Wondering woes

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Xavier sat beside Wednesday's bed at the hospital. The second time she's been there. He watched her chest rise and fall, her breathing. Proof that she was alive. And every time it rose again, he felt a slight comfort that she was still here with him and he wouldn't be so desperately missing her that he would search for her presence in the wind.

Enid sat sound asleep in the more comfortable chair that he had let her use because he saw how tired she was. Xavier himself was feeling much better. The doctors even took his stitches out. They commended him for doing such a great job patching himself up and didn't allow him enough time to tell them it was Wednesday who deserved their praise. Who deserved everything.

How could she say that she wasn't made to be loved? When that was what swelled in his heart when he thought of her, held her, looked at her, heard her- god he even fucking smelled her. If that wasn't proof he was infatuated, he didn't know what else to give.

Enid stirred in her chair and shot up. She had tears in her eyes as she approached Wednesday's bed. She sighed with relief as she too noticed her chest still rising and falling. As if they needed bodily proof because the medical machines weren't trustworthy. She sighed and sat down at the foot of her bed and whispered something to Wednesday, so quiet,Xavier couldn't hear over the beeping of the heart monitor.

"I'm going to go Xavier. I can't-I can't be here. I can't sleep. I can't, it hurts to much." Enid sobbed into her hands. "Woah woah, calm down. This is Wednesday we're talking about." Xavier comforted, walking over to her. He wasn't really that close with Enid bu he held her hand regardless. "She has too much of an ego to go down this way. She'll pull through. I bet she'll be up by tomorrow." He told her, with a reassuring smile. He had his own doubts but he covered them with hope.

Enid sniffed, "she's been out for three weeks though!" She cried, "and there have been four attacks ever since she's been out! That fricking HYDE IS HURTING MORE PEOPLE AND THEY ARE ALL DEAD! WHO'S TO SAY THAT IT WON'T TAKE-" she choked. Xavier sat still. The bubbly girl he always saw...torn by what happened to Wednesday. The scars and scratches on her face and arm proof of how much she cares for her. "Thank you Xavier. But I need Wednesday. I need her snarky comments and shitty comforting to comfort me."

A knock at the door sounded and Enid stood up and opened it. "Hey baby...." Xavier heard Ajax's voice. Enid sobbed and stepped into her boyfriend's embrace. She wrapped her arms around herself as if his weren't enough to hold her. Xavier watched the interaction through his peripheral vision. He didn't have a love to go to. Wednesday's limit were her friends right now, her family had yet to see her.

"Hey dude. You good?" Ajax asked, moving closer to his friend as Enid gathered her things. Xavier nodded numbly, "better than her." He motioned towards Wednesday. "If you ever need to get some stuff off your chest man, I'm here for you." Ajax told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Xavier nodded, "Enid's in a bad state. You know how to comfort her, I didn't know what to do earlier." Xavier told him apologetically. Ajax pursed his lips, "yeah...I hate seeing her like this."

"Ajax. Let's go." Enid called out. "Coming!" He responded, "bye Xavier...." He paused, "and bye Wednesday." He finished before leaving with Enid who sent a blow kiss towards Wednesday. Wednesday stirred as if she felt the kiss touch her cheek from afar, and Xavier saw the hope sparkle in Enid's eyes before watching it dwindle away when Wednesday moved no longer.

Enid sighed and closed the door behind her as Xavier settled into the comfier chair. He pulled out his sketchbook, blushing with embarrassment at all of the sketches he drew of Wednesday before finding a blank page and beginning a new one. One where she wasn't in the hospital, and one where she hadn't rejected his love. One where they were together and she had the smallest smile on her face but enough to make his heart pound. His hand drew faster and faster eager to get it all out; he needed to see this.

This wasn't the first time Xavier had drew Wednesday, he drew her many many many times. But it was an unspoken norm amongst no one but himself. Though he wouldn't admit it to anyone and refused to think about the fact for long. Or else he'd suffer second hand embarrassment for himself. Like watching a character obsess over someone in a show.

Once he finished he made it move. He made her smile, and blink, and breathe. He made her do it all with her eyes wide and alive, moving gracefully. He made her head tilt and he made her sneeze. Any mundane act he made her do lifted his heart.

His chest pained whenever he looked up from his sketchbook and the awake Wednesday to the..in that state Wednesday. Bruised, beaten, scarred. He watched as the nurses came and checked on her, as they replaced her IV bag. As they ran another analysis.

He fought against them when they tried to make him leave. So much that they allowed him to stay if he spoke to a therapist. Telling him he was mentally unstable. "Mentally unstable my ass." He spat at the woman. "I'm the only one here for her! I can't just leave her!" He shouted, angry. "Please." He begged.

He even went to visit Eugene. Sitting by his bedside was different. He had flowers. And cards. And a big "we hope you'll BEE better soon!" Sign over his bed. He had more people, more time in there. Though he had accumulated a multitude of flowers, so many of them were dead and dwindling which goes to show people came from the start. Wednesday got nothing from no one other than him, Enid and Ajax.

"Hey bud....guess you and Wednesday are on the same boat now, huh?" He asked him, the only response his heart monitor. "Look...I don't know if you can hear me. But, thank you. I know you'd be there for Wednesday if you could." He told him.

Xavier felt as though he were speaking to an inanimate object. Asking it questions and telling it things and laughing to himself, as if he were crazy and talking to a mug. Eugene didn't stir, nor did he respond. And Xavier felt terrible. They didn't know if he was going to wake up, but the doctors had more hope for Wednesday. At least he hoped.

Feeling like a terrible person for knowing he'd rather Wednesday's life over Eugene's, and thinking about it right beside his unconscious body, he left the room. Making his way back to Wednesday's, he settled back into the chair.

He looked at his drawing again and made it move once more. God was she beautiful. He smiled watching her giggle inaudibly. He wondered-could he make her laugh? Say things? Could he hear her voice? He made her cello sing, why not her?

He focused as hard as he could, his hand shaking with the effort. He watched her mouth move with no sound coming out, but then- "Xavier?" The drawing asked. "Xavier!" She exclaimed. "Xavier..." over and over again she said his name. His name. How he loved how she said it.

Wednesday stirred in her bed. He watched, even the drawing silenced itself. She moved and blinked, her eyes fluttering open before being blinded by the hospital fluorescents. Xavier scrambled, almost tripping over wire. He felt his eyes tear up when he saw hers closed again. He turned away and went to sit back down. Of course. She needed more time. That's alright. He's waiting for her, he promised he would.

"Xavier?" The drawing asked again, he looked at it confused. He hadn't brought back to life. And it was inanimate, staring up at him.

"Xavier?" She asked again. Groggy and in pain.


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't tell you who it was. But she's okay! I will be going on vacation so I may not publish. I always say that and then I do, but brace yourselves just in case.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. Maybe not on this part but throughout the whole book.

Lots of love!

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