Woe of night

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Storytelling was usually Wednesday's forte. But it's hard to write something coherent when her own life was something she couldn't even dictate aloud. When the feeling of dancing and curling up into a ball clash, it makes the dancer drop to the floor and twitch in distinctions ways that made the audience gasp and wonder if they should call a doctor.

But Wednesday didn't need a doctor. She needed to get herself together and tug on every loose thread until all that was left of the disgusting black ball of yarn was dust.

So she was very unhappy when she hadn't even gone to scope out the cave yet. She just couldn't bring herself to climb out of that window while Enid's snores were loud enough to cover the creaking sound it made. She froze. Every. Single. Time.

She would get ready and grab her bag from under her bed with all the needed resources. She'd take a deep breath and open the window. She'd put one foot out and stand on the roof. And then a figurative monster of dread would sink it's claws into her and she would retreat back into the room like a tape on rewind.

Her nightly struggles had been no escape from her daily ones. She hadn't gone back to see Xavier. It had been a week. And she knew full well the boy didn't know how to take care of the wound. She would have to go today. Yesterday she saw him out of his room. Arm hooked around Ajax's shoulders as he limped around, telling him about how he wanted to breathe fresh air. See the sun. See everyone.

She followed after them for a while, walking around the lake, hiding in the shadows as they took a break under the shade. But she turned away when he was bombarded by Bianca Barclay. Had she looked close enough , she would have noticed him looking around every corner hoping for a glance at her. He missed her.

Enid stood up from her spot on her bed, no longer consumed by the fashion magazine she was reading. She leaned over Wednesday's shoulder and watched her throw away yet another sheet of paper. "Don't hover Enid. It's like you're haunting me. Do it again and I'll give you a reason to." She threatened.

Enid laughed, "yeah right. You love me too much." Wednesday winced at the word, feeling like someone took a stab at her heart. "Just because I have been peaceful, does not mean I am above cutting your nails and hair in your sleep." Enid gasped, "you wouldn't!"

"You know I would."

Enid sighed, "well...I just wanted to tell you that patient No.1 Mr.Thorpe, is in need of his nurse because he texted me asking for you. Said he's broken a stitch and it's bleeding." Wednesday shot up, "that cretin." She mumbled under her breath and stormed out of the dorm and to his.


Wednesday entered his dorm without even knocking, mildly surprised to find it unlocked. She saw him on the bed clutching his stomach. Wednesday rolled her eyes and walked over, tugging his hands away.

She worked silently, bringing out the first aid kit she had picked up along the way  and stitching him back up, cleaning up the wound and replacing his bandages. He smiled at her once she finished, a bit pained but a genuine one nonetheless. "Thank you. Really." He told her. She nodded.

She got up to leave, "goodbye Xavier and take better care of yourself." She told him hurriedly, not wanting to stay longer than she needed to to give him time and an opportunity to talk. "Don't go..." he pleaded, breaking the silence that had just began.

His voice made her freeze. The plea shaking her bones as she sighed and turned around, sitting comfortably on his bed and faced him as he sat up. "What is it?" She asked, trying to come off annoyed. "I'm sorry Bianca was in here when you came to visit." He apologized. "I honestly don't care Xavier. Whatever you do with her is none of my business." She responded, looking away from him. "I'm not back with her if that's what you think." He clarified.

"I should hope not." Wednesday blurted out, eyes widening at what she had just said. "And why...is that exactly?" He questioned, trying not to kindle the hope burning his chest. She shrugged, trying to play it off as though she was not affected. "You told me you loved me, I would think it to be sincere enough for you to tell me. Being with Bianca again after confessing such a thing would be very terrible." Wednesday explained.

He nodded. "Oh...alright. I did mean it." He told her, staring into her eyes. "That I loved you. That I love you." He whispered. Wednesday's heart raced, she wanted to rip it out of her own chest to stop this feeling from emerging, to save her the pleasurable torture it is to be around Xavier.

She hated it. The hitching in her breath, her heart racing, palms sweaty, this sudden awareness of herself and how she looks. And she hated how when he leaned in she couldn't help but do the same. Closing her eyes she felt his hand touch her cheek and his lips pressed against hers.

Wednesday couldn't help but return his movements. And that was all Xavier needed to know that she felt the same. Because Wednesday was saying it all through the kiss. Both of their eyes closed as the world blurred around them. He deepened the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She stopped and pulled away first.

He breathed heavily and smiled at her goofily, a drunk smile, purely happy. She returned him with a weak look, his eyebrows bunched together, slightly confused. "I...can't Xavier. Not right now." She told him plainly. His eyes watered and he breathed deeply, nodding and punching down the pain, "alright. I get it. You don't want to be with the elitist snob just yet. Not even under the title of the resident tortured artist." He told her harshly.

"Xavier...that isn't what I meant. I'm just-"

"Yeah. You're not ready. You know Wednesday, are we ever going to be good enough for you where you can allow yourself to love us? Your friends? Me?" He ranted pulling at his hair in frustration, "because we all care for you. I care for you! And it isn't like we blatantly ignore your needs like you do ours. And despite all of that- I STILL FUCKING LOVE YOU!" He shouted at her.

She flinched away and he sighed. "But...I will always love you. So I'll wait. But can you just...leave?" He asked her quietly. She sighed and hesitantly reached for his shoulder, "I care for you. Disgusting enough. And thank you...for waiting." She told him. "Go Wednesday."

She nodded and walked away, leaving him behind her for the time being. She did not have romance in her cards and would allow herself solitude and loneliness for as long as she could keep. These things, though she would never admit it, frightened her. Having never been hurt badly before, she doesn't want to endure such pain.  And will delay it for however long she can. Protecting herself, putting herself first, is always her top priority. Even if she wants so badly, to change everything for Xavier. It just can't be.

Not right now.

And hopefully, not ever.

Hey guys! This is a shorter chapter, I've just been so busy recently! Thank you so much for reading and characters to not belong to me. Plot does though.


Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now