Surprise surprise woe was you

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Wednesday was surprised to wake up to a silent dorm. Wednesday always woke up before Enid, and that usually meant having to suffer through her obnoxiously loud snores for another hour and a half. But today it was silent. Almost as if Enid were-

Gone. Enid was gone. And over in the next bed was a person that definitely was not Enid. Too tall...too boyish. "Xavier?" Wednesday asked the sleeping figure who rustled and moved until they turned over to face her and it was, in fact, Xavier. She called out his name again and this time he woke up.

He smiled softly at the sight of her staring at him from across the room. "Hey." He whispered. Wednesday didn't reply. "Enid's sleeping over at Ajax's. So I stayed here to make sure you wouldn't have a heart attack during the night. Don't worry, Enid allowed me to sleep on her bed." He chuckled.

Wednesday nodded and wrapped her arms around her rip cage. She felt the pain wash over her, like waves crashing against the shore over and over and over again, pummelling her. She didn't even notice she was groaning in pain until Xavier rushed over and held her.

He scooped her up gently and cradled her in his arms. She couldn't help but feel pathetic at first, but with her head against his chest, she listened to his heart beat and the feeling faded away. Feeling pathetic, not that pain, that was still there.

Xavier reached over and pulled out a water bottle and her prescribed pain killers. Offering her two pills, enough to last her until lunch time. Wednesday put the pills in her mouth, then chugged down some water.

She was pale and shaky. And laid silently staring into space as she waited for the pain to slowly fade away, so she could ignore it. So instead, she focused on Xavier's arms curled around her, enveloping her in warmth. She tried to focus on the gentleness with which he held her.

He watched her close her eyes and breath out shakily. His heart pained to see her like this. Slowly planting a kiss onto her forehead. She sighed and curled up into a ball slowly, trying her best not to wince. She cuddled up into Xavier for what felt like and eternity. Their eternity. Just them.

{Just the two of us~🎶}

Wednesday sat up shakily and got out of bed. Xavier have her a confused look, "what are you doing?" He questioned. Wednesday didn't reply, instead walked slowly towards her closet and stepped inside. Xavier sat patiently on her bed and watched as she immersed in an oversized hoodie and tights, opposed to her pyjamas which consisted of shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"I'm going to go speak to principal Weems." Wednesday informed him. He eyed her skeptically, "Are you sure you're up for it? I really think maybe you could wait a bit." He suggested. Wednesday shook her head, "Thing's been missing for so long now. I have no one else to turn to, as much as it pains me. Hang me like a witch later, will you?" She asked him sarcastically. Xavier smiled at her little scoff, "asking Weems for help." He heard her mumble and could sense the roll of her eyes from his spot on her bed.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He offered. "It's fine Xavier." She opposed.
"You're still hurt though." He remarked.
"I said, it's fine." She told him stubbornly.
"At least let me walk you-"
"No. I am perfectly capable of walking!" She then proceeded to fall.

Xavier hopped up from her bed and rushed to her side. Worry was written across his face as he helped her up. "Are you alright? Wednesday?" She groaned, "maybe walk me over there." She told him reluctantly. She despised the smirk that followed after. Thing better be grateful. She thought.


"Xavier just stay out here." Wednesday instructed him. Xavier nodded and gave her a reassuring smile, before looking around and finding a seat to sit on. He gestured for her to open the door to which Wednesday rolled her eyes and limped inside.

Weems was busy working away on her computer when Wednesday barged in without so much as a knock. Not that she was surprised, but she had been a startled by the sudden noise, not that it was Wednesday. She choked out a smile, "Why Ms.Addams! What are you doing out of bed?" She inquired.

"I'm afraid I need to ask you something." Wednesday grumbled. "Well whatever is it? You're threatening your health right now!" Weems cried, a tad bit too concerned and happy. Suffocatingly so, it seemed it was getting to her head. Or so it seemed.

"Thing has gone missing." Wednesday told her. Weems' smile dropped, "I'm sorry? She asked confused. Wednesday elaborated, "Thing is family. A severed hand. He's been missing ever since I've been in hospital." Wednesday told Weems.

"I see...well have you looked properly?" Weems asked innocently, clearly not understanding with what vigour Wednesday wished to scour the school for her friend. Yes, friend. "Of course I have." Wednesday stated matter of factly. Weems replied,

"Hm...well it's too bad I don't care then."

Wednesday stared at her, "well, I didn't expect you to fall down on your knees and cry. I'm simply asking for aid." Wednesday glance. Weems laughed, "oh yes yes! He's all fine and handy." Wednesday shifted uncomfortably as she observed her headmistress throw her head back in laughter repeatedly. "But how would you know that?"

"Oh Wednesday dear, you asked for my aid, here you go." Weems smiled and pulled a key from her hair. I guess she out that outrageous hairstyle to use. Wednesday commented. Weems unlocked a drawer and pulled out what looked like a sack of potatoes.

But Weems sneered in disgust as she untied and opened the bag, dumping out its contents onto her desk. And out dropped a limp, bloody, hand. The thud seemed to echo around the room and Wednesday's scream seemed caught in her throat at the sight of Thing.

Cold. And dead.


Hi! Sorry for not updating in so long! Thank you for still reading! I love you all!

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