Woe is enough

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Wednesday breathed heavily as she rushed out of the infirmary. Her heels clacked against the floors as she walked, fast paced to who knows where. To onlookers she probably looked frustrated to no end. But her dress flowed behind her, slightly torn in places. She found no use mourning the slight destruction of her dress, and shrugged off the stares sent her way.

"How did you miss her? She was right there!" Shouted a voice as Wednesday passed by a hallway. She halted and followed the voice, "I don't care who she was with! You had a clear shot." Growled the person.

She peaked around the corner and her eyes widened as she saw Rowan, seething in anger. She had never seen him so upset, but Xavier said he was a really competitive video gamer or whatever the term was. His eyes were wide and his jaw was clenched, he rand his fingers through his hair so much it stuck out in odd places. That or he didn't care about his appearance.

"What the hell does that matter? Are you forgetting who's in charge?" He waited for the other person to respond, whoever he was on the phone with. "That's right. I am. I told you everything, I'm the only person who doesn't lie to you. And you failed me." He spit into the phone. Sighing in frustration as he hung up.

"Who was that?" Wednesday asked in suspicion as she immersed from her hiding spot. He jumped back in surprise and let out a breath of relief, "o-oh! Wednesday...it's you." He chuckled, "It was no one." He told her, then smirked, "why...are you jealous?"

Wednesday held in a gag, "I would have to loose half of my brain to be jealous. And even then it would just be over the fact that you have your whole brain whilst I'd be wishing I was dead." She told him morbidly and walked away.

Uneasy suspicion rose in her chest as her heels continued to click along the floor. She made her way to Ophelia hall, hoping to get to her dorm without bumping into someone she knew so she could bask in some solitude.


Her dorm was oddly quiet, Enid no where to be found. Thing had given her an excited greeting he was worried about her, especially because Ajax had brought Enid back to the dorms last night, both looking shaken up. They were worried about her and Xavier.

"We're both fine. Though Xavier almost died." Wednesday informed him, Thing jumped back in shock. "I dealt with it." She reassured him in a not so reassuring voice.

Thing was worried about Wednesday. He cared about her and has known her for her whole life and can tell when she's truly bothered by something. Wednesday sighed, not even nothing to change out of her dress. She sat down at her desk and stared blankly at the typewriter...

Viper walked down the dark and deserted alleyway . Her hand clutched her bloodied shirt as she limped towards what she hoped would be salvation. The depressing desecration of her lost fight wore upon her shoulders and seemed to make her stab wound sizzle.

Xander was nowhere to be found, but she had told him to run after all. But she knew where to find him. The darkness being her best friend, she applied more pressure and relied on this dark curtain to offer her cover. She didn't pray, but she wish she did so she could pray that this blanket of night would shield her from her enemies.

Coughing was useless, it would bring up the blood that bubbles in her throat. She was so close to Xander's secret studio where she knew he was hiding. Her lungs resisted her will and began stuttering, she muffled her coughs until one slipped out like a soul the Angels dropped, except she wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing hell.

She was already drowning in her own blood by the time she banged on Xavier's-

Wednesday stopped. She pulled the page out of the typewriter, staring at her misuse of names. Xavier...the character was Xander. She had subconsciously modelled him so closely to Xavier...There was a character named Edgar to who she knew was modelled after Eugene.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now