To woe or not to woe

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Wednesday staggered backwards away from Weems' body. Her mouth agape with the realization of what she'd done. She killed her. She killed her. She killed her. She's gone and that is good thing, but was killing her the right thing? Yes. It was. Was it though?

She pushed the thought from her mind when the sound of footsteps fast approaching met her ears. Too frozen in shock and pain to move, Wednesday lay still. She was suddenly aware of the tremendous pain her body was going through all at once. As if a wave crashed down onto her.

Blood spilling from her ripped open wounds. Hands shaking, eyes watering, skin paling more than usual. "Fuck." She heard someone say from the doorway, she looked up and nearly sobbed when she saw it was Xavier. He had noticed her first. "Fuck!" He cried as he stared at Weems dead body.

He soon was at her side helping her up. He avoided Weems gaze at all costs not wanting to stare into the eyes of a dead person. "Wednesday are you alright?" He asked her. She nodded, "well...I'm bleeding all over and I just killed someone. So, yes I'm terrific." She sarcastically told him.

"What are we gonna do with the body?!" Xavier panicked. "It was self defence. So we can call the sheriff and he can deal with it, I won't get in trouble for defending myself." Wednesday coughed out blood. "Okay, let's get you some help first." He said and picked her up.

His arms supporting her legs and shoulders as she lay in pain. Xavier looked down at her, how the hell she was so strong he had no idea. He couldn't help but smile down at her. He leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead, "I love you." He mumbled into her skin. "And I you." She grunted as she pulled her hand up and stared at the blood that it was covered in.

"Hurry up." Wednesday instructed, "or I might just bleed to death." "Yes ma'am." He huffed and walked faster. Wednesday, even through immense pain couldn't help but roll her eyes. She gripped on to his shirt and groaned. "You know, if you wanted to take my shirt off you could have just told me." He managed out between breaths and winked down at the girl in his arms. "I don't know how I put up with you." Wednesday accused.

Xavier shrugged and she felt herself being lifted and dropped with his shoulders, "I'm just that charming. Admit it, you fell for the Thorpe charm." He chuckled. She sighed, "I-" her phrase was interrupted by a loud cry of agony. "Yep, okay. Running now." Xavier decided and ran as fast as he could to the school.


Wednesday woke up with a throbbing headache. When the smell of bleach and the beeping of a heart monitor hit her sense she knew better than to open her eyes. She was in the hospital. "Close the blinds. My eyes need to adjust to the light." Wednesday mumbled out to whoever was in the room with her.

When she heard the blinds roll shut, she squinted through her eyelashes and slowly opened her eyes. Trying her best to keep them open and stop them from watering. "This feels like the trillionth time I've  seen you in hospital." Xavier spoke from her bedside.

She looked over, "hello." Xavier gave her a pointed look, "no more hospitals." He told her. She nodded, "not for the rest of the school year no." Wednesday responded, to with her love just rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek.

Wednesday felt her heart flutter at the thought, love. Her love.He was hers and she was his. It was an emotion she felt she could rely on, one that she felt safe in. But no matter how safe, there was still the feeling that it wasn't secure. How it would collapse. But Xavier held her hand and she forgot what she was worrying about.

Wednesday subtly scooted over and motioned for him to sit down beside her. He smirked playfully before getting into bed with her and wrapping a long arm around her petite form. "You really had me worried there." Xavier whispered as he fiddled with the end of one of her braids. She sighed and stiffly rested her head on his shoulder, "I know."

"You can't die.  You're Wednesday Addams. Holy shit, you're Wednesday Addams! I made you fall in love with me!" Xavier shouted in excitement and did a little dance. "If I weren't in so much pain right now I would cut off your tongue." Wednesday growled. Xavier rolled his eyes, "nuh uhhhh, and you wanna know why?" He asked. He inched his face closer to hers until there was barely any space between them. He smirked, "because you love me." Wednesday rolled her eyes and shoved him gently.

He laughed, exuding a laugh from Wednesday as well. Not a big one, or a long one, a short and small laugh that brought a smile to her lips and Xavier's heart leapt at the sight. He loved seeing her smile. Especially when he was the reason. He hurried and placed a kiss to her lips before the smile disappeared, wanting to know what it felt like to kiss her with a smile on her face.

When he pulled away Wednesday looked at him confused. He shrugged and Wednesday seemed not to care as well. Xavier slid his hand into hers and Wednesday sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

She felt it again. Her heart squeeze and lungs contract. It was, yet another, heart squeeze. But this time it was a good one. The best one. It was hers and Xavier's.

The End...?


Thank you guys so much for reading! This story truly meant the world to me and all of your support boosted me along. You're all amazing.

And I was just wondering....

Should I make a sequel? (I purposely left some strings left to tug just in case)

Lots of love!

Heart squeeze  (Wednesday x Xavier)Where stories live. Discover now