Part 1

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I stood in my backyard, dancing with my sword in hand twisting and twirling delicately. My goal that night was to perfect a few moves. I had been out there for five hours, but practice makes perfect.

Right, left, shing! The dummy in front of me lost its head and it tumbled to my feet. Putting back my sword then looking at the head as if intrigued, I put it back onto the dummy body.

"Mistral?" All Might asked out of the blue.

I jumped then turned towards the house. All Might, my father, stood in the doorway of our small mountain home with a small smile on his face. The moon was lit right above his head, casting a hazy silver color over his already pale face as he looked out at the training grounds behind me. Our back yard was equipped with the necessities of training a young, quirk-less, girl who was determined to become a hero.

"Oh, good you're back. I thought something bad had happened to you." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "This sword is great, thanks."

"No problem, come on, I brought a couple from UA, they want to talk." He told me.

I hung my haori on the coat hanger then took my sword's sheath and hung it up on the coat hanger as well. After all of that, I walked behind my father into the living room, and what was inside of it shocked me. In the living room sat two men about my father's age, maybe younger I couldn't tell, one was an animal after all.

The animal person looked like a mouse, or a cat, or a dog, or a rat with a scar covering his right eye. He wore a suit that made him seem like an important business man. The other man looked tired, had black hair, black eyes, and wore mostly black. He had a large, long, gray scarf around his neck and a scar under his right eye. I started to see a pattern, weird, awful outfit choices, and scars.

"This is your daughter, correct?" The mouse-thing asked, I smirked.

"Yup, that's her." All Might confirmed as I sat on the couch. "She's a swordsman, it's almost like her quirk."

"I heard, is she interested in being a hero?" The mouse asked again.

"Nezu!" He exclaimed. "I don't think that's a good idea, I mean she's quirkless! Don't you think that's a bit absurd?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. "You were quirkless at my age, what's the difference? That you magically gained a quirk?"

"It was powerful enough to keep me safe, Mistral." He said.

"It's a dream of mine to be a hero." I answered, glancing over at All Might.

"Obviously your father isn't ok with it, this was a waste of time." The man with black hair said.

"Wait, what if I could prove to you that my skill is enough to become a hero?" I asked before he could leave the house. "You get to choose what I do, just something that proves my skill."

"As long as All Might's ok with it." Nezu said looking at All Might with a gentle smile. "What is your judgment, Toshinori?"

I looked over my shoulder secretly at my father. He looked down at his feet, he was only making sure I was safe, I thought sadly. Maybe I shouldn't, he knows what villains are like and doesn't want me to end up like my mother. I sighed, he's going to say no, what was I thinking? 

"Fine, Aizawa you're the better teacher." He said, I couldn't help but look at him with a shocked stare.

"You said she was a swordsman, right?" Aizawa asked, I nodded. "Then a fight simulation would be best."

"Oh great." All Might sighed.

"Great!" I exclaimed. "When? Against who?"

"Tomorrow when class 1-A trains, All Might is responsible for anything that happens since who I'm planning on you fighting is quite violent." He told me, I bowed my head.

"Thank you sir." I said gratefully, the front door slammed shut. "Well they were in a rush, are you alright?"

"You realize that this won't be as easy as you think, right?" He asked, pressing his hand to his forehead. "But I'm giving you a chance, and you will face many challenges on the way, as long as you do your best I'm sure you can do it."

"No, I meant the blood, here I'll grab you a handkerchief." I told him as he wiped the blood off his chin. "And don't worry about me."

I grabbed a tissue and gave it to him. Ever since he gave his power away to Izuku he's been coughing up blood and deteriorating everyday. He had told me when I was at least 7 the secret to his quirk. The quirk, One For All, caused him to gain superhuman abilities, too many to count, and his body became so used to it that it eventually killed all the holders. That's what I was afraid of every since he battled All For One.

"You should go to bed, you have a big day tomorrow." He told me. "I'll be alright. Just a little blood, 'could always be worse."

"Ok," I said and walked to the stairs. "Thanks, the sword and everything. I know it's been harder since you retired."

"We're doing fine, don't worry." He said.

I turned and walked up the stairs. I know he didn't want me to worry but I couldn't help it. Ever since he gave up hero work he could barely run a mile. I wish he hadn't given it to Izuku, we'd all be safe, All For One would've gone down easily, but then again, if he didn't pass it on to Izuku, he wouldn't have saved anyone.

I laid down in my bed and went to sleep quite easily. I must've trained pretty hard today, I thought as a yawn escaped my lips and I officially drifted off to sleep.

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