The woes of denial

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Wednesday sped out of the woods and back into the heart of the festival. "What the hell was that!" Xavier yelled as she walked even faster. The squeezing became more prominent and she desperately looked around for a place to hide. No one could see her like this. She didn't want to see her like this.  What was happening to her? "Wednesday!" She broke into a sprint, running into the crack between two game stands. She collapsed to the ground and hugged her knees. She couldn't breathe...she couldn't breathe. Her hands whole body trembled, and her lungs searched for air. 

Xavier finally caught up to her, "Wednesday, what the absolute-" he stopped when he saw her in the state she was in. He sat down beside her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, "'re fine. You're alright." He frankly didn't know what to do. But Wednesday couldn't hear him. She couldn't see him. She was too disoriented, the world spun and nothing was in focus.  All except the sight of this diminished, weakened version of herself staring back at her. She was a disgrace to her identity. She wished she could disown herself. She- 

Xavier reached out and touched her hand. Just her hand. But it snapped her out enough to make her look at him. "This is temporary. You're strong." He told her slowly and softly. Wednesday stared at him, breathing heavily. Her eyes held the most emotion he's ever seen in her, and he hated that it was this twisted fear that seemed to have gotten under her skin. She came back to her senses and pulled her hand away from his, "Speak of this to anyone and I'll cut off your hands." she threatened as she stood up. Her mouth was dry and her heart was steal pounding in her chest. The threat didn't wash away the concerned look on his face. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not a pitiful animal." Wednesday growled. He gently reached out again, "Wednesday...Do you have anxiety?" 

", no, no, no." 

"Wednesday..." He tried again.

"NO!" she shouted. He stopped his protests. "Alright, alright. But...what was that back there? Did you have a vision?" Wednesday wrangled her emotions and pushed them into a locked box. She removed all emotion from her face, "It...was the same monster that attacked that woman. They said it was a Bear, but we both saw it wasn't." she informed him. He nodded in agreement, "Derek...we can't just leave his body there. We have to tell someone." If Wednesday Addams laughed, she would, but instead she scoffed lightly, "And who do you suggest?" she asked scathingly. "I don't know...I don't know." Xavier groaned, running his fingers through his hair and tugging on its roots. 

Wednesday sighed and walked out of their little cramped corner, Xavier following after her. She saw Bianca stare straight at her from across the plain, her eyes wide and mouth open in shock. Wednesday had a sudden epiphany, she knew what it looked like. She had just come out of a secluded corner with Xavier, both looking disheveled. It looks like they had partaken in one of the repulsive acts of affection, making out. She broke her gaze with Bianca and saw a flash, she began trying to fix her hair.  Her head snapped back towards Bianca, who began giggling as she looked at her friend's phone. Wednesday sneered at them. She walked slowly, looking around to tell someone. "Sheriff!" Xavier yelled, running towards the man. "My friend, he-he was attacked. In the some monster." At the word 'monster', the sheriff's eyes widened. "Show me." 


"I can't believe out of all of the people to tell, you two told the sheriff!" Principal Weems shouted at them, she apparently was paying them a visit, and it seemed like they ruined it. "Now I have Mr.Law-and-Order sniffing around our business! He's interrogating students now. Thanks to the two of you." Xavier shifted uncomfortably in his seat as she yelled at them. Wednesday stared up blankly and unconcerned. "Do you have anything to say for yourselves!" 

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now