Blood Thirsty - Vampire!Mumbo x Grian (requested)

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Top: Grian
Bottom: Mumbo

- requested
- biting(obviously)
- parrot boi Grian
- vampire Mumbo
- kinda taking advantage of someone in need but there IS consent
- set in S9

Mumbo was positively ravenous, his supply of animals for the blood he survived on having ran out. He stumbled out of his vault, seeing Grian working on something inside his main base and going over to him as fast as his body would allow.

Grian spotted him, instantly getting worried as he saw how Mumbo was acting. "Woah woah woah, Mumbo what happened? What's wrong?" He asked, concern for his friend written all over his face.

"My.. I ran out, of animals. Didn't realize I-I had killed the last one t-two, maybe three days ago? I'm so h-hungry, p-please Grian-" Mumbo collapsed into Grian's arms as the avian rushed to catch him when he fell, the ravenette instinctively going to mouth at Grian's neck.

"Hey, wait! Mumbo, you know the terms for if you drink my blood." Grian stopped him with a hand on Mumbo's chest, a stern look on his face as Mumbo whined.

"But-! Grian please can I just have a little before, I'm so hungry-" Mumbo grabbed Grian's hand and kissed the inside of his wrist, about to bite down as Grian pulled his hand away.

"Mumbo you know the terms. Come on, you'll get your meal don't worry." Grian helped Mumbo stand, the ravenette whining again as he followed Grian back to a more secluded room which was obviously Grian's bedroom.

"You taste a single drop of my blood before I get you to cum, and that's the only blood you'll get from me." Grian crossed his arms as he looked at Mumbo. "F-fine, just please- so h-hungry..."

Mumbo and Grian had made an agreement a few years ago that if Mumbo needed to drink Grian's blood for a meal if he ran out of his usual supply, they would have to fuck and Grian usually stipulated that Mumbo had to cum before he was allowed to drink.

The ravenette whimpered softly as he stripped down and got on the bed, Grian stripping down as well. "Now, I'm gonna fuck you, okay? And you're gonna be good." The blonde avian straddled Mumbo's thighs as he reached into the drawer of his bedside table, grabbing a bottle of lube and slicking up a few of his fingers.

Mumbo opened his legs eagerly, Grian smiling as he saw Mumbo's cock hardening as he spread his legs.

"Good boy, gotta get you loose." Without much warning, Grian pressed a finger into Mumbo, the vampire jolting slightly as he felt the intrusion.

Eventually Grian added a second finger, finding Mumbo's prostate and making the ravenette moan eagerly as he rubbed it.

"P-please Grian, hurry~ s-so hungry, wanna cum so I can drink you up~" Mumbo arched his back, moaning as a third finger was added.

The avian smiled, kissing Mumbo's neck as he pressed his fingers in one last time before withdrawing them and straightening to lube up his cock.

"Alright, you ready? I won't stop you from cumming, whenever you're ready you can." Grian pushed into Mumbo as he finished speaking. The tall redstoner gasped, cock jumping as he clenched around Grian.

"Ah~ f-fuck Grian please-" Mumbo was cut off by a moan as the shorter brit started thrusting. He arched his back, Grian smiling and holding Mumbo's hips as he thrusted into him.

"Good boy, fuck you feel so good~ mmm I should do this more often. Maybe I can ride you as you drink me, that sound good?" At this, Mumbo nodded frantically, moaning and gasping as Grian pounded right into his prostate.

"Fuck~! G-Grian- so g-good, fuck I'm c-close please want you to ride me as I cum and drink your blood please~" Mumbo grabbed onto Grian's shoulders, cock twitching violently as he drew closer.

"Yeah? You want to cum inside me as I ride you? Alright pretty boy." Grian pulled out of Mumbo and grabbed the lube again, about to lube up his own fingers to stretch himself as Mumbo grabbed it and pulled Grian onto his lap.

Mumbo was almost feverish as he lubed up a few fingers and pushed two into Grian at first, the blonde gasping and holding onto Mumbo as he was quickly fingered open. "F-fuck~ oh M-Mumbo~" Grian closed his eyes and rolled his hips down onto Mumbo's fingers, the ravenette kissing his neck but not biting down yet as he pressed in a third finger.

"P-please, are you ready? So c-close, so hungry~" Mumbo sucked on Grian's neck in a similar way to how he would if he had bit Grian, his body nearly making him bite down right then and there but he held himself back.

"Y-yeah, fuck~ let me ride you baby, and you can cum and drink as much as you want from me." Grian nodded, Mumbo immediately pulling his fingers out of Grian and lubing up his cock before helping Grian hastily sink down onto his cock.

"Oh~! G-Grian~ so t-tight, please I'm so close~" Mumbo whimpered as he forced himself to let go of Grian's neck. The avian moaned as he lifted himself up and dropped back down, finding a good rhythm as Mumbo matched his pace and thrusted up into him.

"Cum for me Mumbo, such a good boy~" Grian gasped as Mumbo's cock speared his prostate, clenching and looking at his friend with a smile as Mumbo came with a jolt and a loud moan. He kept riding Mumbo for a little bit, although Mumbo soon couldn't hold back anymore and switched their positions, pushing Grian into the bed and biting his neck hard.

Grian gasped again, stiffening as he felt Mumbo's fangs peirce his skin and his blood start to be sucked into Mumbo's mouth as the ravenette drank his blood.

Mumbo moaned as he sucked on the spot, grinding his half-hard dick into Grian just to hear the blonde mewl in ecstacy.

The vampire stayed in that same position for a good five to ten minutes, Grian's head feeling fuzzy as he lost blood. Eventually Mumbo let go of Grian's neck, his mouth bloody but a satisfied look on his face as he watched the two wounds from his fangs let out a little trickle of blood before it started clotting and the trickle stopped.

The redstoner lapped up the little bit of blood, Grian sighing happily as Mumbo stayed inside him.

"Thank you so much, that was so delicious Grian. I love drinking from you, you're always so tasty." Mumbo kissed Grian on the mouth, one hand going down to grab Grian's still-hard cock.

The avian moaned and bucked his hips, Mumbo beginning to jerk him off as he kept kissing him.

Soon Grian was cumming, moaning loudly into the kiss as Mumbo let go of his cock and carefully slid out of Grian. The blonde brit simply laid there, body tingling and head feeling fuzzy from the loss of blood as he drifted off to sleep.

Mumbo cleaned them both up, feeling much more rational and awake as his hunger was satiated for the time being. He soon collapsed into bed with Grian though, cuddling his friend as he too drifted off to sleep.

1,234 words (wow that's perfect that makes my adhd brain happy)

Bit direct and without much plot, but I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! More on the way, I've just been kinda busy lol

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