Somewhere In The Chaos

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You don't scare me

With your barbaric tactics

And your tools of intimidation.

You won't bring me down,

No matter how many times

You spew forth your virulent message

Of division and hatred.

This calculated aggression is feeble,

Your pathological validations false.

You think you have carte blanche with your choices,

Since you see me as an infidel.

Unworthy of my gifts and talents,

Because they do not conform to your beliefs,

Or serve your purpose.

You see me as a threat to you,

But you don't offer to debate with me about them.

Your prejudiced ideals built

On a foundation of deceit and outright bigotry.

And I know, if you met me,

You would offer me two choices:

Conversion or death.

I have this to say to you,

So-called Chosen Ones:

Who are you to play God or Allah with people's lives?

Who are you to say what I should believe in and what I shouldn't?

And how dare you be judge, jury, and executioner to all of us?

Did He appoint you to this position you see yourself at?

If so, prove it!

If not, then listen to what I have to say.

Please, put your sword down and allow me a minute of reason.

You're no different to me.

You're as much a human as I am.

You have ideals close to your heart, just as I do.

And you're capable of compassion and openness.

You're human, and this is a fact.

But the world has shaken your roots.

Perhaps you found your background or upbringing detestable,

And you're looking to change it.

Perhaps you're lost and confused,

Looking for a way to redeem yourself,

To make something of yourself.

Or perhaps you long for the simpler times,

When trust and opportunity were easier to come by.

These are all valid reasons,

And if they led you to this path I understand.

And the world may have done you a great injustice,

For which you're looking for revenge.

That I know all too well.

But no matter what path led you to your life now,

You cannot force your beliefs to people

Who want no part of it.

You can't stop people from being themselves,

Just as you wouldn't want that on you either.

But most of all,

You can't keep murdering the innocent

Whose only crime is to be different from you.

There is nothing to justify

Any sort of violence against them.

For every time you threaten them,

You feed a vicious cycle

That will never stop turning

Until it has consumed

The entire world.

You can keep this cycle turning

With your coercions and vagaries.

But one day it will take something dear to you,

Something that speaks volumes to your heart,

And you will find yourself broken,

By the same cycle you have fed for so long.

By then it would be too late.

But you have a choice.

A chance to end this vicious cycle.

A way to end the bloodshed, the tears, the carnage.

It's this:

You can be the better person.

You can rise above them all,

And show another path.

A path of care,

A path of respect,

A path of tolerance,

A path of love.

You can be better than what you were,

Better than what you are now.

And you can be that inspiration of others like you.

Others who need a helping hand,

Or a shoulder to lean on.

It's never easy;

Indeed, it would be a massive challenge.

And there will be trials and tribulations

That will have you questioning your will

Over and over again.

But there's this:

How would you like to be remembered?

How would you see the time you spent here?

And at the end,

When it's all said and done,

Would you be happy?

I'm incapable of fighting you, I admit.

You can kill me, and I can't stop you.

But I know I can die for this idea,

And you can never kill it.

So now, it's up to you to decide

How this will all end.

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