Coffee with a side of woes

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Wednesday walked through Jericho, making her way towards the café. The bell jingled as she opened the door and made her way to the counter where Tyler stood smiling at his phone. She rung the bell and he looked up, "Oh! Hey, Wednesday!" He spoke, flashing her a smile. She grumbled back a "hello". "The usual?" He asked. She nodded in response. He grinned and began to make her drink.

Wednesday walked over to her usual booth and sat down. She nodded at Rowan as he entered the café and took a seat in the booth behind her. She checked her phone and saw another message from her stalker.


I will write to you,
Every day if I have to,
Beautiful you are,
And you shall be mine as well.

Wednesday grimaced at her screen. Was that a haiku? She shook her head. That was an insult to literature. She gagged internally as she stared straight faced out of the window. She watched the people walk passed, catching a glimpse of Enid's blonde hair as she was tugged by her friend towards a store.

She saw Tyler walk over to her in her peripheral vision, holding her drink and wearing a friendly look on his face. He sat down across from her and pushed the cup across the table. She picked it up, blew it, and sighed. "Who were you texting?" Tyler asked, trying to cstch a glimpse at her phone, as if it's turned off screen would give him answers.

Wednesday sighed and snapped her gaze to look directly at Tyler, "I have a stalker." She admited to him. It felt....not horrible, telling Tyler. She had to admit that she and him had become more than strangers during her time here. She saw his jaw clench and eyebrows furrow before his face relaxed and was replaced by a concerned expression.

"Gosh...I'm sorry. That must feel uncomfortable." He spoke softly, reaching his hand out towards hers. She quickly pulled her hand away and put it in her lap, "Yes. It isn't as enjoyable as I had hoped." She informed him tastlessly and took another sip of her drink. She looked outside once more, seeing Enid and her friend emerge, bags in hand. She shook her head, Enid and clothes. Though to Tyler it must have looked like a disapproving shake of the head because he went to lighten the situation, "did you like the spot I showed you?" She turned back to him, "The stars?" She clarified. "Yes. The stars." He nodded. " wasn't a sarcophagus or a dead body, but it was something. How did you even know about it anyway? You're a normie." She pointed out. He smiled, as if remembering a happy memory, "My mom. She knew all sorts of things."

Wednesday nodded, showing that she acknowledged what he had told her. "I think you're holding up the line." She informed him with a slight nod of the head in the direction of the slowly forming line in front of the counter. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed, getting up and running behind the counter. Wednesday sat in comfortable aloneness and finished her drink. She got up and tugged on her bag. As she walked out of the store she took one last look over her shoulder and saw Tyler so overwhelmed he was basically hiding behind the counter.

Her phone vibrated:


I'm not a stalker.

Her eyes widened at the text, her head whipped around and looked back into the café, no one was on their phones. Tyler emerged from behind the counter with both hands full of to-go cups. And no one outside would have been close enough to hear. So how did this person somehow overhear her conversation? She cursed herself for not paying closer attention to her surroundings. For all she knew they could have left while she was still drinking her usual.

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