Alcohol - Grian x Mumbo

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A second chapter with this same request will be released soon! I went a way with the start of this that I wasn't sure how to finish, so it turned into fluff. There will be a smut chapter sometime soon with alcohol involved, don't worry!

- Shadow

Top: Mumbo
Bottom: Grian

- requested
- alcohol (duh)
- drunk bois
- sad boi Grian
- rare fluff chapter cause I couldn't figure out how to take the storyline to smut
- set in season 8


Grian's voice echoed through the giant cave, the wavering tone betraying his emotions as it bounced around the space.

The ravenette in question was working on his storage system, and upon hearing Grian he stopped what he was doing and exited the redstone. "Gri? What's wrong? You've been crying, what happened?" Mumbo ran over to the blonde, hugging him close as Grian began to sob.

"Hey, shh it's okay, it's okay Grian." Mumbo spoke softly as he attempted to comfort his friend. The shorter brit couldn't seem to stop crying, and even when Mumbo tried to calm him down it didn't work.

Eventually though, Grian had cried himself out, opening his eyes to see that Mumbo had brought him to the redstoner's bed and sat down with Grian in his lap. "G? What happened?"

Grian wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Y-you know how I l-liked Scar? I j-just saw him m-making out with Cub-" The blonde broke down into more tears, Mumbo frowning and holding him close.

"Oh Grian I'm so sorry- hey hey its okay don't cry-" Mumbo was trying his best to comfort Grian, somewhat succeeding as the red-clad hermit was able to stop crying for the most part.

"P-please do you have anything that can take my m-mind off of this- anything that could distract me from h-him-" At that, Mumbo nodded. "Yeah, stay here and I'll go grab it. Do you mind alcohol?"

A shake of a blonde head and Mumbo was off, grabbing a few bottles of alcohol from his kitchen and bringing them back to Grian.

"Here, come on. Let's get you somewhere a bit better to get drunk." Mumbo gently led his still-crying friend to a more chill area, where he had put his bed as well as a few random comfort items.

Grian sat down at the foot of the plain white bed, Mumbo sitting down beside him before pouring a glass for each of them. Downing the glass quickly, Grian managed to stop crying as the slight burn of the alcohol went down his throat.

He and Mumbo continued to drink, Grian ending up tearfully telling Mumbo what had happened once again as the tall redstoner comforted him.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry G, I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. I'm here for you, don't worry." Mumbo spoke softly as Grian cried into his shoulder.

Grian was hiccupping softly as he cried, holding Mumbo tightly and trying his hardest to forget what he had seen. On his part, Mumbo was doing his absolute best to support Grian and give him a safe place to get all his feelings out.

Eventually Grian fell asleep, tears still staining his face as he laid against his mustachioed friend. Mumbo continued to hold Grian, leaning back against the wall and holding Grian loosely in his lap to allow the short blonde to rest comfortably.

Soon however, Mumbo started to nod off as well, his eyelids drooping as he tried to stay awake to hold Grian. It turned out to be a futile effort, with Mumbo falling asleep with Grian in his lap and their heads resting on each other's.

571 words

Real short but hey it's another chapter while I work on more smutty stuff! Also, Scar x Cub companion chapter to this one is in the works so keep an eye out!

- Shadow

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