First Time - Hels x Trans!Evil Xisuma (requested)

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Top: Hels
Bottom: EX

- EX is ftm trans
- soft
- caring dom
- Hels catches EX masturbating (sorta)
- first-time sex/taking someone's virginity
- oral

Deep in the nether, two 'evil counterparts' lived in a sturdy house made of blackstone and crimson wood, nestled deep inside a crimson forest that they had hoglin-proofed for the most part.

One of the people living there was out collecting food, leaving his long-time partner alone in the house.

The white-haired man was currently laying on the duo's bed, pants off and two fingers inside himself as he panted softly. His second hand moved down to rub his T-dick, drawing a gasp from him as he thrusted his fingers deeper into his folds.

He had a small towel in his mouth to stop his moans from becoming too loud, and he bit down onto it as he felt an orgasam approaching.

Before he could cum however, he heard the front door to the house open and shut, booted footsteps able to be heard as his long-time boyfriend returned home. EX paled, terrified of what would happen if Hels came into the bedroom and saw him, as he hadn't told Hels yet that he was trans. Sure, they had fooled around, but never got to the point of EX taking his pants off, he always stopped it before it got that far.

He pulled his fingers out of himself and frantically tried to clean up, pulling a blanket over himself just in time as Hels came into the bedroom.

"Hey EX. How was everything while I was gone?" The brunette smiled, taking off his armor and placing it on an armor stand in the corner of the room.

"G-good. Everything is fine." EX was insanely nervous, the worry clear in his body language and tone of voice.

Hels frowned, looking at EX worriedly. "You sure? You sound really nervous." He came over to the bed, putting the back of his hand to EX's forehead to feel for a fever but not finding any sign of one. "What happened, I promise I won't freak out. You can talk to me, EX." The firey knight sat on the bed next to his boyfriend, worry plain to hear in his voice.

"I-I- H-Hels I know we've been t-together for a few y-years, b-but- I-I never told you s-something r-really important." EX decided to just bite the bullet, glancing at Hels worriedly as the brunette shifted a little closer.

"I-if y-you go biologically, I-I'm straight. I-I like men, b-but..." He trailed off, unable to say it outright due to fear.

Hels looked confused for a moment, trying to figure out what EX meant. "You-" his eyes widened as he realized what EX was trying to tell him.

"You're... trans. Aren't you? You thought you had to hide that from me sweetheart?" Hels put a gentle hand on EX's shoulder, worry written across his face as he looked at his boyfriend. EX nodded, hugging himself.

"Baby... you don't have to hide things like that from me. You know I love you, that isn't gonna change just cause you're trans. I just wanna clarify, are you male to female or female to male? I don't wanna call you the wrong pronoun." Hels hugged his boyfriend, EX tearing up. "F-female to m-male. I-I was so s-scared... th-that's why I never l-let us go f-farther than taking my t-top off. I-I didn't want you to b-be disgusted by m-my..." He broke into sobs, Hels holding his boyfriend close.

"Oh, EX. I don't care what parts you have, you know I love you for who you are. I couldn't care less if you had a pussy or a dick, I love you either way." Hels gently brought EX's face up to his, kissing the white-haired man sweetly.

They kissed for a few moments, Hels gently wiping the tears from EX's face as they broke apart. "What even got you into this tizzy, you looked worried from the moment I walked in." Hels frowned, worried that maybe EX had been self-harming or something similar.

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