7. The Library

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Your eyes fluttered open,after about 12 hours of being passed out,by then it was already night again,you'd lost a lot of blood,so it was understandable you'd needed rest

"Mm..mm...where am I...." You felt groggy,you couldn't remember what had happened after Cassandra had sliced your arm open,besides a few fuzzy images of Lady Dimitrescu

"In my chambers dear"

Lady Dimitrescu spoke in a soft and calming tone,she was sitting at her vanity,dressed in her nightgown,it was short and loose,the fabric silky and purple,a nice change from the white gown she wore normally

You groan softly "oh.." you sit up and rub your head,looking at your bandaged arm "thank you..for fixing me again,I'm sorry I keep causing trouble.." you look down at your hands

She chuckled a little,taking a drag from her cigarette,tilting her head up and blowing the smoke into the air "no need to apologize pet,I can't have my maidens dying on me,so early anyways" she teased,looking over at you with a little smirk,and you look back down at your hands

"Right..." you rub the back of your head,looking up at the clock,it was almost ten,you felt bad that you hadn't been able to fulfill all your duties...but what could you have done? It wasn't your choice to be targeted by Cassandra...

"How are you feeling dear?" She asked,noticing your slightly dazed expression,setting her pipe down for a moment

"Oh I feel much better! Just a little sore" you admitted,running your hands over the bandages,a small stinging sensation filling your arm making you pull your hand away

"Tsk...well,I'll make sure to give you lighter tasks,so you don't have to use your arm as much.." she smiled softly,turning back to her mirror,wiping some of her eye makeup off

"That's not necessary my lady...I'm sure I can handle it,you've been so kind...I want to be able to-"

She raised a hand to silence you,and you go quiet "I said,I'll be giving you easier tasks,you need to learn when I say something,it's final" she paused her work with the makeup wipes for a moment,before going back to wiping off her eye shadow

"Right,yes sorry my lady" you say quietly,and she smiled,loving how quickly you seemed to...obey

You sigh softly,leaning into her giant,and soft pillows,letting your shoulders relax as you melt into them,it felt kinda wrong to be so comfortable in her bed,but you also had just been nearly killed,so you deserved it "so..what am I going to do now?" You ask,looking over at her with a small smile

"Well it's to late for actual duties now dear,so how about we go to my library? You can relax,and I can get some reading done"

You nod "that sounds nice actually...I'd love to" you smile brightly,you quite enjoyed reading,and the idea of being alone in the library with her...sounded nice

She smiled and stood,grabbing onto a dark fur robe,wrapping it around her self and humming softly,before she walked over to you and helped you off the bed "come along darling" she cooed

She helped you off the bad,holding your smaller hand tightly in hers,her other hand lightly cradling your back so you didn't fall,and you couldn't help but lean into it a little,and she smiled when you did

Once you'd gotten your footing,she walked you to her door,and out to the library

In the library

She pushed the library doors open,a soft creaking being heard as she did. The inside was large,the walls lined in large wooden shelfs,filled to the brim with books,a fireplace against the wall,with a window above it,the fire was already lit,a fur carpet in front of it,with four chairs in a circle,one much larger then the other,which you assumed was Lady Dimitrescus,especially since on the small table next to it,was a glass and a bottle of wine

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