Woe of blood

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Xavier groaned in pain and turned around on the ground. Blood seemed to stream from his wound. Wednesday fell to the ground and heaved with the effort of picking him up so she could take off his dress coat to press it to the wound.

Wednesday felt like the was watching his life slip away like sand through her fingers or a dream you try to remember in the morning. "I can't carry you Xavier...can you walk?" She asked him. He nodded painfully and whimpered as he tried to stand. Wednesday out his arm around her and hoisted him up.

He staggered and tried his best not to collapse on her petite form. Wednesday felt like she was getting crushed but she mustered up all of her strength and began leading up out of the forest. He was pressing his jacket against his wound praying to god that it would be enough to stop the blood flow or slightly delay it.

She felt like the trek back to school and to the infirmary took ages. The door was locked. She groaned in frustration as she pulled the knob and shook it violently. Xavier was looking worse and worse. She felt a rush of adrenaline course through her veins as she kicked at the door repeatedly and eventually break the lock. Kicking the door open she led him to the nearest bed.

He let out a loud umph as he plopped down onto the bed in pain. Wednesday left his side and went to look around for medical supplies. She came back with bandages, stitches, and disinfectant. She grimaced at the blood that stained the sheets.

"I'm going to need to take off your shirt." She told him hesitantly. He nodded blindly and reached for his shirt but couldn't lift it past his mid-torso. She reached over to help him and handed him a pillow. When he looked at her in confusion she answered plainly, "To shout in when the pain becomes too much."

He nodded and prepped himself as Wednesday unscrewed the cap to the alcohol disinfectant. "I'm pouring it." She told him and listened as he muffled his screams into the pillow as he felt the steering pain in his wound. She tried to get it done as quickly as she could.

Xavier writhed around in pain, he felt like she was pouring acid into his wound. He shouted into the pillow. He caught a glimpse at his bloodied stomach, he pushed his head into the mattress and clutched the pillow. "Shhh...Xavier. Stop moving and it'll be over soon." Wednesday told him.

He stared at Wednesday as she fixed him up. Her eyebrows stitched together, not a funny metaphor there. He loved her. He decided that long before, but in that moment, with her hands covered in his blood and his life flashing before his eyes. He felt it click into place rather than hover right above it. And he told her out loud.

Wednesday tensed up hearing those words slip from his mouth. But she couldn't afford to stop. She took out the stitches and told him to get ready. She tried to be as gently as possible but he still yelled in pure physical agony.

He needed 10 stitches. She rinsed and washed them before wrapping his torso. He laid back, painting and in pain. Wednesday looked around for ice to hopefully relieve him of his pain. Ripping open the mini fridge she found an ice pack. She wrapped it in a towel and placed it onto his stomach.

Her heart still strained from the near death experience and from the little slip up. But it eased a bit seeing that he's alright. "You should rest now, Xavier." She told him as she washed her hands. She turned around to see him asleep.

She sat down by his bedside and watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. How his face didn't look completely relaxed because he was still in so much pain. She enjoyed the blood...but not the fact that it was Xavier's. She reached out towards a stray piece of hair hanging in front of his face, before pushing it out of the way and running her fingers through his hair.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now