A spider's woe

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"All students report to the Quad for an announcement. All students report to the quad." A voice spoke loudly across the grounds. Enid groaned as she got out of bed. Her hair was a mess, werewolves sleep run, and sleep fight, and sleep talk, and sleep growl. It sat like a nest upon her head, which is why Wednesday knew she got first dibs on the bathroom in the morning.

Wednesday got into her closet and changed into her uniform. She braided her hair and did her bangs and went into the washroom after Enid to wash her face and brush her teeth. She put on what little makeup she wore and ran her fingers over her freckles. She left the bathroom and sat on her bed, waiting for Enid. She spoke with Thing about the new moisturizing routine he was doing, truly made him glow.

When Enid was finally done, the two girls grabbed their bags, Wednesday allowed Thing to get inside, before they made their way down to the quad. Everyone seemed to be whispering amongst each other, principal Weems at the front of the crowd about to speak.

"I will be absent for the majority of this semester!" She told them, "I will be going on a mental health leave. I'm afraid I cannot disclose more information about my situation. Know that the school will be in good hands, all of your professors here know how to keep the flow. And I won't be cut off from the world, so they will be able to contact me. Any requests that you would normally ask me, you shall ask a teacher who shall then inform me. Thank you." Her accent prominent. Students gasped and the whispering crescendoed.

It reminded Wednesday of the sea, shore widening as the water retracted, allowing Weems to speak, but suddenly crashing back down and drowning out all noise. Wednesday kept to herself in the corner, leaned against the wall. She felt tired and wanted to go back to sleep. She didn't want to deal with people today, even less so than usual. Her phone buzzed in her pocket.


Hey, can't get rid of me so easily.

Attached to the message was a photo of her right now. Wednesday looked up for her phone and looked around, her head whipped from left to right staring at every teen around her to see if she could catch a glimpse of someone putting their phone away. But no such luck. She internally groaned and let frustration and anger consume her in her little corner. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a familiar tall person approaching her.

"Hey stranger." Xavier greeted. He seemed to notice her clutching onto her phone angrily. Her knuckles were white. "What's going on here?" He questioned, reaching over and grabbing her phone. Her phone was still on luckily, and Xavier read the messages this unidentified number sent her. "Wednesday," he spoke, face full of concern, "this is not normal. You have a stalker. A fucking stalker." He told her, scrolling through the imaged in frustration. "The hell is this! Where the fuck did he get those?!"

Wednesday sighed, staring off into space and allowing him to get it all out. "ENID!" that snapped her out of it. Xavier had called Enid over and Enid now wore the same expression of concern on her face. "Can  I have my phone back?" Wednesday requested, voice dry of interest and care. "Wednesday...this isn't good. How about we talk to Weems about it?" Enid asked. "No." Was all that Wednesday replied before standing up abruptly and catching the end of Weems' speech.

"I will be back for most of the main events like parents' weekend, the harvest festival, the Rave'N. Etcetera." She smiled, "and remember, I care about all of you. All of the members of the Nevermore family." She gave one last wave before taking up her luggage and walking out of the gates towards her car. Students started to gather in little groups, all meeting to discuss what had just happened.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now