Part 12

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I walked slowly so they could catch up and I could ask a very specific question. I glared at Bakugou who paid me no mind then looked at Midoriya who looked like he was going to tell me something.

"He knows about One For All," Midoriya told me. "It's just better to have another person there plus he has black mail."

"That's great." I muttered.

I put my hands in my pockets and walked with them to the school. There was no talking on our way since there was a high tension between every person there. Me and Midoriya both hated Bakugou, Midoriya more or less, while Bakugou hated the both of us, most definitely.

We made it to my father's office and walked in without knocking because Bakugou felt very entitled. I knocked on the door letting Bakugou know that you're supposed to knock on the door. I went in last so he already knew it was something about me.

"Well, what happened?" All Might asked, looking at me specifically.

"Those dreams, Midoriya told you about, I got one." I told him simply. "Isn't it perfect? More to worry about."

"What was it about?" He demanded.

"First it was our whole family in the living room except me who was training outside, you and mom were talking about the battle with All For One and that she had a bad feeling, second, I was there, again when Lui and Nana, and mom," I sighed, we all knew what I was talking about. "Fourth, the funeral, just me and you, finally, Nana was talking to me, about One For All and she said that I had it too since you had it and mom had it since Lariat was her great-"

"She was right!?" All Might exclaimed. "You do have it, if you're having those dreams it's most definite that you got it. It's still passing on DNA and both sides, Mistral you have a quirk!"

"Wow, so how do I use it?" I asked, his excitement came to a stop. "And we tried to think of something but it doesn't seem like either idea will work."

"We can always push All Might off the top of a building and maybe Mistral his dear little girl will somehow get One For All," Bakugou muttered. "Please, if it's anyone of us I should have it."

"And what makes you so entitled, you weren't raised by him were you?" I snapped. "He gave it to Midoriya, there's no going back and quite frankly I don't think you deserve One For All, a snoody son of a grenade might just explode like one if All Might passed it on to him."

"Mistral, that's enough." All Might ordered. "But, something realistic would work like when Midoriya saved-"

"We've gone over that." I told him. "Maybe when I'm not expecting it or we'll wait for another dream to come up maybe that'll explain things."

"We could take both options, what happens if she doesn't unlock her quirk when we put All Might through near death situations?" Bakugou asked.

"We'll have Midoriya on stand by." All Might explained. "Go to class, I'll think more on matters."

I sighed and nodded. I led the group out the door to the hallway that was filled with teachers and students all of which paid us no attention. I walked away from them to our class room since there was no point in walking with Bakugou anymore. I made it to the classroom where everyone was except Bakugou and Midoriya. I walked to my seat and sat down just as the bell rang and Bakugou and Midoriya walked into the classroom.

"You're late!" Iida yelled. "A good U.A student should arrive ten minute before class."

I chuckled quietly as Midriya sighed and Bakugou rolled his eyes. He sat in his seat next to me as Aizawa walked into the classroom with a large white binder under his arm. He began to teach math our first period of the day. I sighed and followed along though I knew the material already. That morning went slowly, it felt like the whole day had passed once the lunch bell rang.

"Alright class, don't forget today you're going to your work studies and staying there the week, Mistral, Endeavor was kind enough to take you on, Shoto make sure he doesn't kill her." Aizawa ordered as I put my stuff away.

"Yessir?" I said confusedly. 

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