Woe...a hyde

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(Couldn't think of a better part name, sorry)

Xavier was, to say the least, confused. He had been dragged down into the secret society that he himself was in, and Wednesday was not. And yet, here she was, knowing more than him, as always. He watched her pace around, awaiting an explanation, "so why am I here? Actually...why are you here?". Wednesday stared at him, he gulped but kept his cool. There was something unsettling in the way she looked at him, he seemed drawn and taken aback all at once. "Well, Uncle Fester over here knows where Faulkner's journal is." Wednesday told him as if he should already know.

"Right...and what do you need me for?" He asked.Wednesday breathed, "well, I'm assuming there's more of you, so I need you to stall while I go and get Thing to unlock this safe." She informed him before knocking on a painting frame and pulling it open. He was impressed, but she looked the opposite. He sat there awkwardly as she climbed up the steps to get Thing.

He chuckled awkwardly, "Hi...." He greeted. Fester smiled and giggled, though it sounded more like a strangle, "so are you her boyfriend?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows....or where they were supposed to be. Xavier tensed up, "uh-no...-no, no, I'm not." He clarified. "Darn it!" Fester cried, zapping books with his hands, this caught Xavier by surprise and he jumped, "Wednesday please come back soon." He mumbled pleadingly.


Wednesday walked with her destination in mind, Thing trailed behind her, trying to keep up. She never thought about how difficult it may be for a hand to keep up with a full sentient being. So in one burst of sympathy, she bent down and offered thing a ride. He tried to rub it in, "don't be soft about it, I just didn't want anyone to see you. And I was very close to stepping on your fingers." She told him scathingly.

Thing snapped twice once they reached the statue. Surprisingly, the two boys were fine together, northing too seriously wrong. "I have Thing." She told Fester. "Hey buddy! How are yo-" he didn't finish because Thing began strangling him, "Still mad about that I see. Well make up for it, crack the safe!" He cried, clawing at Thing who was still wrapped around his neck. Wednesday watched in silent enjoyment, though she showed nothing on the outside, inside she felt something burst in her chest. Laughter not being allowed to be set free, it swirled around like a shark in a tank too small for it to swim in. It banged on the walls of her chest until she let out a small, "ha."

She was surprised by this but her uncle and Thing were too busy arguing to notice. She stared wide eyed at the floor before loosing her patience and ripping this off of Fester. "Couldn't have done that sooner?" He asked panting. She shrugged, "I was enjoying the show." She spoke monotonously. He nodded and kept trying to catch his breath. She took thing over to the safe where she and Fester watched as he turned the knob repeatedly and shook the handle.

Fester groaned, "Not this again! Come on Thing." Thing gave him the middle finger and continued working. He shook the knob and it opened, turning to Fester smugly, he gestured a welcome. Wednesday grabbed the journal and shut the safe, she shut the portrait as well and turned around to make her way up the stairs. "Uncle Fester, stay here. Hide when the nightshades come." Wednesday commanded, "get caught and I wasn't joking about disowning you." He smiled and waved as she went up the stairs.

Her breath caught when she saw Xavier talking with Bianca. An emotion filled her chest that could only be identified as jealousy. She felt dizzy at the thought. Jealousy? Wednesday jealous of Bianca. Never. She didn't notice her fists clenching until she released it and felt a stinging sensation where her nails pressed into her palm and a tight stiffness in her fingers. She walked past them. She kept her head straight and did not allow herself one glance at the puny interaction. It had a microscopic meaning compared to what she was uncovering.

"Wednesday!" Someone called her name. She turned around and to her disappointment and discomfort...it was Rowan. He smiled greedily at her, not that he had anything to be greedy about....but...he seemed to relish in her attention. "Yes?" She asked. "We have a hummers meeting today! We don't want to be late. Us being Eugene's only friends. And you both being my only friends." He told her, grabbing her hand and whisking her back in the direction she came.

She passed by Xavier and Bianca once more, catching them in what looked to be like an almost intimate moment, but they both looked their way when Rowan came thundering past. Xavier looked at them in confusion, she noticed he wore that expression a lot, he sent Wednesday a look as if asking what was going on. She stared back offering no answer and tugged her hand away from Rowan, walking straight to the Bee Shed.

They both entered the shed and Wednesday took off her bag and set it down on the table. Once she got on her suit she turned around and stared in shock as Rowan held the journal in his hands. "Fancy diary you got here." He told her smirking. "Wonder what it says..." "no!" Wednesday shouted and launched herself at Rowan. The two grappling around for the book. Wednesday finally yanked it away from him. "Gosh...feisty. Okay. I didn't read anything, don't worry." He told her chuckling.

She glared at him and shoved the book back into her bag. "Touch my things one more time and you won't even need to use your glasses." She told him. "Is that a threat?" He asked. "I think it is." She told him and executed a motion of her poking out his eyeballs. His eyes widened and he backed away every so slightly. "And I'll do it in your sleep."

Wednesday and Rowan waited in an uncomfortable silence. "Where is Eugene?" Rowan asked. Wednesday didn't reply, instead she checker her phone, she still hadn't gotten accustomed to checking it. And there on her screen, a text from Eugene,

"Hey, you were late so I went into the woods to look for some gypsy moths. I know this cool cave. Sent Rowan out to get you. It's a 15 minute walk. See you soon!"

Wednesday scrambled to get her suit off. He went into the woods. How idiotic can someone be? There's a danger out there. She hung her suit and grabbed her backpack. She stepped outside of the shed and a tug in her gut pulled her head back...

She watched as Eugene ran. She could see the fear in his eyes. His hair flew around wildly and he clutched onto the container of gypsy moth eggs. He tripped on a rock and looked up. He screamed in terror. All she saw next was blood.

Wednesday gasped and looked around terrified. She ran into the woods, she didn't stop until her lungs gave out. She panted and walked around spinning in circles until, there lying amongst the leaves and the grass was Eugene. His stomach bloodied and face scratched. Her eyes geared up but she refused to cry.

She bent over and picked him up, hauling him back to the school. She grunted, "Come on Eugene, come on. Just hold on." His breathing was slowing down and his flesh was cooling. She started yelling, "HELP! HELP! PLEASE!" Eugene coughed and she took that as a good sign, she had to keep going.

Wednesday's breathe was becoming unsteady again. Her hands began to shake and she yelled in frustration. Her disoriented vision came back, and her heart beat erratically. It was another one. She started to imagine it as her own monster, staying hidden but attacking and sinking its teeth into her at the worst times. She continued to pull Eugene out of the woods.

She almost cried out for joy at the sight of the school. Her pace quickened, but her attack increased with the urgency. She cried desperately for help until people came running. She allowed a group of werewolves to take him from her and they ran off to get him to the hospital. Wednesday's hands shook and her vision was so blurry she could barely see, the shaking spread to her whole body and she walked slowly and carefully, she couldn't breathe. She didn't know where she was going. "Wednesday?" She heard over her own breathing.

"It's happening again isn't it?" Said the person. She couldn't focus, she couldn't, she couldn't, she couldn't...there it was, her heart, her lungs, the strings and chains all pulled. Another heart squeeze. And defines it wasn't a good one.

Hope you guys enjoyed. I love reading all of your comments, so please feel free to write some more. Thank you for reading. The characters don't belong to me, just the plot.
I'm updating as much as I can, but if  I skip a day, don't worry I didn't forget. I'm just juggling everything on top of writing a new part every single day.

Thank you for all of your support!

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now