Part 18

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"You did it." He mumbled. "Mistral, you unlocked One For All, that's what happened when I charged a punch. Were you about to punch me?"

"I did feel like it," I muttered, pushing past him to see myself fully in the mirror. "This is weird. Midoriya, what did you do after this?"

"I punched a giant robot and destroyed my whole body." He told me as I clenched my fist.

"Great," I growled. "Go back to your friends, I'd like to be alone. Thank you though, for making me want to slap you."

He smiled at me before walking out the door to his own room. I sat back on my bed and the pink light dimmed, then there was nothing at all. I sighed and laid down in my bed, maybe Nana would talk to me tonight, I wasn't sure. I wanted to know more, but Midoriya only knew so much, it wasn't reasonable to think he could answer every single question I had.

One For All decided, or however that worked, not to bring me to Nana that night. I stayed up staring out my window wishing that my dad didn't have to go through what he was going through. It seemed painful, even from the start when he could still be All Might. I couldn't imagine how that felt, it was amazing how he did that all while deteriorating.

I found myself pacing and biting my nails when the sun rose from the mountains far yonder. The light caught my eye, making me realize now it was time for school. I put on my uniform along with the case of my sword across my back. I walked out of my dorm with my head down and my hands in my pockets.

I didn't feel like talking to anyone. It felt like I was thin glass about to break at the slightest movement. I didn't want to be so fragile that if I talked to someone I would start crying again, he was only in a coma, he'd be fine, he'll wake up soon.

I walked to school early, ahead of everyone else so no social interaction was possible. But, since I wanted to be alone, I wasn't alone. I had walked about three minutes away from the dorms when I saw that blonde haired, blue eyed boy who had comforted me the day before. I looked away from him immediately as my misty eyes locked with his.

"Hi," He mumbled, scratching the side of his head. "Sorry, I figured you'd be walking alone so I wanted to see if I could walk with you, just to school."

"It's fine, I just wanted to be somewhere before class." I told him. "I guess, walking with a friend is fine, maybe even needed."

"What about in your class?" He asked.

"I don't think they want to know me as me, I think they want to know me as the ex-number one hero's daughter." I said. "I just find it awful, I have so many labels."

"You're only label to me is Mistral Yagi, that girl with the katana." He said, I smiled sadly. "What's wrong with labels?"

"Labels are used to mark things, being marked is being watched, being watched is being judged." I muttered as the U.A gates started to open for us. "Being judged is like being tossed away, you're garbage or you're gold."

"Then what's wrong with being gold?" He wondered.

"Being gold is hard, you can bend and flex but you don't have a breaking point, imagine not being able to break." I mumbled looking down at my feet. "If you don't break, then you have dents, scratches, and scuffs, scratched gold eventually turns into worthless metal then it's lost to time."

"You're very wise, all you said was metaphoric but I got every word." He told me, I held my hand up as a gesture. "Do you want me to, take it?"

"You ask too many questions," I told him, wrapping my hand around his. "I'll see you after school."

I leaned up quickly and touched his cheek lightly with my two lips. I immediately walked inside the building and took a left, away from the classrooms where Monama should've been going. I went to the nurses office to try and see my father but, Recovery Girl wasn't in so I couldn't go in. I wrote her a note saying how grateful I was for her taking care of him then slipped it under the door so she would see it.

I walked to my homeroom where Aizawa already was, in his sleeping bag of course. I went to my desk but as I went to sit down Aizawa cleared his throat making me jump up and stand at attention like a military officer. His eyes were much more red than other days, I knew he didn't get enough sleep that night, like me.

"I'm sorry about your dad." He said. "We may not be the best of friends but that doesn't mean I don't feel bad."

"It's not our fault, sir." I told him.

"You're a good kid, doing the right thing, or, at least trying to do the right thing." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Heroes have it the worst, remember that."

I nodded obediently and watched as he went back to his desk. I sat down at mine then looked out the window at the tree line. My eyes locked on a blue light that seemed to be getting closer and closer by the second. The blue light was getting closer, but it wasn't just light it was flame. 

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