Part 10

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Like I said, my mind didn't want to stay in place that night. Instead, it wanted to take me back to six years ago.

I found myself standing in my house where three people sat on the couch all of which I knew. There was Lui, mom, and dad. My mom and dad were both talking while Lui played with his cars. I looked down the hallway that led to the sliding doors. I saw myself, holding a sword half the size of the one I had now. I looked back at the talking couple, all of a sudden the sound turned on and I was able to hear them.

"Are you sure Toshi?" My mom asked, I felt a tear fall from my eye. "I can feel something bad is going to happen."

"It's All For One, but we're heroes. We have to go." He told her. "We'll give them to Nana, she'll be able to keep them safe."

"Mommy!" My younger self yelled. "I need help!"

My mom gave All Might a worried glance then got up from the couch to come help me. All Might sighed, I just realized it was my old dad. The one that wasn't shriveled but strong and robust, able to pick up a whole bus filled with people. I sat on the couch then looked at his face, afraid and nervous. He wasn't smiling.

I felt the ground give below me then the scene changed to flames and rubble that coated every which way you could look. I heard a shrill scream from a boy and girl who stood hand in hand on a mound of rocks. I knew what was just about to happen.

I bolted to the kids, the boy was already running but I was closing in fast. I jumped up the rubble then went to grab the boy but my hand just fazed through his collar not letting me save him. I tried again desperately then watched as he tried to attack the villain All For One but was crushed by his single hand.

The scene changed again. I was standing in front of three graves with my father holding my shoulder behind me. I couldn't find any tears that day, though I was trying to shed a tear I couldn't. I started crying even though my younger self wasn't. I kneeled down, unable to control all the hurt I was just put through. I clutched my elbows.

"They all are still with you, Misty." My father said behind me. "Even though you can't see them, I promise."

"But, w-why?" I asked along with my younger self. "Why couldn't they just live? Why did All For One do that? Why dad?"

My younger self threw herself into my fathers arms and clenched his shirt. I looked at the sword that decorated her grave then started to cry harder. I thought I was past this. They're gone! Why can't I get over it, I don't want to remember this, why now? Why did this have to happen?

"Mistral," I heard a voice echo through the new scene.

It was all black around me except for the sky that was painted with stars and the cosmos of space. I looked up at the familiar figure that crouched in front of me. She placed her hand on the top of my head in the same reassuring playful way my dad did. Nana Shimura stood in front of me smiling as I realized who she was.

"Nana?" I asked as she wiped a tear from my face. "You're dead, why are you here?"

"Yes dear," She said. "I wanted to tell you a few things, ask your father, he'll explain things."

She held her hand out to me, I took it immediately, happy to feel her warm skin again. I squeezed her hand making sure it was actually there instead of something my hand would just faze through like earlier. I stood up with her and watched as a man appeared behind her. I looked at the man unable to recognize him but I knew I had known him. I furrowed my eyebrows at the man confused, I had never met him yet I knew him.

"This is one of the past holders of One For All, Lariat." Nana said as he tilted his head down at me.

"Welcome to our realm, Mistral." He said almost robotically.

"How do you-"

"He's a part of you, the most important part of you." Nana explained, I looked at her. "When you were born you got genetics from One For All and the rest of us, not just your parents.Because Lariat was your mothers great grandpa, you got part of One For All like all of the One For All holders' kids."

"But, since you got it from both sides you have greater power than any other offspring of a holder." Lariat told me. "If you can tap into this power there'll be two holders at once."

"That doesn't make any sense." I said looking down at my hand. "I am quirkless, there's no way I have One For All."

"Trust me, Mistral, you will-"

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