Woes of the rarest kind

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Wednesday Addams felt utterly useless. Having been bedridden for a month now and Thing still not returned home. She began doing physio therapy to help her muscles adjust to being used again. The doctors were saying she'd be out in two weeks. She had to hold it together for two weeks. She could do that, couldn't she?

She found herself playing, 'loves me, loves me not' with the roses she received. Thinking about Xavier, she felt her heart flutter every tine it ended on 'loves me' and pretending it did when it landed on the latter. She denied it to herself, but she was becoming soft and mushy.

Her restlessness was so bad she couldn't even sleep. She tossed and turned in bed and ended up just staring at the ceiling, falling asleep at dawn. She would be awoken by visitors, the only ones being Enid and Xavier.

Wednesday dreaded that feeble conversation where she would have to lay it all out for Xavier. Her feelings. She had to confess, she knew she did, even though Xavier already knew without her saying so. But it wasn't her top priority at the moment, Xavier could live with stolen kisses and hand holding for now until she could truly focus on him.

She ate her food slowly in the morning, listening to her nurse chastise her about her lack of sleep. Denying every time she recommended a therapist. Wednesday didn't want to be studied, she didn't want to be poked and prodded until she spilled so someone could decide how to fix her.

"Just two more weeks...just two more weeks."she muttered to herself.


And two more weeks it was. On the morning of her release from that god awful prison, she was awoken by Enid's big "GOOD MORNING! YOU'RE GOING HOME!" It wasn't really home but Wednesday didn't want to burst her bubble. She looked around and wondered where Xavier was, he hadn't been there to see her back to Nevermore? How odd...

Wednesday ignored the hurt in her chest and got ready to leave. Stopping by Eugene's room to tell him they wouldn't be cellmates anymore. Both suffering equally. But he was strong enough to survive. And she'd visit, hummers stuck together after all.

The drive back to Nevermore was, flat, to say the least. Wednesday having painfully gotten into the car and zoned out while staring out of the window while Enid caught her up on all of the gossip. Like she wanted to know.

Once they got there, Enid carried Wednesday's bag for her and offered to carry Wednesday as well. The offer, all though...considerate, Wednesday had to decline. "Are you sure? I got super werewolf strength." Enid told her and jokingly flexed her arm. Wednesday shook her hand and slowly lowered Enid's arm. "I'm alright. It would be mortifying to be carried around by a ball of sunshine." Wednesday reasoned. Enid just shrugged but still let Wednesday go up the stairs first so she could catch her if she fell.

The process was slow, Wednesday clutched into her side with one arm while either clinging to the walls or railings for support. They finally made it to Ophelia Hall but she still needed to walk the fifty steps to her dorm. She counted silently under her breath, each word wavering with the effort of getting there.

When she opened her door she nearly jumped at the big "SURPRISE!" That erupted from inside. Seeing a big black and white "WELCOME BACK WEDNESDAY" sign hung on the ceiling of her room. So the spiders and cobwebs painted on strategically, she could tell it was Xavier's work, not only by the precision but by the fact that they moved. The spiders crawled from one cobweb to another, the letter all painted like the were stuck on one all together. And though she didn't like balloons, she didn't mind the black ones the fell from the ceiling, especially when someone screamed because one popped.

The only thing she didn't like was how many people were smushed into her dorm. She didn't mind Xavier, Ajax, Yoko(merely for the sake of Enid), but what she did mind was Bianca Barclay with her phone and  posse in the corner. Wednesday payed her no mind, well- the least she could considering she was a part of the people she would very much like to kick out of her dorm.

She heard Enid scold Xavier through gritted teeth, "I literally told you not too many people! This is Wednesday we're talking about!" Enid fumed from behind Wednesday. Xavier shrugged apologetically and whispered, "I asked Ajax to cover for me since I had to redo the sign." Ajax groaned and cowered away from his girlfriend who was now glaring daggers at him, "dude why'd you have to out me like that!"

Wednesday didn't even care enough to continue listening to their banter. "Everyone leave before I pull out the grenades I use as pillows." Wednesday threatened with a sickening scowl. It was truly one to make you feel queasy and doe eyed enough for you to want to whimper and waddle out of the room. Who needed ducking sirens, when you had a Wednesday?

And it was true, because everybody seemed to fall in line and march out one by one. Until all that was left was a shoulder bump from Bianca  and the people Wednesday didn't mind having around.

"You literally crashed your own party." Yoko told her in disbelief, "and not like you crashed the party with a surprise entrance. Like you drove it into a wall and it exploded. Literally everyone is gone." Wednesday shrugged, "not my scene. But I'd still be open to a virgin mojito. I need something to rack my brain, actually can you make one with alcohol in it?" Wednesday asked.

Yoko blinked in surprise, "no sorry-" Wednesday scoffed, "pity." Xavier walked over to her and without a second thought, he wrapped an arm securely around her waist and looked down at her. "Y'know, I put a lot of effort into that sign. Every single one of those spiders are different. And they're realistic looking." Xavier mumbled to her. Wednesday patted his arm stiffly, "you can stroke your own ego."

Ajax suddenly popped up, "WAIT- so does this mean I can eat all of the snacks?!" He asked excitedly. Enid sighed and rubbed her forehead, "I love you but you're such an idiot sometimes..." she breathed through her nose, "fuck it. Go ahead and eat them." She told him.

Wednesday felt the lack. Someone was missing and she knew who it was. A little hand on her shoulder. She stared at her bed as if he was going to pop out of nowhere and welcome her back.

"I looked everywhere for him." Enid told her as if she read her mind, "he wasn't anywhere to be found." She shook her head sadly. Wednesday nodded, "thank you for your efforts."

And then, through the pulsing pain circulating around  Wednesday's body, and the suffocating headache she was suffering, she remembered-

"I need to talk to Principal Weems."

Hey guys! Sorry! This is officially the longest time it has ever taken me to publish! But I am on vacation so be lucky I love you guys too much to wait longer than five days.

You guys are all amazing! Thank you for reading and voting if you deemed it worthy enough. I'm almost done the story 😭.

Lots of love

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now