Woe's black as night

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Recovering from a concussion was terrible. Oh right, Wednesday also had about a dozen more wounds and pain bringers. As Xavier began calling them. At least this time around she got a black gown, she told the doctors that blue wasn't helping her state of mind.

Especially since the second thing she did when she regained consciousness was yell. Even if it left a burning in her throat that sizzled like acid. Now, comfortable in her hospital bed with a newly installed intravenous, she stared blankly at the wall trying to ignore the pain, drugs only went so far.

Xavier knocked on the door and opened it after waiting a few seconds. He sat down beside her and said hi. "You don't need to knock when you just left to get a snack from the cafeteria." Wednesday told him. "It feels weird not to." He told her, chewing on his chocolate chip cookie. Wednesday nodded. "Enid's on her way over." Xavier informed her, "I got a text from her in the elevator." He hoped that would lift her spirits but she remained a closed book.

"Before you blacked out...I don't know if it's too soon or anything- but you were saying something. Trying to tell us something. What was it?" He asked her cautiously. "I can't remember. It's been nagging at my brain. I'm forgetting something and it's so close, ont he tip of my tongue. But the more I think about it the more it slips away..." she whispered, furrowing her brows as if trying to call on the memory once more.

Xavier looked at her sympathetically. "Well, your parents are on their way over too. They should be here soon-" "thank you." Wednesday jumped in, "For staying with me." Xavier smiled comfortingly, "of course." "It's just- I don't understand." Wednesday told him. "Understand what?"

"Why?" She asked him silently, "I'm not-I'm not anything great. I bring trouble. I'm a-a freak, a weirdo, I haven't done anything to make you want to-to...." She sighed, "the sensible thing to do when you encounter someone like me, is turn the other way around. And I understand Enid is too caring to do so, and it would be extremely hard considering I'm her roommate. But you have had every opportunity, every chance. Yet you're still here and it puzzles me."

"Love is confusing." Xavier told her simply. "It can drive you to do crazy things. And it isn't easy to get rid of." He said not looking at her. "You saved my life, I don't know how that could do anything but make me love you more."

"Xavier..." she whispered. "I-" a tug in her gut pulled her head back. This vision was more painful than the rest. But this vision was of her, the night of the cave accident. She ran after her passed self and heard the angry shouted command of the Hyde's master. And there in the moonlight, for just a quarter of a second the face came into view. Wednesday gasped awake.

"What was it? Another vision?" Xavier asked worried. "I saw it. I saw him. The master Xavier. It was Rowan." She told him, shaking. "Rowan? That makes no sense!" "It was him! I saw Rowan-"

Just then the door opened revealing professor Weems, smiling grandly, Enid entering shortly after with roses in hand. "I am so glad to see you're awake, my dear." Weems said, accent thick. "I brought you roses, figured you'd want to rip off the buds yourself." Enid smiled at Wednesday, handing her the roses, which she began picking off petal by petal.

"I hope you're feeling better, I drove over here because your friend Enid over here was so eager to see you." Weems grinned, "I should leave you to it, I have a phone call to make." She then got up, pulling her phone from her pocket and dialling a number.

"Wednesday! I am so pissed slash relieved that you're in the hospital. Relieved that you got the help you needed and you survived, pissed because you shouldn't even be here in the first place." Enid cried, throwing her hands up. "Calm down Enid." Wednesday instructed, bord. "I was so worried." Enid told her softly, hugging her.

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now