Beastly woes

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Her family left. They could only afford to stay for the weekend, how convenient that she woke up in a Friday. Pugsley had to go to school and her parents had to go home and take care of the house. Only the devil knows what that means. Wednesday never had the opportunity to speak with principal Weems. With the weekend now over, Weems was tied up at the school, and she was tied up in the hospital.

On the news, there were more attacks. Why? Wednesday didn't know. What could Rowan possibly want with killing a bunch of meth heads and squatters. Hikers go into the woods, and don't come out. "There is a murderous bear in Jericho! Hiker watch out, this bear is in a rampage, so far there have been ten attacks. Two are severely injured and eight are dead."

The television continued to blabber on. Wednesday's heart pounded. She feared if she looked down at her chest she would see it trying to escape its cage. Then she heard a knock at her door. Her nurse, popped her head in and smiled welcomingly, "excuse me miss Addams. But your boyfriend is here to see you." Her heart calmed down a bit, it was just Xavier. He couldn't resist stroking his own ego could he?

"Alright let him in." Wednesday told her. The nurse grinned and moved aside, allowing the teenage boy to enter. "Xavier, I told you, you don't need to..." it wasn't Xavier. But Tyler. Wednesday's expression turned sour, "what are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"Oh come on now, dear." Tyler smiled opening his arms, "I was worried about you. That terrible monster hurting you, pained me. I regret- I mean I bet the monster regrets hurting you." Tyler told her. Wednesday scoffed, about to make the comment that he was the monster but stopped herself, remembering her predicament.

She was bed ridden, in pain, badly hurt because of the person in front of her. But she had the advantage of feigned ignorance. He didn't know she was on to him and therefore is safe...well, as safe as she could be for now.

So instead of pointing out said fact she settled for, "it's an emotionless monster. It has no feelings." Tyler chuckled under his breath, "Maybe it's just hungry..." Wednesday stared at him, his excuse game was terrible. Or maybe it was just hungry.

"I would like for you to get out." She told him scathingly. "Oh but I just arrived. You don't want to get rid of me so soon do you?" He asked teasingly. It was sickening. "Well, how would you feel if you were vulnerable and your assaulted came to visit?" Wednesday asked rhetorically.

"I am not your assaulter." Tyler denied, walking to her bedside and leaning towards her ear, "I'm your lover." He told her pulling away and smiling at her. "And I think I deserve a kiss." He whispered, his face inching towards hers. Wednesday's hand shot up to block him, and his wrapped around her neck. "All I have to do is squeeze. Kiss me." Tyler growled at her.

"All I have to do is scream. And with a witness your father won't be there to save you. How will that look? Sheriffs son attempting to rape innocent, wounded girl?" Wednesday spat. Tyler huffed and pulled his hand away, storming out of the hospital room.

Wednesday sighed, leaning back on her bed. She breathed shakily. She had the slightest urge in her to pray, pray for things to get better, pray for Tyler to just disappear, pray for these feelings to stop suffocating her, pray...pray..pray...pray for everything wrong in her life, for everything wrong with her to just disappear.

Her eyes closed in prayer, but her list yet was so long she was becoming drowsy. Falling asleep with a pleasing look on her face and hands clasped together, she was still begging in her sleep. Tyler Galpin had brought her to her knees. Wether he knew it, or not he had.


Wednesday was awoken by a loud screech. Not of a person but of a chair being dragged across the floor. She hadn't yet opened her eyes but she heard the intruder mumble a silent, "oh shit." And that was enough to tell her it was Xavier.

"Hello." Her word broke the silence. "Wednesday...I thought you were sleeping." He whispered, planting a kiss on her cheek. "I-I was. Surprisingly." She remarked. "Surprisingly?"

"I haven't been sleeping well. I think the monster's back." She told him. " were attacked by it and it out you in the hospital." He humoured. "Not that monster. My monster. The one that haunts me, that startled me awake, that restricts my breathing, squeezes my heart- the one that makes me want to die..." her voice broke.

"C'mere." Xavier told her and sat on her bed, pulling her into his chest. She couldn't seem to stop herself, the statement having pushed the tears so hard they were bound to overflow. She couldn't stop herself from crying. Sobbing into Xavier's shoulder, she let it all out, she yelled and screamed and cried. She didn't give a damn.

Her pain seemed to resonate. Xavier couldn't help but admire that even her pain was beautiful. He held her as close as he possibly could without hurting her and damaging the medical equipment. Wednesday didn't mind those, she clung to him like a fish on a hook, she felt like she had been stabbed and he was reeling her in.

She hated to say it. But Wednesday knew. She knew she needed him. She knew she did. She couldn't deny it anymore. He seemed like one of the only things keeping her sane. Keeping her from blowing away in the soft draft of the air conditioning. And as she sniffles into the crook of his neck, she whispered so quietly he almost missed it, "I need you. "


Emotions turned from words to kisses. Her lips trailed from his jaw to his lips. He kissed back softly but firmly. Her heart rattled against its chains, he didn't want to hurt her. Their mouths danced as their tongues touched, slithering and enveloping each other.

She felt his breath on her face and he hers. Pulling away for air Wednesday released herself from his grip and laid back down. "I'm torturing you, aren't I?"

Xavier shrugged. "Yes and no." He told her. Wednesday groaned and tugged at a strand of her hair, wincing as she plucked it out. "I expect it. I embrace it. If it has anything to do with you, I love it because I love you." He told her. "Love is like-like a super power. And I'm not going to waste mine sitting in a corner moping around. So it gives me this awesome super capacity to bring to withstand your torturing." He joked.

Wednesday stared blankly at the ceiling, "clearly you didn't adopt the mental capacity to explain things better than a five year old." She commented. Xavier out his hand on his heart jokingly, contorting his face into a dramatic expression of hurt. "Why, I never." He huffed.

Xavier's phone dinged. Xavier pulled it out and paled at what he saw. "What. What is it?" Wednesday Asked, snatching his phone from him. She groaned in frustration at the fact that it was locked.

"UNLOCK IT' " she shouted. And he did so, Wednesday looked through his notifications and saw one from an unidentified number.


Hello useless not
even real boyfriend!
Get off our backs.
We have a friend of yours
and will not hesitate to terminate
him if it means ending your search.

Wednesday scoffed and rolled her eyes. Before freezing and pressing on the videos they also sent- or Tyler also sent. She watched in horror as Thing squirmed around, tied to a table. She watched him bow shakily and bleed.

How could she let this happen? To Eugene and now Thing. She hated herself. She knew it wasn't just a witch, she wanted to be hung like one.

Okay guys! Happy new year! Thank you for reading! I don't proof - writing

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