Don't Know Why

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I wrote this piece to state my views upon this horrifying news that a well-known journalist and radio broadcaster was murdered near his home on the orders of the chief of the national prison system and their deputy for exposing his abuses and sudden wealth. I found it revolting that the people in charge of reforming the worst of society is treating their job as a personal fiefdom, all paid for by public taxes. And now that charges has been filed against them, they refuse to surrender and claim the charges are motivated by politics than justice. This is the place I live in. This is the place I can't wait to escape for good.

I don't know why you do what you do.
Why you seem unable to be an adult,
To take responsibility.
Everything that has happened came from you,
Yet you don't want to admit fault or blame.
You just want all the power, accumulate it for yourself,
Without bearing the responsibilities attached.
You don't care how I feel, how we all feel,
You just see people like us as collateral.
Maybe you get off it, or you're ashamed of your history,
I'll never truly know,
But I know you disappoint and disgust us,
All of us in equal measure.
You want something,
But you're not brave enough to get it yourself.
Hell, you're not even brave enough
To answer the consequences of your actions.
When it's time to face the music,
And to demand answers for what you've done,
You just hide in your burrow,
And get others to do your dirty work for you.
You shame us all, you spineless coward.
You don't want to be the person
You always saw yourself as.
No, you just want to play the victim,
Claim they're out to get you and all that bullshit.
Ordinary people like me see your tricks and think,
"How is it possible for God
To create such an appalling mistake like you?
And how can you get away with your loyal lackeys
Rewriting the truth as biased perception?"
You commit your crimes in the public eye,
Yet you walk away without even a slap on the wrist.
Dear God, I don't know why
You're unable to be an adult
And take responsibility
For once in your pitiful life.

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