Woe to those who seek love

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Wednesday Addams gave a short sigh and held her head a little higher as she entered her dorm. She had been at this wretched academy for a month now and was truly, maybe, terribly, enjoying it. She inwardly shuddered at the thought. Enjoying this teenage penitentiary was a hellish thought, and not a good one.

She walked and placed her bag flat down onto the bed, allowing Thing to roam out of his hiding place. Enid's colourful part of the room was empty of her presence, probably out enjoying a mouthful of Ajax. The only eyes were those of her polished animals, staring into her soul, some would have found the eeriness discomforting, but Wednesday felt at home. She gave the tiniest smile before turning to her typewriter to continue her novel. "La Llorona" was playing in the background when she heard a knock at her door.

She stood up and walked briskly to the door and opened it quickly. Enid stood there smiling sheepishly, "hehe sorry, I forgot my key." Wednesday sighed and looked to her left before looking back at Enid and replied, "I was just continuing my novel. Bring your key with you next time...roomie." The word tasted sour in her mouth, but Enid smiled, and deep deep deep down in that bottomless pit of disdain was a sense of satisfaction that she had made Enid smile.

Wednesday stepped aside and let the werewolf in, "you can go back to writing your book now." Enid told her, waltzing over to her bed and grabbing her laptop. Presumably about to update her vlog. "It's fine. I've been interrupted and after which I find it difficult to continue with the same quality." Enid nodded, biting her cheek. "Word's going around that Bianca and Xavier broke up. No one knows why." The blonde looked up from her laptop for just a second to see her friend's reaction.

Wednesday's eyes widened. She felt a swelling in her chest before shoving it back down and returning to her stone cold expression. "I don't know why you think I'd be interested in such things. It's beneath me." She lectured. "Oh, of course! Of course! Just thought I'd share since you're standing around doing nothing." Enid exclaimed, chuckling at the end. Enid could tell Wednesday felt something towards Xavier.

"I did not stay here at Nevermore to indulge the disgusting fantasy of romantic affection and become a walking embassy of my parents." Wednesday nearly gagged at the thought. "Suffocating affection is the last thing I want...I'd rather paint my nails pink." Enid just shrugged and went back to typing. Wednesday herself was unsure of where she stood. She sat down and looked out of her side of the window. She felt a lack, a lack in the spot of her chest that seemed to swell when she thought of Xavier.

She was right though, Wednesday was always right. Romance was beneath her, relying on others would only be a gateway to weakness, especially if she were to lo- to l- to...lo- to....care deeply about the person. Besides, she had to focus on mentally preparing herself for hours of torture because Enid was dragging her along to some social get together.

—2 days earlier—

"We need to go to the outcasts monthly party. It's set up in the Quad and it starts at sunset! Then fairy lights come on, and the music gets turned up, there's food! There's boysss and there's gossip. Really a jackpot for me." Enid had gushed to Wednesday. "That sounds....enlightening. Have fun at this party." "It's this Saturday and you're coming with me." Enid spoke excitedly, clapping her hands together. She even gave a little squeal to witch Wednesday gave an exasperated sigh.

—present day—

"I already chose your outfit for the part by the way. Oh! And some normies might be coming, exciting right?" Enid smiled at Wednesday. "Your outfits on your bed, sorry I went through your things." Wednesday turned to look at the outfit on her bed, it was a pair of wide greyish-black ripped jeans, with a black tank top to wear underneath her hooded black fish net crop top. When did she ever own a fish net crop top? Wednesday picked up the fish net between her fingers, "Must I wear this?" She asked, dropping it back onto the bed and cocked an eyebrow slightly at Enid. "Yup! You have to. It's so cute!"

Wednesday sighed and went to go change. She had to admit, she didn't look....terrible. She took her hair out of her braids, something she didn't do very often. Her hair flowed down in waves, reaching her mid back. She ran her fingers through her hair, giving her bangs some volume before putting on her black combat boots. Enid looked as colourful as ever and it made Wednesday have to blink a bit to rid the spots from her eyes.

They left the dorm and made their way over to the quad. The moon was a beautiful crescent and the stars seemed to shine brightly. The quad was filled with lights from head to toe, wrapped around the tree in the middle and hung from its branches to the ends of the second floor. Students had already started crouding the courtyard. Wednesday noticed a few dark clouds in her peripheral vision, but they didn't seem to be approaching very quickly. 

Music blasted from a vampire's speaker while she swung her hips in sync with her friends. Sirens and Werewolves swaying to the beat as well. All of the outcasts seemed to be enjoying themselves. And then Wednesday spotted him. The boy. The normie. The one from the coffee shop who knew her usual...Tyler. He caught her gaze and smiled shyly. Wednesday looked away, choosing not to acknowledge him.

She sat in a corner for a while, gagging in disgust as she listened to the smacking and sucking sounds of Enid and Ajax seemingly trying to eat each other's faces. They had gotten together after they're meeting behind the greenhouse three weeks ago. And Ajax didn't stone himself this time. "You wanna not sit here and listen to the sounds of them making out?" A voice inquired from behind Wednesday.

"I don't know, I'd like to see who can reach blood first." Wednesday replied morbidly, not bothering to look behind her. "Are you sure? I could show you some things...we could dance." The voice spoke. "Why would you want to dance with me?" Wednesday asked dryly. "I don't know. I just want to hang out...I guess. Get to know you." She looked up at the person talking to her. It was Tyler. "Why do you want to...get to know me?" She asked him, disinterested. "Well, I see you at the café all the time. All dark and mysterious. I'm curious." He stated. "Curiosity killed the cat." Wednesday retorted. "I'm a big boy, I think I can take care of myself." He joked. Wednesday signed, "fine."

Tyler gave a small smile, to which she did not return. He led her out of the quad and into the forest. "This is the best spot to see the stars." He told her, grinning up at the sky. "Stars." Wednesday said. "Stars." He concluded. Wednesdays looked up at the sky full of wonder, she didn't show it though. Wednesday remembered the nights spent stargazing among the graves of her ancestors back home, patting the tomb stone of her late scorpion. She remembered wanting to touch the stars, them being fiery burning balls of hell, and wondering how they looked so pure for something so deadly and terrifying. She remembered her mother telling her she was a star, how she burned and thrived, and she remembered wondering why she wasn't as beautiful as one, and why she was burning all alone.

Wednesday adored and envied stars. They burned together. It tortured her looking up at their undying beauty, a beauty that lives on after being dead, the light still travels towards them. Wednesday gazed for a few more minutes before saying, "I'm going now." She walked, fast paced towards the school and back to the quad. The storm clouds had come closer and it started to rain. Thunder and lightning soon made an appearance, but that only seemed to notice the raving teenagers even more. Wednesday allowed herself to get drenched in water, but soon lightning struck and she heard a crack above her.

Wednesday looked up and watched as a stone gargoyle fell, seemingly about to put her out of her misery. "Wednesday!" Came a voice, full of panic. She closed her eyes and spread her arms, allowing death to take her into its warm embrace. But the next thing she knew, strong arms wrapped around her and she collided with the floor a few feet away from where the smashed gargoyle laid. Her head hit the ground hard, and all she saw was black. What a great view.
Hello, this is my first chapter. These characters do not belong to me. Unless I decide to randomly add one of my own. I do hope you enjoy!

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