From woe to tears

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Wednesday stared numbly at her reflection in the mirror. She traced over the bruises on her neck, wincing with every gentle touch. Her wrists stung and the scratches bled. She sighed and undid her braids, letting her hair cover her neck. Her heart squeezed in pain and her eyes prickled with the effort of keeping her from crying.

Her hand shook as she ran her fingers through her hair. Her breath quickened and her vision blurred, it was another one. She closed her eyes but all she saw was Tyler's beastly smile. Her phone buzzed and she stared at the screen as it lit up. Photos over the course of the past few weeks littered her messages from Unidentified.

She picked it up and yelled. Throwing it at the mirror. She watched as it hit the mirror and fell down onto the floor. The screen as cracked as the mirror. She hated it. This is why she resented technology.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts. "Wednesday...are you alright?" Xavier's muffled voice came from the other side of the door. He had brought her to the back of the café so she could clean herself up and hide her bruises in the washroom there, upon her request.

"I'm fine." She told him frustrated. she swallowed down another wave of tears and ran her fingers through her hair. She went over and picked up the phone, putting it in her bag. She couldn't care less about its state.

She opened the door and was met by Xavier's concerned expression. "Stop looking at me like that. I'll poke your eyes out. Sympathy is something I do not want." She told him. He nodded, "But I am me. So here." He told her softly, bringing her in for a hug.

She stood there briefly not knowing what to do. He rested his chin on her head and wrapped his arms around her waist. Her hand slowly crawled up his back and she melted into it. She inhaled and exhaled, trying to gage a steady breathing pace.

She was being strong. She had tied it all up and thrown it to the bottom of her bottomless pit. But she felt it rising, and she felt the tears. So she quickly let go and took a shaky breath. "I refuse to break down." She informed him. He nodded and held her hand reassuringly.

She didn't meet his gaze, too afraid of what she'd see in his eyes. So she walked forward steadily, no one would guess that anything was wrong. No one.


"When the fuck did this happen Wednesday?" Enid yelled at her as she stared at Wednesday's neck. Thing sat on her shoulder, rubbing it affectionately. "It's nothing Enid." Wednesday told her, pulling her hair up to go to bed.

"It's not nothing! He tried to fucking rape you! That price of shit! I'm going to kill him." Enid fumed as she paced around the room. Wednesday watched as her....friend went ballistic over something that happened to her. She cared. And it made something warm up inside of her.

Wednesday could never find it in her to care. She would try and dig for something once in a while, but it always came up short...almost. Her emotions have been going haywire since she got to this teenage purgatory.

"How are you so calm about this?!" Enid asked in disbelief. Wednesday shrugged and sniffed, "Not a big deal." Enid sighed, "It is. And we're going to file a report." Wednesday scoffed,

"His dad's the sheriff."

"He can't ignore the bruises."

"He can."

"We're going! And that's final." Enid shouted sternly.

Wednesday shifted uncomfortably under Enid's gaze. Enid softened at the sight, there. Right at the back do her eyes, behind the wall she put up to hide from the world, emotion. Broken emotion. Enid crumbled and slowly walked over to Wednesday.

Wednesday looked up at her confused but Enid's arms wrapped around her. The pure emotion in the gesture was enough to pull down Wednesday's facade. She was tired, god was she tired. She felt drained and it had only been a day. She sobbed into her friend's shoulder and shook with the water boarding emotion. Thing rubbed her arm affectionately and wrapped himself around her wrist, rubbing his thumb comfortingly.

In this moment all Wednesday could feel was despair. And not the enjoyable kind. Her breathe shook and her vision blurred, her hands trembled and her lungs and heart squeezed.

Enid cried too. She held on to Wednesday. She was impacted by what had happened to her. Enid couldn't bare to see her in such pain. All she could do was mutter comforting words and shush her. Eventually she felt Wednesday go still and her grip on her loosened, Enid's heart ached at the fact that Wednesday had cried herself to sleep.

She tucked her in under the sheets and moved back to her respective bed. She sighed and stole another look at Wednesday's sleeping body. This was the most okay she had looked ever since they got back.


Wednesday didn't and couldn't find the motivation to get out of bed. To move. She was pretty sure that if she needed motivation to breathe and for her heart to pump, both would have stopped by now. She turned over again and tugged at her over sized black t-shirt in which she had slept in.

She felt like a mess and knew she probably looked like one too. Enid's feeble attempt at getting her out failed and even getting her to talk was a lost cause. Wednesday wasn't her normal antisocial self, she was broken. Even she knew she was broken.

She was numb and confused and sure and in pain. She was angry but hated it and didn't and wanted to do something. Enid had gone out in search of a solution she said, but Wednesday was sure nothing was working.

The door clicked and she heard Enid come in. "Wednesday...I brought Xavier back with me. I'll give you some privacy, and I hope he can cheer you up just a bit." Enid spoke softly before walking away and closing the door behind her.

Xavier walked carefully and sat down on the edge of Wednesday's bed. She was facing the wall and was staring blankly at the brick right in front of her face. " are you feeling?" He asked her quietly, afraid she'd crack if he spoke too loudly.

"Talk to me Wednesday. Please." He begged after waiting for her to answer. She sighed and sat up. She inhaled shakily, "I want to die Xavier." She told him, voice breaking.

His heart broke with her voice. "No no...don't say that." He told her reaching out for her hand. She nodded, tears forming at her lash line, "ever breathe feels poisonous and every move feels pointless. I feel dirty and disgusting. And-and I hate myself for being so weak. I-I'm so useless. All of that training for what? Getting assaulted by a teenage boy." Wednesday cried.

"I HATE IT!" She shouted, pure agony in her voice. Her sobs filled the room and she threw her arms around Xavier. He held onto her, she had never seemed delicate before but now...

She wanted comfort, she just went in search for it. Xavier knew how broken she was. And it seemed to be getting worse and worse. "Those things you said are not true." He told her running his hand over her hair. "You are strong and amazing. You're going through a rough patch but you will emerge victorious. Everyone goes through shit, you're even better than everyone." He whispered.

Wednesday looked at him, her eyes glossy. He stared as her cheeks glistened with tears, eyes puffy and red. They realized how close they were, inches apart. Feeling each other's breath in their skin.

And maybe it was a spur of the moment but their lips met once again. Moving in sync. Wednesday's hands found their way into Xavier's hair, tugging at his roots. He groaned as his hugged her waist.

They parted, lips swollen. Their foreheads connected."I'm sorry." Xavier told her. "For what?" She whispered. "For all of this." He responded. "Not your fault." She shrugged, seemingly finished crying. "I just kissed you, after you were almost raped-" he told her. "And I didn't push you away. So stop talking or I'll rip out your throat." Wednesday told him annoyed.

"Go to the dance with me." Xavier told her. It wasn't even a question really, more of a statement. "Alright..."

Hey guys! This was just a really sad chapter. Everyone is sad. I felt like I needed to write some really emotional stuff lol.

Plot belongs to me, not the characters.

Thank you for reading!!!

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