Part 16

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Me, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou all finished our work study and went back to UA the same way we came. The last four days weren't too exciting since crime decided to die down for a bit. We got to patrol but that was about it.

When we came back though, that was a whole other story. Everyone was buzzing around us asking about the battle with all the nomus. I was especially bothered since what I said had spread throughout the news and went completely viral. I knew there was going to be some hate too, but I focus on the good things mostly. I was asked all these questions by all my classmates wondering why I said what I did, I answered with 'I said what was true and made it obvious'.

"All of you sit down." Aizawa ordered, everyone not in their seats did. "You've all heard of Hero Day and seen the parades I'm sure, but this year U.A is putting on the parade. You have two months to work on your float, it must be 15 by 20 meters. Decide on a hero for your float."

With that, Aizawa slipped into his bright yellow sleeping bag and went to take a nap. The class was silent until Denki Kaminari asked, "What does he mean by hero?" I sighed and turned to look at him so I could explain it.

"A hero that we can theme the float off of, like we take all the crap from Midoriya's room, throw it on a trailer and you'd have a All Might themed float." I told him, Midoriya looked at me with an offended look. "Don't tell me it's not true."

"Ok!" Iida announced. "We'll vote on our favorite heroes, we can throw Ingenium up there and Thirteen, All Might too, any others?"

"Tidal, Edgeshot, Sniper, Eraserhead." I listed. "Oh, Mirko."

"I'll put those down, thank you for the contribution Mistral, anyone else?" Iida asked, but nobody answered. "Very well, we'll take a blind vote then we'll start the design phase."

We took a blind vote where you'd put your head down and raise your hand for what you want to vote for. I voted for Edgeshot, not just because he's my third cousin but because I thought he was an easy hero to do. Sniper won and I started to think of ideas for the float. I liked a particular one I came up with. It was going to be his famous six-shooter gun that a hand would be holding.

It may have been a bit much but I sketched it out anyways and made sure to include the dimensions. It would be ten feet tall and at the widest point 5 feet wide. It was going to be complicated but we had two months, not too long but long enough. Midoriya looked over my shoulder and gave me a thumbs up since Iida was running the class now.

"Shouldn't we know a few things about the hero we're doing?" Kaminari asked. "It would just help, we know him as a teacher and all, I'm sure Midoriya knows something."

"I don't actually, besides that he's an older hero like Crimson Riot." Midoriya told them. "Honestly I never really heard about him until I got into U.A. Mistral, All Might seems to know him well, you know anything?"

"He is the number 104 in the ranks, has saved a total of 185439 people, and his wife left him for a villain." I said, searching my mind. "The facts are real, oh and his wife was killed by the same villain that she left him for, and it was All For One, who then went on to kill three more people that same day, I gotta tell ya it's annoying knowing all of that."

"Who were the other three?" Ashido asked, I sighed. "Did you know them?"

"My little brother, mom, and grandmother, all of which tried to stop him." I said looking down at my paper. "But faint memories are all I have and a few pictures."

"Really?" Tsu asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, you know why All Might smiles?" I asked. "Cause he's afraid that if he doesn't people will doubt him like he thinks my mother and brother and grandmother all did since he was able to see their faces clearly in their last- dammit."

A tear from my eye fell onto the paper I was working on and I wiped the rest away. No one asked anything after that, they probably heard me lightly sniffle or something and figured it was a sensitive topic. I finished my drawing and passed it to Iida who was collecting them after everyone was done.

I looked down at my desk and twiddled my thumbs waiting for everyone to be done. Midoriya handed me his drawing so I could pass it to Iida. I looked at it first and gave him a small smile telling him that he did a good job. I handed it to Iida and heard the intercom come on. It was calling me to the principal's office.

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