Strip Club pt. 2 - Grian x Scar

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Top: Scar technically
Bottom: Grian technically

(Grian is a stripper in the local gay strip club, Scar comes to watch)

Needless to say, when the song was over and Peacock went back off the stage for the night, Scar went to one of the staff members and requested a private room with the birdlike dancer.

Soon, Scar was led to a private room, the staff member who had led him there saying that Peacock would be in in a moment.

The brunette waited paitently, and when he heard the door open and the softl clicks of those red heels, he turned to see the beautiful man walking into the room with a smile.

"So you're Scar? Thanks for the drink earlier hun, you didn't have to."


Scar smiled back at Peacock, spreading his hands in a 'what can I say' gesture. "You know how to dance, and you're damn good up on that stage." The brunette shrugged as he looked up at Peacock.

"Thanks, I try." Peacock grinned. "Anyway, you requested a private dance, how private would you like it to be?" The blonde was smirking, and he teasingly ran his fingers up Scar's arm and to his chin, tipping it up to have the brunette looking up at him.

"As private as you're comfortable with, sweetheart." Scar smiled warmly, fully expecting the dancer to just do a regular lap dance. But when Peacock went over to the couch gesturing for Scar to follow, the brunette did with a few twists of his wheels.

"Just to be sure, how immobilized are you? I assume you don't use a wheelchair for no reason." Scar smiled at his words, slightly surprised that the stripper seemed to care.

"I can move my legs, just not strong enough to walk most days. On good days I can use a walker, like an old man. But usually I just go with my wheelchair." He shrugged. Peacock nodded, seeming to think.

"Well, do ya think I can help you to the couch? I've never done anything with someone who uses a wheelchair regularly, you'll have to forgive me." Scar nodded, and soon the two of them had managed to get him on the couch and his wheelchair secure nearby.

With that taken care of, Peacock began the lap dance, actually grinding down onto Scar's lap to see if the brunette would do anything. He did, reaching out and gently rubbing the red-clad man's ass as he moved in a sexual way. Peacock didn't stop him, even encouraging it as he basically sat on Scar's lap and grinded down.

"Ohhh fuck- you're good at that." Scar groaned, his cock starting to harden the more that the blonde grinded down on him. Peacock smiled, standing up only to discard his mask to the side in order to see easier.

"I don't usually do this, but I'll make an exception for you~" Peacock kneeled down between Scar's leg, pulling his pants and boxers down enough so that the brunette's cock sprang out. The blonde then licked a fat stripe up the underside, keeping eye contact with Scar the entire time he basically teased the man's dick.

"Mmm fuck~ Peacock-"

"Call me Grian."

Scar was surprised, to say the least. First he had watched this man dance on a stage, getting drooled over by many, many men, then he had managed to get a private dance with the blonde, and now said blonde was giving him a blowjob and telling Scar to call him by his given name.

"O-okay." Scar moaned as Grian took his cock into his mouth fully, the Brit managing to get a good way down before gagging and having to pull off. He quickly returned however, repeatedly going down as far as possible and using his hand to jerk the part he couldn't reach.

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