If woe were a person, I'd point to you

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Enid rubbed Wednesday's shoulder comfortingly as they walked into the sheriff's office. People eyed them oddly as they walked past. The two girls didn't even bother to knock as they entered Sheriff Galpin's office.

He looked up, startled by the abrupt noise and audibly grumbled seeing that it was the two of them. He leaned back in his chair and sighed obnoxiously, "what do you two want?" He asked, already annoyed.

Enid held her head high and spoke clearly, "we'd like to file a report." She told him. That caught him off guard, but he quickly recovered, he assumed it was something petty. "For?" He asked, awaiting more details. "Sexual assault." Enid told him. His eyes widened, "I-I'm so sorry that happened to you." He told Enid genuinely.

Enid scoffed, "it happened to Wednesday." She informed him. Wednesday had been silent the whole time, clamping up at the words 'Sexual Assault'. She tensed and never loosened up. "Well...I'm sorry Wednesday." Sheriff Galpin told her, "my wife Francois, may she rest in peace, was a victim to assault, not sexual but assault nonetheless. I know how this affects people." He told her in sympathy.

Although Enid was feeling sorry for the Sheriff, it seemed like he was on their side. "Thank you." Enid told him gratefully. Wednesday only nodded half minded. Her eyes glazed over and her gaze not focused, she seemed like she was looking over into another universe. Watching herself get assaulted by Tyler...watching his hand reach for things she wished never felt his grip, watching herself suffer under the hands of obsession.

"I'm sorry...who is this against?" He questioned, filling out a form. "Tyler. Tyler Galpin." Wednesday choked out. The sheriff tensed at the name, "you got the wrong boy." He told her shaking his head. Wednesday pulled down her collar and rolled up her sleeves, "wanna see the proof? Here it is. Your son has been stalking me anonymously and then asked me to meet up with him." She informed him. "Well, you fault for doing so." He grumbled.

"I met up with him, where I was shoved up against the wall and he began-" she choked, eyes tearing up. "Tyler. Would. Never. Do. Such. A Thing." He told her. Putting his foot down. Wednesday felt the tears build up and didn't want to cry for him. She changed from desperate to angry in a second, furious even. Sending him a deathly glare, she stomped out of his office and slammed the door behind her.

"Wednesday! Wait up!" Enid cried out, but Wednesday ignored her. She rushed over to the hospital where she knew she could find some peace and resolve one thing.


"Hello Eugene." The girl spoke softly into the quiet of the room, she watched as her fellow hummer layer back in bed, unconscious and in a coma. She watched his chest fall and rise, and felt the guilt bloom in her own. "Lots have happened since you went under...I won't bore you with the details, since that is typically your job. Adolescence is the only thing I know that sucks out its own soul."

He didn't stir. She breathed out a shaky breath, "I am truly sorry this happened to you. But I will fix it. You know I will. Hummers stick together, and when one got hurt, the other gets revenge." She told him determined. Her eyes scanned him, the scratches and scars on his arms and face, the only ones she can see, are scabbed over and red.

She leaned back in her chair. The world feeling heavier in her shoulders as if she has to carry up hell as well. She knew she was just tired. So so tired...her mind darting and chest convulsing. She closed her eyes and held her breath before breathing out again. She kept doing this until she felt light headed, and savoured in the feeling of disorientation that made her forget everything.

Enid entered the hospital room slowly. She knew Wednesday would've come here. She sat down beside Wednesday, not saying a word. "Let's go back now Enid." Wednesday spoke. Enid simply nodded and wrapped her arm around Wednesday's shoulders as they walked. "Fuck the Galpins." Enid grumbled under her breath.


Wednesday let Enid go once they arrived back at Nevermore. She watched as she clung to Ajax's arm as he whispered soothing things in her ear, pressing small kisses to her head. She turned away, feeling oddly about watching such a private moment. She turned around and walked to Xavier's dorm. She had to see how he was doing, it was about time she changed those bandages anyway.

She breathed to steady her pounding heart as she knocked on his door. She heard voices from the inside and noticed it was unlocked, pushing the door open slightly her eyes widened at the sight of Bianca sitting on his bed, putting his hand in hers and reaching over to tuck a hair behind his ear. They both turned towards the door when they heard it creak as it continued to swing open after her gentle nudge.

"Wednesday?" Xavier asked, trying to hide the hope in his voice. She seemed flustered, "I-I'll just go...I came to check on you after...." She trailer off, "but I see that you're clearly busy. I'll check by later." She told him, with very little intention to see that through. "I'll text you!" He called out as he watched her turn away. "You can't. Remember? My phone is destroyed." Wednesday told him as guilt took over his features, remembering the smash he heard in the washroom after she got....

Xavier watched as she walked away and closed the door behind her. He wanted to get up and follow her, she looked disturbed. More than usual. But he was bedridden, in pain, and trying to get Bianca to back off. "Something happen to you and your little girlfriend?" Bianca asked, smirking. Xavier scoffed and pulled his hand away, "yeah something happened. I almost fucking died, she saved my life, and then someone who isn't welcome and knows I can't do anything about it in my shitty condition comes to visit me. How convenient when my 'little' girlfriend comes to check on me." He seethed, glaring daggers at Bianca.

She laughed, "I don't know what you're talking about. I still care about you Xavier. Even if we aren't..." she sighed, "even if we're not together anymore." She told him trying to reach for his hand again, but he pulled it away and pointed to the door. "Get out then." He told her. She looked at him hurt and angry and stomped out of the dorm.

Wednesday walked back to her dorm and laid down on her bed. Thing climbed over to her and laid down beside her. "The world sometimes is torturous and I have immense respect for whoever thought of it." Wednesday told him. Thing understood. He rubbed her finger affectionately and laid back down.

He always wanted the best for Wednesday. He would do anything for her. They were family. And she was the only person who understood him. On a deeper level, where they could read each other and not talk about it but feel resolved. He asked how the visit went.

"They didn't do anything. The Sheriff didn't believe us when we told him that his son was the one who did it." Wednesday sighed away her tears. "Even though his wife was also a victim." Thing cried out in anger, jerk. "Don't submit yourself to that, Thing. It's beneath you." She lectured him. Suddenly Wednesday shot up... "his wife's name...Francois...it sounds so familiar. Where did I hear that name before?"

Thing crawled behind her as she began pacing around the room. Francois...Francois....a tug in her gut pulled her head back and she watched as two people entered a cave with a spiral engraved on it. Watched as one silhouette turned to monster and chills ran down her back as she watched it crawl around and run off into the night.

Flashes, she heard chains, heard cries, heard whips and soothing voices. Many many voices. So loud she covered her ears and woke up on the ground, Thing poking her face.

"I need to see that cave."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Appreciate it. Plot is the only thing that belongs to me.

Lots of love and thanks

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