Woe to dance

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Wednesday felt exposed in her dress. It hugged at her figure and flowed gracefully. It was black and would make her standout against the white of the party. Her heels clicked as she walked the empty halls by herself.

She had told Xavier not to pick her up at her dorm. He was to wait for her at the main room by the party. She wanted to have enough time to turn back. So far...it didn't seem like she wanted to.

Her hair was pinned up in braids and strands fell down to frame her face along with her bangs. Blush was lightly tapped over her freckles, mascara and eyeliner subtly adding flare, lipgloss rubbing against her lips.

Makeup covered her bruises, Enid expertly did it. It covered them so well that she could pretend they weren't there, just for these moments. And those to come.

She hesitated as she reached the turn that led to the stairs descending to the main room. She could turn back. But she..for some odd reason..wanted to go. She pulled herself along and stood at the top of the steps.

Xavier froze at the sight of her. She looked completely ethereal. People say Wednesday awkward looked half dead, but Xavier only saw a glow on her porcelain skin.

She looked alive. She was radiant. His breath wasn't taken away, yet locked and hidden. Only allowing him to breath once she got closer. She walked down slowly, and his heart rate quickened. He immediately grabbed her hand when she reached the final step and pulled her close.

He bent down low over her ear and whispered, "You look stunning." Her eyes widened at the compliment. She didn't acknowledge it, Xavier knew it was because she was flustered and he beamed with pride as he offered her his arm. She too it hesitantly and allowed him to lead her to the dance.

Music blared as they entered the room. Enid walked over with Ajax in tow. "I told you you looked great." She complimented Wednesday when she saw the look Xavier was giving her. "Your art Enid." Wednesday responded monotonously. She then turned to Ajax, "I have never gotten the occasion to tell you this...but break her heart and I will rip your out, and the last thing you see will be my hands crushing it, the last thing you hear will be the squelching of your heart and the last thing you'll touch will be the empty hole where your heart once was." Wednesday threatened, glaring at him.

His eyes widened as he slightly backed away. "Don't listen to her." She chuckled and rubbed Ajax's arm. Xavier laughed awkwardly and tugged Wednesday along with him to the snacks table.

Wednesday stared plain faced at the teenagers dancing around. She flinched in disgust as one yet out a disgustingly cringily enthusiastic "whoop!". Xavier chuckled at her reaction. Disinterest peaking his own. "Try to have fun Wednesday. Don't decide to hate it already." He told her. He honestly felt like she should give more things a chance, she'd enjoy it more.

"I haven't decided to hate it. Yet. It's such a challenge." She spoke the last part with dry sarcasm. Her date chuckled. A slow song came on and Xavier asked her if she wanted to dance. He bowed jokingly and offered her his hand. Wednesday took it, disinterested. He dragged her out onto the dance floor and watched in amusement as Wednesday swayed awkwardly by herself, not reallly knowing what to do.

She looked bored, swaying her arms lazily beside her. Xavier smiled softly and grabbed her wrists. Wednesday's eyes widened and she immediately pulled hers away, her heart sped up. Tyler's voice rang in her head.

Wall right there

You will love me....


"Hey Wednesday...you're okay." He told her, allowing her an exit out of her chaotic headspace. She looked at him with a newly renewed wall built. Xavier sighed. He watched it crumble as her eyes widened in fear just one minute ago, and now he watched as she jumbled it all together and put up another wall that acted as a cage and chains but also as a defence.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now