Part 5

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"What are you doing here?"

"Just doing some community service, for hero work." He explained. "You are here because?"

"I just want to see my mom, tell her a few things though she isn't really listening." I told him. "Nana is buried there, that's-"

"All Might's mentor, did you know her?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, she was around so much before All For One, that bastard, I only have faint memories." I said putting my hand on the string that hung around my shoulder.

"Can I ask a maybe sensitive question?" He asked, I hesitantly nodded. "Did All For One kill-"

"Yeah, all the people in the battle died except All Might, thankfully." I told him as we turned to walk out. "You know the video where he took one hundred people to safety in one minute? That was right before he watched both of them die, in his arms too, I was only 9, the cameraman, I was standing next to him."

"Oh," He said as more tears came to my eyes. "I'm sorry, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, just, I'm the most sensitive person you'll ever meet." I told him, chuckling. "I'll-"

"There!" The merchant from earlier yelled. "That girl with the sword!"

"Damn," I muttered, pulling out my sword. "You won't be getting this blade until it's soaked in your blood."

"What did you do?" Midoriya asked.

"I didn't sell my sword to them," I told him, placing my hand on the hilt taking a stance. 

"Why do you want her sword?" He demanded. 

"Riches boy, most important thing in this world." The merchant said. "Get her."

I charged at the three men that were running at me. I wasn't actually going to cut them, just try to knock them out. I ducked under one's arm who looked like he was going to try to hug me. I slammed the hilt of my sword into his face, knocking him out, two more.

I looked over at Midoriya who was swarmed in lightning I didn't see during the Sports Festival. He was taking care of the two who were ordered to attack me. He was fine, he easily knocked out both of them with a few kicks and punches. I turned to the merchant who stood with chains coiled around his arms.

"Why don't you give up?" He asked. "You won't win against me."

"It's two against one, this time, we've got the better odds." I told him.

"I'm not sure what his quirk is but I have a good feeling it has something to do with those chains." Midoriya told me, I looked at him like he was stupid. "You're good with that sword."

I rolled my eyes then shot towards the merchant with my sword drawn back. The chains went through his palms towards me. I dodged each of them then watched as a third came at me while I was in the air. I couldn't dodge, I'd have to counter attack. I swung my sword, deflecting it away from me. The man ws elderly but he could fight.

He easily kicked me away in almost no time. I flipped right about to hit the ground while in air landing on the top of a gravestone. I looked at Midoriya who was getting constricted by chains from the merchant. I shot over quickly to try and save him before he was crushed. I brought my sword over my head then down on the chains cutting them in half.

"What the-" He started. "Chromium? Damn you!"

"Blame my dad." I told him.

I dashed back towards him, staying low to the ground just in case he had more chains. I jumped up at the last second then kneed him in the forehead. He dropped to the ground, I had knocked him out.

I caught my breath while hunching over slightly. I sheathed my sword then turned to Midoriya who was kneeling on the ground breathing heavily. I crouched next to him trying to see if his skin was any sort of blue color.

"I forgot to ask, how did your battle with Kachan go?" He asked, I laughed, then sighed.

"Not how I wanted." I told him, holding my hand out to him. "I think my dad made the right choice in choosing you."

"Really?" He asked as I pulled him up. "I doubt that sometimes, but, thanks, hearing it from you is good, since you're his daughter."

"Don't think of me just as his daughter, I'm made out to be a spoiled brat a lot so, think of me as Mistral Yagi, not All Might's daughter."

"Got it," He nodded. "I'll see you later, sorry you didn't get in."

"No one's fault but my own, bye." I walked out of the grave yard.

I went back home feeling a bit better than before, even if I had gotten a little pummeled, I had a few nice chats so it was fine. I climbed up to my window into my room so it looked like I had been home the whole time.

I was tired so I laid back in bed until I fell asleep. I was sure All Might came up to check on me but I was already asleep so I didn't know.

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