woe's a killer

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Wednesday noticed that ever since Rowan joined the Hummers, he seemed incredibly set on being closer to her. She sat alone in the library, she had found a book about visions. It didn't tell her anything other than what she already knew, but it was better than sitting around and doing nothing. She heard footsteps and saw Rowan was also in the library, holding a black book. She only caught the word Monsters in the title before he pulled jt closer to his chest.

Suspicion rised higher in her chest. But she kept to herself and showed no obvious signs of her arising suspicion. She caught his gaze and he grinned and waved. He made his way over to her and sat down. Once he did Wednesday stoid up abruptly, pushing her chair back so loudly that the sound of it scratching against the floor echoed throughout the library. She collected her things and started walking away.

"Wait!" Rowan shouted from behind her. She stopped and looked at him. "D-do you....maybe...want to go to Harvest festival with me?" He asked her. She just sighed, turned around and kept walking. "So is that a maybe?" He called out after her. Wednesday walked faster and made her way to her dorm.

Thing greeted her as she came in. "Hello Thing." She told him. "I'm afraid this situation is worsening. Rowan tried to ask me out. The trivial manner of these teenagers... disgusting. And he had a book about monsters. Could he possibly be linked to the murder?" She thought aloud. Thing signed back that it could just be genuine curiosity. "That's true...but it doesn't disguise the fact that he's taking a," Wednesday gagged, "a liking...to me."

"Who's taken a liking to you?" Enid asked as she entered the dorm. Wednesday whipped around to face Enid before pacing, "Rowan. I think he might be my stalker." Enid's face contorted in surprise, "are you sure?" She checked. "No, I'm not. He's a suspect....what was he doing with that book though?" Wednesday trailed off.

Wednesday took a good look at Enid and noticed she had something clutched tightly in her hand. "What's that?" She questioned, motioning to Enid's closed palm. Enid squealed, "only the cutest most romantic thing ever!" She jumped. Wednesday sighed, "what did Ajax give you now?" Enid shook her head and smiled wider, "It's for you!" She exclaimed, handing Wednesday the peice of paper.

As Wednesday began unfolding it Enid continued talking, "It's from Xavier! Can you believe it? He asked you to the Harvest Festival! That. Is. Adorable! Oh my god, I ship!" She shook with excitement.

And sure enough on the page was an  intricate drawing of a Ferris wheel and written under it was the question, "Wanna go to the Harvest Fest with me? P.S Blow on the page." Wednesday raised her eyebrows at the note and blew softly on the paper. It ruffled and shook until the Ferris wheel began to spin. She almost felt a smile tug at her lips. She bit her cheek instead. "Awwwww that's so sweet!" Enid cooed over her shoulder. "So you're going with him right?" Wednesday stared up at her blankly, "I-" "GREAT! Thing, go tell Xavier Wednesday said yes while I help her figure out what to wear."

"I already have something to wear." Wednesday protested as Enid stormed into her closet. "You mean that dress you showed up in? Hell no, no offence, but that was a cry for fashion help." Enid called out. Wednesday sighed and chose not to impose, she sat down at her desk and began typing out her novel while listening to the sound of Enid ruffling through each and every one of her hangers. The scratching sound of metal on metal oddly soothed Wednesday and helped her along. Her fingers moved swiftly across the keys. Her hand automatically reaching over to push the carriage. The ding of her typewriter making her feel welcome.

"Here!" Enid shouted. Wednesday turned to Enid sporting an uninterested facial expression. Enid frowned as she saw Wednesday's enthusiasm level, but she smiled again nonetheless. "It is the perfect outfit. It's you, but it isn't screaming I'm wearing a little girl dress that would make you look like a pedophile. And it's casual but not too casual." "As much as I enjoyed your pedophilic joke, where did you find a black tube top in my closet?" Wednesday questioned.  Enid grinned, "I have my ways....Now put it on!" Wednesday shuffled around and got the outfit on.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now