lie to me! I know you told her! I bet all she had to do was fuck you huh? I bet you had her wait to think I was safe! You little wretched snake!" She yelled,bringing her knee up and slamming it in to your gut making you wretch,and of course you start to squirm and claw at her

"I swear I didn't tell! I promise! Just get off me!" You yell as you claw at her eyes,though in a blind fearful rage she dosent even wince

Though before she can hit you again you suddenly feel lighter,looking up to see Lady Dimitrescu who had somehow silently crept in,she was holding her in the air,her hair frizzed and her eyes full of anger

"That wasn't very smart~" she hissed,slamming her in to the wall by her neck,staring down at you. Her gaze softened for a moment "Did she hurt you?" She said in a gentle tone, her eyes scanning your body for any sign of injury, and you could see she was worried. She saw the fear in your eyes and she couldn't help her grip tightening on Violet, causing her to squirm and kick frantically which was only rewarded with a tighter grip on her neck causing violets face to turn purple

"N..no not really she-" though Lady Dimitrescu had already seen your new bruises,her pupils dilating as she brought her free hand back,her long sword like claws unsheathing

"You grimy little pest to think I let something as awful as you in to my estate,the fact I even let you in the higher ranks!" She hissed as she slammed her claws in to her belly making Violet gasp,her eyes rolling back and a bit of blood dripping down her lips in a crimson trickle

Blood oozed down her maids dress staining it red,and lady Dimitrescu only pushed her claws in deeper,piercing all the way threw,the sound of her spine cracking as her claws broke it rang in your ears

Your eyes stared up at her wide and fearful,keeping you unable to move as you stared "A..Alcina..." you whisper as your stomach dropped

She didn't even look at you,her eyes fixed on violets as she watched the life drain from her eyes. Eventually Violet stopped squirming and sputtering against the wall,and lady Dimitrescu let go,yanking bits of her organs out with her claws. allowing her to fall to the floor,her blood splattering your shoes

She took in a deep breath and pushed her hair back before she turned to you,taking a step closer making you freeze "my little moth..." she whispered as she leaned down,lifting you chin smearing blood over it "why did you lie to me...she hurt you..."

Shelter (Lady DimitrescuXfem reader)Where stories live. Discover now