Festers and Woes

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Wednesday had two days of silence. Two days where her phone didn't constantly buzz with the sickening reminder that she had a stalker. Only two days. Ever since the pictures were posted onto Enid's website, her stalker kept on texting her. This morning was no different. Wednesday tried to ignore the messages from her phone, but it was getting harder and harder considering that the more notifications she collected, the more her phone chimed and vibrated.

She sighed, taking a sip of the Crackstone's coffee, apparently the most caffeinated drink they had there. She didn't usually get this specific drink, but she needed it to stay awake. Ever since the attack on Dylan she had been shaky at night. Breath catching in her throat. They were like miniature versions of the first one, only sneaking up on her like devious pranks, and not the ones she used to enjoy playing on Pugsley. Tyler seemed to notice her decline since he seemed to be extra smiley today, he came over to check on her for the third time, "Are you sure you're alright?" he questioned. She swallowed harshly, "I'm fine. I'm just getting nothing out of this investigation. And my phone won't stop vibrating." she told him unenthusiastically. "Well...I don't know what I can help you with, unless you want a croissant?" he offered.

Wednesday's phone vibrated once more, "No croissant needed. Get me another Crackstone to go. That name's infuriating. He sounds like he smoked cocaine because he didn't know how to take it." She commented derisively. Tyler laughed softly and shook his head before completing her order. He handed it to her, "I'll see you later?" Wednesday stared blankly and walked out of the little coffee shop. "So is that a maybe?" he called out after her.

She walked briskly, clutching her drink in one hand and her phone in the other. She stood in the town square before catching a glimpse of a dark figure. It was tall and hid half behind a building, the black hat and coat obstructing its appearance from view. Her heart skipped a beat and she began walking towards it, she walked faster and faster and the figure seemed to quicken its pace in time with hers. She kept going until she broke into a sprint and ended up, yet again, in the woods. She stopped when the tracks ran dry and there were no signs of anyone

"BOO!" yelled a voice from behind her and she immediately flipped them over onto their backs. "Still as sharp as ever my little apprentice." said the figure as it got up. It took of its hat to reveal the bald and misshapen head and face of her Uncle Fester. "Uncle Fester. I almost broke your back." she told him in greeting. "I wouldn't expect anything less." He complimented. "Why are you here? You're not spying for mother and father are you?" she inquired skeptically. He shook his head, "I got into some trouble and need a place to lay low for a while." he told her. Wednesday looked around, "I don't know where to put you. Let's walk you back to campus, I can ask around." she instructed. "Oh, I'm so glad you're making friends!" Fester exclaimed, clapping his hands."

Wednesday breathed out, "No friends, just no strangers." she clarified. "Nevermore brings back so many memories." Fester reminisced, as he stared up at the sky. "I thought you didn't go to school." Wednesday remarked. He shook his head in response, "I didn't. I took all of the power and your dad took all of the smarts." He chuckled and zapped a near by tree. The tree shook before it shed all of its leaves. "How about you just put me in the nightshade's lair." Her uncle suggested.

She looked up at him confused, "The...what?" "The nightshade's lair! You know the secret group of legacy kids. I'm surprised you haven't been invited to join yet." Fester explained. Wednesday looked down at her feet and watched as she stepped over an ant, "Well, most of the legacies hate me, so there really wasn't any chance anyway. I think that's been shut down for years now." "Oh...no. I've been there before." Fester told her. "You have?" He nodded, "Oh yeah. You think your mom and dad can't keep their hands off of each other now? I used to pop b unexpected and I walked in on them getting a little frisky." he chuckled. "Ew. I did not need to know that." Wednesday tried to blink away the horrific sight that she imagined. "But-whenever that happened, your dad just threw me in the lair so I could wait it out."

"And is this lair big?" Wednesday asked, she had some very very mild concerns for her uncle. "Oh yeah, it's got a huge library." He told her. Of course there's a secret library, and there's a secret club. She wasn't surprised. "Do you think you could remember the way?" She asked Fester. "Oh yeah, I'll lead you once we get to the campus.


Wednesday groaned, she sat staring at a gold statue of a man holding  a book with a raven on his shoulder and felt like she had been doing that for hours. She had a sudden idea, so she climbed up the statue and looked over its shoulder. It was a riddle, not a good one, but just something to be there. She read the riddle over and over and noted it down before solving every one of them and reading her answers. She circled each of the first letters until it spelt out,

"Snap twice."

Wednesday raised her hand and snapped twice. Fester got up and followed behind her. They both climbed down the stairs and marveled at the multitude of books around this place. Wednesday's face was still and empty void of emotion. "I'll find something about Hydes in this place." Fester laughed, "Oh no. Oh-ho-ho no. These books are all just basically journals from kids who were in this group. If I were you, I'd take our founders' journal. It's said that he was obsessed with animals, but he got killed before he could finish his work.  There must be something in there."

"Well where is it?" Wednesday asked colorlessly. Fester looked around, "It was around here somewhere, but it's in a safe so we'd need Thing's help to unlock it and to lend a hand." Fester laughed at himself. "Maybe later, I need to go speak to someone, we don't want anybody finding you." She spoke, "Put one foot out of line and you're caught, I'm disowning you and handing you in. I'll take the prize money too." "wouldn't expect anything less."

Wednesday walked up the steps and out of the statue. Although, she bumped into someone and immediately stepped back to see who it was. "Oh...Xavier. I need to talk to you." She informed him. She turned back around and snapped twice, the doors opened and she walked down the steps. Fester sat at the middle of the floor with books shredded and placed messily all over him. "This...is my uncle Fester." she said gesturing to him, "Uncle Fester, this is Xavier. He'll help us out."

Hello! Sorry for the short chapter. I'm falling asleep so if the chapter makes no sense, I'll fix it later on. I'm posting this for you guys, so thank you for all of your reads and vocals. I do not own the characters, just the plot. Please don't forget to comment if you want to, or vote.

Again, sorry, it's really late here so kind of out of it. Thank you. I'm falling asleep while writing.

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