Part 14

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"Shoto!" He yelled making his way through the crowd. "Who are you?"

"Mistral Yagi, sir." I answered obediently, holding my chin up. "I'm All Might's daughter, I'm also sure you're aware of that, good to meet you Endeavor."

"Give this man to the police and get to my agency in five minutes, you hear me?" He ordered, I nodded.

"Yes sir!"

I grabbed the color of the rogue and walked over to two police officers that were on patrol. They took him from me then I asked them for directions to Endeavors agency. They told me the directions and I shot off like a cannonball hoping to get there in less than five minutes to impress Endeavor.

I dodged people left and right so I didn't run into them. I twirled into an alley that I knew would give me an advantage on time. I ran through it and saw the other side where a building was labeled Endeavor Agency. I sighed in relief, only two minutes had passed, I was fine.

I thought I was fine until a blue flame caught my eye. I pulled out my blade and blocked the flame with it. I looked at the burnt man with bright blue eyes and black hair knowing exactly who he was already. I shot at him and pressed the sharp part of my blade against his neck. It wasn't real though. The man turned into sludge and melted into the sewer drain beneath him.

I put my blade back in its sheath then continued running to the Endeavor agency. I made it to the cross walk and saw Endeavor looking across the street at me. I looked at the sign and prayed quickly. I jumped up onto a car that was stuck in a lane that wasn't moving anytime soon then jumped on two others to reach my destination.

"How much time left?" I asked controlling my breathing to not seem weak.

"It was a test," He growled and crossed his arms. "You passed, go inside and get ready, I expect you out in reasonable time."

I nodded and went inside to get ready. There was a changing room for the sidekicks so I went in there to get into my hero outfit. I was quick about it like Endeavor asked, I didn't want to disappoint him. He only had a title, that didn't make him anything but I was still going to show him my best. The Yagis and Todoroki's have had rivalry since Endeavor got the number two spot 26 years ago. I was going to show Endeavor what this Yagi had, even if I wasn't as great as All Might, I was going to do my best if this was the real thing or not.

I walked out after a green fire haired girl who was one of Endeavor's many sidekicks. I stood next to Shoto waiting for orders from his father. She whispered something to him that made him growel some curses. He nodded and she walked away, he then faced us with disapproving faces.

"There's more nomu's in the area, four districts, five heroes, whatever your hero name is, you're coming with me." Endeavor growled as the others ran down four streets. "Give me your hero name."

"Uhm, Misty Tide, yeah, that'll do." I said he nodded.

"Let's go, I don't care if you're hurt and dying, citizens come first and you fight until you collapse." He ordered. "A hero serves until they can't, that's why you're not going to give up, coward, or make me believe that you're good enough to be a hero."

I followed him as he rounded corners with a good amount of speed. I kept up with him at his tail as he flew using his flames to keep him in the sky. I made it to the guard rails the police set up and hopped over them to join the battle. I went towards a hero I didn't know the name of and sliced the head off the Nomu who was giving him a hard time.

I kept attacking all the nomus, there were at least 100 of them in that square. I looked at one who was making its way down an alleyway that didn't have an exit. I saw under the nomus arms there were two young children with their backs to the wall trying to escape the mayhem. I rushed up behind the nomu and brought my sword down on its head, cutting it in half. I made sure to put a smile on my face to reassure them.

"My name's Misty Tide, I'm going to get you both out of here alright?" I asked, they both nodded. "You're a brave pair, hold on to me ok?"

"Yeah." The older sister said quietly.

I looked out of the alley where the mess was getting even more cluttered. I wasn't sure why but I was starting to get a bad feeling about this fight. I ran back to the police and handed them off to the same police officers that I gave the rogue to earlier. There were only black nomus left that were easily 8-10 feet tall towering over many of the heroes. They started to back away in fear while I charged one of the largest ones.

I knew the brainless monster too well. There were two variants of the nomu, one has light gray skin and the other has black skin. The ones with light gray skin were easier to takedown and had an unknown amount of quirks. The black ones were able to regenerate their lost limbs and had an unknown amount of quirks though neither of them were smart enough to use them.

I jumped up off the ground and went to go slide my sword through the nomu's neck. My sword stopped being unable to cut any further than it already had. The nomu batted me away with one hand flinging me into a building. I muttered a curse under my breath then shot back at the nomu who regenerated and enclosed my sword in its neck. I made my way to its wide shoulder and ripped my sword out of its neck making it cry out in pain. I drove the sword into the soft, unprotected brain of the creature making it collapse to the ground.

"Tide!" The winged hero, Hawks shot a feather at me. "Do that again!"

I grabbed the red feather and felt it lift me to the air. I could see all the violence in that area, the nomus were winning most definitely. I was carried over to Endeavor who was struggling with the nomu that gripped his neck and tried to choke him. I did the same thing as earlier but this time, since I had so much momentum, I cut the entire back of the nomu open.

He paid me no mind then flew up into the sky to start blasting the last nomu we had to take care of, you're welcome, I thought. I rushed over as the pain in my back I had been ignoring worsened. I winced but pushed through the pain. If I wasn't able to take one minor injury how could I become a hero? I looked up at the 15 foot beast then at Endeavor who was blasting it with flames. I used the cover and stabbed my sword into the nomu's leg making it lose some balance. At some point in that sequence the nomu decided to get smart and realized the flames weren't hurting it. The nomu grabbed me with its abnormally large hands and constricted me.

I found it hard to breathe and could feel my ribs snapping as its grip grew tighter. I coughed up blood then thought of my father, what was I doing? Why wasn't I fighting? I shouldn't give up, what type of hero does that? I looked to my left and saw Midoriya swarmed in lightning and making his way towards me at high speeds.

"Deku!" I yelled, throwing him my sword. "Go for the head!"

He caught the hilt of the sword as the nomu dropped me and slammed its fist into Deku. I watched in horror as Deku was slammed into the building and my sword fell to the ground. It broke on contact but that was the least of my worries. I tried to push myself up off the ground before the nomu's hand came crashing down on me. I wasn't fast enough.

"Get the kid out of there!" A hero ordered as the fist hit me again.

I wasn't able to move from that point, it was almost like slow motion. I could feel my life force being drained as the fist went up past the nomu's head, and then came down towards me. It came pounding into me, shattering the concrete beneath me into a crater of impact. I couldn't help but cry out in pain, I knew it seemed weak but I couldn't help myself.

"You won't lose this battle." A quiet voice told me.

I believed whoever told me that and regained my strength as the nomu wound up his punch. I rolled out of the way just as its fist came crashing down again. I caught my breath then dashed under the nomu's arm to my broken sword but more importantly Deku. I grabbed the only blade part that had broken off the hilt then quickly looked at Deku. I had another understanding with him, finish the nomu.

I jumped high enough to land on the base of the nomu's back. I gripped the shoulders of the nomu while it thrashed trying to get me off. I felt a surge of adrenaline and pulled myself up high enough to plunge the sword into the neck of the nomu. It made a gurgling sound as I let go of its shoulder and fell to the ground below. I could see blood pooling at the mouth of the monster and knew, we had won.

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