Date Night - Team Rancher (Jimmy and Tango)

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Top: Tango
Bottom: Jimmy

- very vocal Jimmy
- double life
- team rancher my beloved
- slight biting kink
- tail play (my design for Tango has a thin, whip-like tail with a little arrowhead at the end that he can set alight so he has a little ball of fire at the end of his tail. I have my shitty drawings of my Tango design above for anyone interested)
- requested (kinda 2 requests? Someone asked for vocal Jimmy and someone else asked for team rancher)
- insecure/unsure Tango at first
- orgasam denial

Jimmy's eyes widened as he was led inside the ranch house to a beautifully decorated room, perfectly set up for a date night for the partners.

"Tango- Tango did you-" the blonde looked over at his soulmate with tears forming in his eyes from the happiness.

"Yeah. Yep, I set this up all for us. All for you." The nether demon hybrid was grinning, his sharper than normal teeth on display as his whip-like tail curled anxiously around his leg.

"Oh gosh- Tango I love it!" Jimmy hugged Tango, the two of them grinning like madmen. Giving his soulmate a kiss on the cheek, Tango pulled away from the hug slightly to speak. "Okay, okay come on. Let's have dinner."

They sat down at the table, Tango revealing the elaborate- or, at least, as elaborate as it gets with Minecraft- food, gesturing for Jimmy to dig in. As they ate, Jimmy happily tangled his legs with Tango's, the firey blonde's tail curling around and rubbing against Jimmy's leg as Tango purred softly.

Unnoticed by Jimmy at first, Tango's tail started to go farther and farther up his legs, until it was near the brit's clothed crotch. Tango stopped his tail from moving any farther however, as he was unsure if Jimmy was in the mood and didn't want to spoil the happy and content atmosphere even if the nether demon hybrid was feeling a bit frisky.

"T-Tango?" Jimmy looked up at his partner to see Tango with slightly red cheeks and ear-tips. Tango blushed a bit darker and looked up at Jimmy, wondering what he wanted to say.


"Is- are you- um- are you alright?" The blonde looked a little worried, getting up and going over to his soulmate.

"Yeah, no I'm fine. I-I'm alright." Tango blushed a bit more, his ears tilting down in slight embarrassment as he looked at the table.

"You sure? You don't seem alright..." Jimmy sounded very worried, and he pulled a chair around to sit next to Tango.

"I'm fine I promise. J-just glad you like what I did for us."

At this Jimmy frowned, not believing his soulmate's words fully. "Tango what's wrong? You can talk to me, I promise."

The nether demon hybrid looked away, his tail curling anxiously around his own leg.

"Its just- I- I-I kinda want to g-go further- w-with our relationship.. but- but I'm not sure i-if you want that, too." Tango spoke quietly as he looked at the ground.

The human blonde was mostly speechless, however at the idea of Tango wanting to take what they had to the next level, he couldn't stop thinking about what Tango could do to him.

Putting a hand over Tango's, Jimmy smiled at his partner before kissing the fire demon's cheek. "We can do something more, Tango."

Tango smiled, looking up at Jimmy with a relieved expression, however before he could say anything Jimmy kissed him on the mouth, both men melting into it rather quickly.

Tango's tail was threatening to light on fire due to his emotions, but he kept control of it as he practically wrapped himself around his partner. Lips still locked together and eyes closed, Jimmy carefully brought Tango's hands to snake under his shirt, the firey blonde happily running his hands over Jimmy's skin.

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