Part 26

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I found myself lying in a bunch of reeds listening to the sound of a sword cutting through air. I found that I wasn't bleeding profusely or coughing up blood but I was at peace and didn't feel any negativity. I stood up looking around for the source of the sound. It wasn't hard to find since the pale yellow of the reeds and the light pink of the sky both made a girl wearing bright green very visible. I took a step towards her, she turned to me, I could see her face clear as day. She had deep brown eyes, light brown hair, and a kitsune mask that sat on top of her head.

"Mom!?" I yelped running over to her. "I'm sorry! D-dad h-he's alone now I-i-"

"Calm down," She told me, putting her hands on my heaving shoulders. "Sit, I know what happened."

"Y-your r-really here," I mumbled, putting my hand on hers. "How is this happening? I'm too confused, please tell me dad's alright?"

"He's fine, sweetheart, take a look." She told me.

The scene faded into the cosmos and she faded away. I reached for her but she was gone, just a smiling image. There was a white fog where All Might stood, but he was once again shriveled and tiny. He stood at the side of a hospital bed which was occupied by a young girl, me. He was holding her hand as a steady beep pulsed from a monitor followed by a sniffle from him.

"You're real lucky Mistral," He said, smiling as tears fell from his eyes. "I'm grateful for it, remember that."

I smiled, walking over to the fog that seemed to be getting bigger and bigger every step I took. I found myself looking down at my sleeping self then at All Might who was just staring blankly at my hand. It reminded me of when I was watching him sleep in Recovery Girl's office then everything went to mayhem.

I looked behind me at Nana who was smiling at me. I turned completely to her, noticing the little boy who held her hand. He had bright blond hair and brown eyes, he was my little brother Lui. The scene behind me disappeared so I paid full attention to them instead.

"This'll be the last time we see you Mistral," Nana told me. "One For All has to leave your body, transferring all the power to Midoriya instead of splitting it."

"I understand," I said, crouching down to see Lui completely. "Hey lil' brother."

"Sissy?" He wondered, looking up at me confusedly. "You look so much older."

He reached up at my face, I knelt down so I was eye level to him. His finger tips touched my cheek, taking the  tears away from my eyes. I smiled at him, looking deep into his brown eyes finding that we had almost no memories of each other.

"And you look the same as I remember," I told him, ruffling his hair. "I'm glad to see you one last time."

"Yeah," He said, hugging me. "At least we get to say goodbye this time, right?"

"You're right," I said as his image faded. "Bye, Lui."

With that, he was gone leaving me and Nana together. She roughly pulled me into a bear hug, I could feel her tears through my shirt.

"You won't be remembered as a One For All holder, Mistral." She told me, pulling away and staring down at me with proud, teary eyes. "You deserve to be though, I'll really miss you too."

"I will too," I said, smiling up at her.

"Keep smiling, alright, I told your dad that so make sure to." She ordered as she drifted away. "Kick some ass, alright?"

"Yes ma'am." I answered just as her image disappeared. "Goodbye."

I closed my eyes and let One For All put me back into my body. I woke up looking over at All Might who locked eyes with me the moment I opened mine. His smile became genuine just as I smiled too, we were both happy to see the other was okay. 

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