I wish you woe

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Wednesday couldn't wait anymore. Her leg bounced as she waited for Enid to get ready. They were going to the cave. Enid had insisted on giving her some time to "mentally prepare herself" she said. Wednesday's patience was wearing very thin, she felt like she was spreading it along these past couple of minutes like butter on toast. The knife was running out of butter to spread, sooner or later it'll tear the toast and she'll cut herself.

She didn't understand why Enid had insisted upon going with her if she was simply going to stall her so. They're burning moonlight. It's fading away and, no matter how much Wednesday wished, the night doesn't last forever. Thing sat patiently beside her, staring at the washroom door. "Thing stay here and stay safe. Do not come after us, no matter how much trouble you think we're in." Wednesday told him.

Enid finally emerged from the washroom wearing all black, a true sight to see. Wednesday didn't even know she owned black clothes. And Enid smirked when she saw Wednesday's eyes widen in surprise for just a second. "Let's go. You waisted so much time." Wednesday shamed her. She gave Thing one more warning look before leaving, though she didn't turn back to see him hop off the bed and sneak out after them.

They rushed through the halls Enid trailing behind Wednesday, not feeling the least bit shy about vocalizing her confusion, to Wednesday's annoyance. Wednesday snapped twice at, what seemed to Enid at a random statue she never noticed before of Edgar Allan Poe. Enid stepped back, startled at the sudden sound of movement and the entrance that appeared thereafter. Wednesday marched down the steps and called out, "uncle Fester? Are you still here?" "Wednesday. What the hell is this?" Enid looked around scared, "are we even allowed to be here?" She whispered.

"Oh-ho-ho definitely not."

Enid squeaked, startled by the sudden voice and shook at the creepy cackle that came after. "Uncle Fester, stop scaring my roommate." Wednesday chastised flatly. Fester Addams chuckled to himself as he stepped into the moonlight shining in the secret library. "You got yourself a jumpy one! How fun!"

"I'm not here to entertain you. I'm scoping out a cave. Well...we are." Wednesday informed him. He stared back and looked between the two of them, his bald-brows slightly furrowing. Before he shrugged, whatever concern he felt he seemed not to have the effort to go through with it, "This wouldn't happen to be that of the Hyde's would it?" He asked pointing out behind him as if the monster were standing there.

Wednesday confirmed. Fester brought his hand up to his chin, "hmmm....well, I do wish you luck with your investigation." "I need you to come with us. If anything should happen, your electrokenisis would be an advantage." Wednesday reasoned. "You had me at "need", kid. I'm in."


The three of them walked through the woods. The landscape certainly had a dark look to it at this time of night. Wednesday relished in it, though she would enjoy not having to drag Enid every other step deeper and deeper into the wood.

"Enid, if you're so frightened, go back." Wednesday told her after having to tug her for the hundredth time. Enid shook her head stubbornly, "No. I want to be here for you." She told her. "So keep up." Wednesday told her, "how will you be here for me if you aren't even here." She asked incredulously.

They marched on into the wood going deeper and deeper. Wednesday felt odd. She recognized this part of the woods; though she hasn't been here before. But a cave with a spiral engraved on it caught her attention. This was it. The cave. She took out her flashlight, pointing it directly in front of her and no longer letting it dangle in her hand, and began walking towards it.

"Wednesday don't go in alone." Enid told her warily, pulling her arm back. "Uncle Fester come with me. Enid stay and watch." Wednesday instructed as uncle Fester smiled and walked past her already rubbing his hands all over the walls of the cave as he walked deeper into it. "Yeah...I'd rather stay out here anyway." Enid whispered, nodding to herself as she turned away and stared scared at her surroundings.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now