Handling Woes

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Wednesday's eyes stung at the sight. Tears already pouring as she silently walked over to the hand on the desk. She picked him up slowly. She let out a hopeless sob as she felt the coldness of his flesh against the life of hers. Wishing she could split her soul in half to save him. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry. But rage was the only lens she saw through. And Weems still stood there with a smile so sickeningly sweet, she wished she'd die. 

Weems tilted her head to the side and questioned innocently, "Are you alright, darling?" Wednesday clutched the hand closer to her chest as she backed away from Weems, "You're a monster." She spat. Weems simply laughed, "Oh, no. I'm not the Monster. I'm afraid that's someone else's job." 

Wednesday stood stalk-still, as if Medusa sprung out and turned her into stone. "I-I don't know what you mean." Wednesday told her. Questions were swirling about her mind. "Tyler Galpin is the Hyde. And Rowan is the Master." Wednesday responded. Weems sneered and it seemed like something snapped, "Rowan's dead." 

The black haired girl stepped back, "He isn't dead. I see him everyday. Unfortunately." Wednesday shook her head at her principal, and she could slowly see the perfectly composed image Larissa Weems had crafted for herself, slowly chipping away. She was looking more and more like a psychopath. 

The cackle that followed shook Wednesday to the very bone. "Of course he's dead! I killed him after all." Weems glared. "Y-you what?" Wednesday stuttered. Weems nodded, "Did your despicable mother never tell you what type of outcast I am?" Weems commented, nose turned up in arrogance. "Of course she didn't. She barely spoke of you." 

Weems huffed, "Well it seems just like her. She always thought herself better than the rest of us. And it doesn't help that the world seems to root for her. I'm here stuck with bloody kids while she gets the boy and has a beautiful family with her LOVING HUSBAND AND TWO WONDERFUL CHILDREN!" Weems shouted sarcastically in Wednesday's face. Wednesday stared back blankly. 

She may have looked void of emotion at this specific moment in time, but the gears in her brilliant mind were turning. And she very much did not like the outcome she could already decipher. "I'm a shape shifter. Better than a bloody woman with visions." Weems grumbled. "I killed Rowan and assumed his identity!" she cried proudly, throwing her hands up into the air and dropping down printed photos of Wednesday that made her skin crawl. 

"You never went on a mental health leave, did you?" Wednesday realized. Weems grinned and shook her head, "for a smart girl, you're proving to be incredibly dumb aren't you?" Weems giggled. "Of course I never went on a mental health leave. No one would suspect a little boy, a little outcast of outcasts. The nobody. So I used that to my advantage." Weems smirked. 

"But why have you been trying to kill me?" Wednesday asked, she saw now what Weems was, but she had no clue how she fit into it all. "Because I wish to cause Morticia Frump as much pain that she caused me and more. I'm taking away everything she loves. And I'm starting with you." Weems declared. 

"gosh, how convenient it was for Francois to have a baby? Poor mr.Galpin was already so derailed by his mother's death, it certainly didn't take much for me to get it out of him. One or two quick little visits to that cozy little cave in the woods and some painful words later. I had myself one beautiful Hyde to do my bidding." Weems smiled at Wednesday, and all Wednesday wanted to do was claw every single one of her teeth out. 

"Isn't that right darling?" Weems asked over her shoulder. And out from the corner, Tyler immerged. He nodded and smirked at Wednesday. "I knew of Tyler's obsession with you and offered you as a reward." Tyler's eyes seemed to glimmer with her words, and Wednesday had to hold back a gag. "But, I'm afraid that offer will now be off the table. I need to take you from Morticia...permanently. " Weems sneered. 

Tyler stumbled forward, "But you promised!" He countered. "Oh hush! YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER GIRL. BUT I WILL NOT FIND ANOTHER CHANCE TO TAKE HER FROM MORTICIA. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Weems yelled at Tyler, who backed away quietly. Wednesday's chest rose and fell in panic. Her eyes darted around the room, but the only exit was the one she had her back turned to. 


With a guttural shout Tyler transformed into the Hyde. Wednesday fell and scrambled back towards the door. Tyler smashed and flung things across the room as he made his way towards her. He had a command in mind and that seemed to have washed away any sympathy and longing he had for the girl. 

In Wednesday's fall to the ground, she had let Thing go and his body had skidded all the way across the room. Wednesday knew if it weren't for the adrenaline rush of the natural fight or flight instinct, she would be rolling around in pain from all of her wounds. She bit her lip as she felt a stitch rip and blood spilled slowly from her now semi-open wound. 

She army crawled across the floor, weaving under the excessive furniture Weems had in her office that she wasn't grateful for until now. Every hiding spot got unturned and demolished by Tyler's inner monster, but Wednesday made a grab for Thing and scrambled to her feet to make a run for the door. 

But a claw clutched her leg and she was hoisted up into the air. Dangling by the ankle, she felt like she was the victim of a life-threatening prank. She screamed as loud as she could, feeling like her lungs were punctured and they'd collapse in on themselves soon. But the door was kicked down. 

Enid, Xavier, and Ajax immerged from the rubble. Wednesday nearly cried for joy but she was too busy reaching into her hair and breaking a bobby pin. She bent upwards towards her foot and stabbed the Hyde's finger. That caught it by surprise since it yelped and let her go. Xavier's eyes widened and he fell to his knees beneath her to break her fall. 

They both collided with an omphf . It was far from graceful but it was life saving. "Xavier..."Wednesday whispered. Xavier smirked at her and helped her up. "Don't go dying on me. I think I love you too much for that." he joked. Wednesday smiled and before she caught herself the words escaped her lips, "I love you too." 

Xavier grinned, too wide for his face. But the roar of the Hyde seemed to dismiss the moment. Enid whimpered, but Ajax looked out the window into the night sky with wide eyes. "Uh...guys? Did anyone know tonight was a blood moon?" he asked the group. "Why the hell does that matter?!" Xavier shouted at him as he knocked an arrow into his bow and launched it at the monster. 

"Well- just cause it-" But Ajax didn't have time to finish his sentence, he was interrupted by screaming from Enid. Her shoulders expanded, ripping through her clothes, she grew and she grew until she was the size of the Hyde. Fur covering her body as she howled at the moon. 

Enid's wolf's gaze caught that of the Hyde's. A fight for dominance soon ensued as the two creatures launched themselves at one another, the fight simply primal. Like to dinosaurs bashing heads. The teens ran out of the way, Wednesday lingering behind as she speed-limped after them in excruciating pain. 

She paused and looked around, teenagers were screaming and the walls were shaking from the fight of the two big creatures. Werewolves seemed to be running loose, the lupin cages neglected because of the chaos. Wednesday felt her stomach sink, this was the perfect opportunity for Weems to get away. And she could not let that happen. 

"Where's Weems?" Wednesday mumbled under her breath as she scoured the crowd for a glance at her headmistress. She plucked a sword off of a stand and twirled it around. Her eyes were piercing through the crowd as she bumped shoulders with students escaping. Walking further into the chaos than away. 

Xavier seemed to notice her presence gone missing as he looked around and called out after her. He trailed behind her, "Wednesday! What the hell are you doing?!" he cried out. But Wednesday had spotted her target and she clutched her sword in rage. Following swiftly after the tall woman, she watched as she turned into a student. 

Wednesday never let her escape her eyes. She vowed to find her. Get her cornered. And by the end of the night...She'd be dead. 


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading! This story is slowly ending! Nooooooooo! It's surely going to be bittersweet for me to finish this story.  Thank you all so much for your support. 

Lots of love!  

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