Woe there

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When Wednesday and Xavier parted, their breathing was heavy and in sync. Wednesday began taking a step back but remembered they had an audience. She had forgotten they were there. So instead of taking a step back she moved, uncomfortably closer to him. His shoulders seemed to relax and his grip tightened around her waist, resting his forehead against hers. He slowly closed his eyes and Wednesday followed suit. They absorbed each other's presence. Wednesday was fighting through the inner turmoil, she hated this, she loved this, she hated that she loved this and loved that she hated it, and was completely and utterly disgusted by the lingering buzz on her lips. 

The kiss felt like electroshock therapy, it even had the satisfying after shock. She had forgotten once again that they were not alone. They heard Bianca groan in annoyance which snapped them out of their trance. They both jumped back and separated from each other. Xavier felt cold. Bianca rolled her eyes and motioned for her troupe to follow her as she walked away, deciding to use the unoriginal cliché of bumping Wednesday's shoulder. 

Wednesday herself was shocked by her actions. What had come over her? This was completely out of character, did she even have a character? She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at her feet, frustrated. Xavier tried to hide his surprise, it was a pleasant surprise though. His heart beat loudly in his ears as he ran a hand through his hair. Enid raised an eyebrow, "Not together huh, Wednesday?" She teased. Wednesday sighed and walked away. "I'm never letting this go!" Enid called out after her, which only made Wednesday's pace quicken. 



So...it seems like you've got yourself

a little boyfriend. No matter. He can 

be discarded.  

Wednesday just about shoved her phone into her bag. She stomped into her dorm room, a tug in her gut pulled her head back and she watched as someone took thing from behind and stuff him in a sac. Thing wriggled inside of it with no way to escape. Wednesday gasped and looked around panicked, she saw Thing sitting on her bed, looking completely normal. Maybe the vision was nothing. But she had a weird feeling that it meant something. 

She huffed and sat down at her desk, deciding to clear her mind and write. Her hands found their way to a steady typing rhythm. She gave a satisfied sigh as she continued to write the tails of Viper. Though she found herself writing in a male character that seemed to have caught Viper's interest. Subconsciously of course. She continued writing on, how Viper followed her case and only pulled out dead ends. How she felt some release when being with this character and- Wednesday's eyes spread wide. 

Oh no.  

She had written romance in her story. Romance. She must be loosing her mind. She tugged on her braids and stared at the sheets of paper already sullied with the romance of her character. She couldn't take it back now. The damage was already done. And she had already switched the plot to accommodate this new character. She stared at the wall, vexed by all that had happened to her. She hated this disturbance inside of her. 

She wished to hang herself. She truly did. But she settled with clenching her jaw. 


Xavier Thorpe walked with a hop in his step. He was making his way to his art studio when he noticed somebody walking past. It was a boy and it looked exactly like, "Rowan?". Rowan eyed his surroundings cautiously before entering the school. "You okay?" He called out confused. Rowan wasn't here, unless he had forgotten something. Xavier followed him back inside the school, through the hallways, but he took a turn and Xavier lost his trail. He wandered around aimlessly, searching through the hallways. "Mister Thorpe? Can I help you with anything?" came the voice of principal Weems. "Oh! I'm sorry, I was just- I thought I saw Rowan enter the school. Which doesn't make sense since he left." Xavier told her, chuckling nervously. 

"Oh yes. I'm afraid you missed him. I had called him back to retrieve  a letter for his mother, just about his education and such." Principal Weems smiled at him. He shrugged, "Alright, well, thank you." She nodded and pushed him to the side gently, "I'm sorry, you were just standing right outside of my office." Xavier stumbled out of the way, "I didn't even notice! Sorry." he rushed out and walked away, back to his art studio. At least he wasn't seeing things. 


"Right well, this is Jericho.  You've already been here, so I'm not sure as to why you insisted I come Mother." Wednesday told her scathingly. "Just wanted you to go out dear. Can't stay cooped up with your boyfriend forever. Your family's here." Morticia Addams told her daughter, "How about we go and get some coffee?" She offered, crossing the street to the coffee shop. Wednesday begrudgingly followed. 

The bell rang as they opened the door. Tyler was working there, it was his shift. He looked up at Wednesday and smiled widely, sending her a questioning look referring to the fact that she normally came in alone. Wednesday went up to him and ordered their drinks. "So...is that your family?" Tyler asked, trying to strike up conversation. "Yes." "Do you guys have a theme going or something?" he asked, gesturing to their white and black 'theme'. Wednesday ignored his comment and waited in silence for the drinks. She gave him a slight nod and brought them over to the table. She slid in and passed every member their order. She ordered a quad over ice, she would need the energy. 

The family drank in silence but all looked up with the bells on the door rang. "Why hello Addams family." she said with a bit of forced cheeriness. "Oh! Larissa! I have your yearbook right here." Gomez said, handing it to her. She smiled greatly in thank you. "We enjoyed it." Morticia told her. Weems gave her a slight nod as her smile faltered. "Well, I'm afraid this is also a goodbye, I'm just getting some coffee and snacks for the drive to the train station." Weems told them.  "Good luck Larissa." Mrs.Addams smiled at her, she smiled back with less enthusiasm. 

"I'm afraid that we're going to have to leave tomorrow then." Gomez announced. "Would you like us to bring Thing back home with us?" Wednesday shook her head, "That's alright. He's bonded with my room mate." she declared. Her dry humor remark earned a few chuckled. 


Wednesday shut the door to her dorm quietly. She was greeted by Enid and Thing as she came in. "How was your family?" Enid asked, "The same. What about yours?" She went to her closet and began  to get changed. "The same." came out to see Enid sitting on her bed. "Get off my bed Enid." Wednesday demanded. She shook her head, "Not until you tell me what's going on between you and Xavier." Wednesday glared at her, "Nothing is going on." 

Enid scoffed, "You said that before and then you kissed him." "Figure it out." Wednesday retorted unenthusiastically. Enid groaned and went over to her bed, "Can I at least post it?" "No Enid." "Please?" "no." Enid pouted and put her things in order. 

A tug in Wednesday's gut pulled her head back and she watched as they made Thing sing and dance as a puppet. He walked around aimlessly, she could tell he had already accepted his fate. Wednesday gasped and come back. "Are you alright? We thought you were having  seizure." Enid asked her, motioning to the both of them. Her and Thing. "Thing you are not allowed to leave this room until I deal with something. You aren't safe out there, so stay here, okay?" Wednesday commanded sternly,  looking at him as he nodded in understanding. 


Wednesday couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned. Her mind was clouded with confusion, unsureness, worry, frustration. She got up annoyed and pushed open her window and walked out into the open air. Wednesday stared up at the sky, the moon and the stars shone brightly. She breathed in the stingingly cold air, her lungs seemed to crackle in her chest but she adored it. And for just a little while, Wednesday felt like a kid again without any burdens or responsibilities. 

Hey guys, sorry this chapter sucked. I'm falling asleep. I am so busy, but I keep trying to update for you guys. Thank you so much for participating. And I love reading your comments. 

The characters do not belong to me, just the plot. 

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