Part 4

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 What an idiot I was. How did I imagine myself saving people, I should've given up.

"Look at me Mistral," He ordered, I did. "Don't get too worked up all right? You're amazing at what you do, and you knew it wouldn't be easy. Bakugou is Aizawa's best student, so, getting as far as you did is great."

"I shouldn't have thought that a quirkless, daughter of two heros, could be one too." I muttered. "I should've listened to you."

"Don't worry, Misty, you'll finish your home schooling then go do something else." He told me, standing up. "I understand if you want some space, maybe some time to process too."

"Yeah," I mumbled.

He left the room, closing the door behind him. I laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I looked at my sword that leaned up against my nightstand between my bed. I picked it up, looked at the engraving again. What was I supposed to learn that would benefit me? I wondered. I sat on my bed as All Might patched up my wounds like he always did when I got hurt. I was barely thinking at this point, all I was thinking about was

I put the strap around my head so the sword crossed my back horizontally. I slipped out of my room quietly then went down the stairs to exit the house. I looked over at my dad who was in the kitchen speaking with someone on the phone. I sneaked out of the house to the driveway where only my dad's car stood. I walked past to the road that led into town.

I put my hood up and shoved my hands into my pockets as I reached the outskirts of town. It was the shady part of town, where con-artists, thiefs, vandals, all lived so it was quite dangerous. There were markets too, you bought from them, you'd be sliced to bits the next hour. You sold? People would follow you to take more of your things.

"Hi-ya little lady, interested in selling that sword?" A merchant asked. "I'll give ya a good amount for it, $20? $30? Oh you're a stubborn one aren't ya?"

"Stop talking." I ordered.

"$100!" He shouted. "Come on! Throw me a number."

"I'm not selling." I told him.

I walked away from the stand to the middle of the sidewalk where everyone got out of my way. I made my way to my destination, a grave, in a special graveyard for hero's which wasn't too far from where I was. I wanted to see my mother, not really see her but at least to be closer to her than I was at home.

I walked through the rusted open gates and on a path I made my way to the grave labeled: Aurora Yagi. I sadly smiled then took a seat in front of the stone, I hope you don't mind. I thought about placing my sword on the holder next to hers modeled in stone. I crossed my legs like a child, just like I would when she played with me.

"I guess it's been a while." I said, quietly. "Sorry, I guess it's been busy, I tried to be a hero today, I failed though, so it's not very important. You've been gone for 6 years now, dad's not doing very good, he gave his quirk away, and fought All For One again, he won but, he lost his quirk completely, and it's worth to mention that he gave it to Izuku Midoriya, Midoriya's a kid that goes to U.A."

I sighed, she told me I could tell her anything so that's what I was doing. I wiped the tears from my eyes then looked at the decorations that surrounded her gravestone. I wrapped my arms around myself, the pain I was feeling hurt so bad, I thought I was over it, but no. I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I have to be honest, I'm jealous, very jealous." I muttered. "I d-don't want to be rude towards dad b-but I can't help but hate him for giving Midoriya his quirk."

I stood from my place on the ground while gliding my hand up the stone blade that was my moms. I looked at the blades side by side, one was a little smaller than the other meaning I was almost at her level. I smiled and picked the sword back up, putting it back on my back. I turned from the grave and looked at a boy, with green hair, green eyes, and freckles. He crouched down next to a grave, cleaning it up nicely.

"Midoriya?" I asked,

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