Woe is me...or you

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Warning: this chapter will have attempted sensual actions without consent. So if you are uncomfortable with that please skip it.

She didn't know how, she didn't know when, but somehow, for some reason, the news about her and Xavier "dating" had spread around the school. And in some way, Wednesday allowed herself to be persuaded by Xavier to keep up the facade. With the mentality that it could possibly bring her stalker to light, she had agreed but she was regretting it.Enid swore on her pack that she didn't post anything, and Wednesday checked, Enid hand't.

So here she was, fingers interlocked with Xavier's as they walked towards the green house. She never realized how big his hands were until it covered hers as if she were a child. Wednesday fought the looks she felt on her, including the occasional glance from Xavier.

He was trying to gage how she felt. Though Wednesday being a closed book, he couldn't grasp much. She didn't seem to be shying away, nor did she seem to be particularly eager to get closer. He saw Bianca walk past them, she smirked at the two and Xavier gave Wednesday's hand a squeeze to keep her grounded. She could get lost in her own head sometimes.

Principal Weems had left again. Though everyone had gotten used to her not being there, that it changed nothing. He and Wednesday entered the greenhouse and took their seats.

Wednesday zoned out most of the class. This was one of the places she needn't show affection. She wrote down whatever notes were on the board, already knowing most of it due to her Mother's obsession with plants, though she wrote as to not be called upon.

"Now I know that you all are really excited for this year's Rave'N so I'm not going to assign you any homework!" Professor Thornhill told the class. The students around Wednesday erupted in thanks as she continued to stare into space.  "But you will be having a test the Monday after! So study!"

The class groaned as the bell rang. Everyone got up and Enid made her way over, "I can't believe we have a test right after the Rave'N! I still have to get a dress!" She gasped, pointing at Wednesday, "You do too!" Wednesday looked up at Enid dryly, "I haven't decided whether to go or not."

"Well, I'll decide for you. I don't want you to miss out, the Rave'N is fun." She told her. "I don't have time for fun, Enid." Wednesday spoke sternly. Enid laughed, "Yes you do." Wednesday sighed and picked up her things. She stood up and remembered frustratedly that she was "dating" Xavier.

She walked over to him and held her hand out for him to take. He looked up surprised, and took her hand, standing up and grabbing his things. He interlocked their fingers and Enid smiled as they walked away. She was happy for them. Even though they were faking it, she could tell it was real. Oh, yes, Wednesday told her.

"Are you seriously not going to Rave'N?" Xavier asked her as they walked. "I told you, I'm thinking about it. But don't hold your breath." Wednesday responded.

Wednesday sat in her dorm room reviewing her notes from professor Thornhill's classes. She briefly skimmed over each page, knowing everything already, simply refreshing her memory. Her phone pinged and she looked at it.


I'm tired of hiding.
Meet me tomorrow by
The cemetery.

I know how much you
Love those.

Wednesday's eyes widened as she stared at her screen in surprise. Her stalker wanted to meet up. She couldn't believe it. Finally knowing who it was, it bothered her, she had enjoyed the not knowing. Being kept in the dark helped her ignore it. Now she would have someone to pin it to.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now