Life is woe

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Wednesday walked emotionlessly. She shook her head, trying to rid it of Eugene's state, to rid it of the attacks, to rid it of her emotions, to rid it of Xavier, to rid it of her stalker, to rid it of everything. She stared blankly at the lake and wondered if she pleaded, would it swallow her up and not allow her to escape. Such morbid thoughts, she'd usually enjoy, but not with this tremor in her chest. Not with this shake in her breath. Not with this suffering, with her being a slave to her emotions like the rest of them. She wanted to cry. She felt her eyes welling up but she refused. She held her breath and closed her eyes.

She felt herself becoming dizzy so she breathed once more. Her phone buzzed and she glanced at it.


You really can't keep from me.
I'm always with you.

She wanted to throw her phone into the lake. But she couldn't. So she threw a rock instead. She shouted at every single one. Her hair was a mess and she panted once she was done. She quickly collected herself and fixed her appearance. She took the journal from her bag. She had spent the night reading, and she found out that Hydes were similar to werewolves, in that they transform. But, they would need to be unlocked by some sort of emotional epiphany or trauma, and they would become loyal to those who unlocked them.

So the Hyde had a master. The Hyde wasn't alone.

She wanted to stay there, by herself. But she couldn't dwell any longer. After all, her family's visiting.


"Hello my little viper!" Gomez Addams smiled widely and hugged his daughters who stood there and did not reciprocate the affection. "I missed you Wednesday." Pugsley greeted and he too, joined the hug. Morticia Addams watched smiling. She in turn went to greet her daughter, "Hello darling." She smiled, reaching out a hand to place on her daughter's shoulder but pulling it back, her smile wavered slightly. They were rocky.

All of the families gathered in the quad.  Wednesday wished she spoke to Enid longer as to delay her meeting with her parents. She caught sight of Enid at her table with her parents. Enid send her a smile and mouthed, "you good?" Wednesday gave her a slight shrugged and cocked an eyebrow every so slightly to ask the same question. Enid shrugged the same. Wednesday caught a glimpse of her mother criticizing her, she knew Enid struggled with the fact that she hadn't wolfed out yet. She didn't understand why it bothered her so much at first, but now she was beginning to...kind of. Not really. Maybe it was a squeeze of sympathy. 

"Hello families! I am so glad to see all of you here and to get the opportunity to speak to each and every one of you about your child's ever continuous blossom at this school! They have all grown in the amount of time from when they arrived here and where they are now. I am delighted to say that I have seen progress in everyone. Well done." Principal Weems wrapped up her speech and the families went to eat. She retired to her office to get things ready for the parents. 

A long table  laid with food sat snug in the corner of the quad. People lined up for the food, the werewolves making a beeline for the red meat, and basically sprinting towards the table to get there first. Everyone else lined up behind them. Wednesday followed her parents and brother towards the line as she approached she felt somebody grab her arm and she looked up to see who it was. "Xavier. Hello." She greeted, her heart seized at the sight of him smiling down at her. "Hey...I'm just going to hang out with you , alright? I don't like the look Rowan's giving you." He told her and smoothly slid his hand into hers. 

Her breath caught in her throat. Her heart sped up, she felt heat rise up in her cheeks and stared at the ground straight faced, she felt flushed and her flesh finally took on another pigment. She almost puked, was she blushing? Her eyes widened, the look Rowan was giving her? She looked over her shoulder, and there lurking in the corner was Rowan staring at her longingly. She looked in front of her and prayed her parents didn't notice. Though, her father who was directly in front of her could hear the sounds of their voices. 

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now