Part 3

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"There's a door knob for a reason." I told the boy.

"Is this your daughter?" He demanded, disregarding my remark.

"Yeah, does Aizawa want her?" All might asked.

He nodded then waved me to walk out the room through the clearing smoke. I rolled my eyes while sheathing my sword and begun to walk behind the boy. I followed him through the twisting hallways all the way across the school. He led me to a classroom that was empty except for a yellow sleeping bag containing Aizawa. 

"Oh, good." He muttered sitting up in the sleeping bag. "Follow me."

He quickly got out of his sleeping bag then took us to another corner of the school where we would exit. We walked out to a giant concrete wall that contained something inside. The giant gates leading inside were completely metal. Aizawa pressed a button which made the metal doors suck into the sides of the boxed in area.

Inside the concrete walls was a city, a confined city. There was a strait where no person was, no shop, just a deserted city. I could tell it was used for training. The rest of the city was the same as any other city you'd see in Japan.

"This is your examination." Aizawa announced. "You'll conduct a pretend battle against Bakugou as if it were a one on one with a natural villian, understood?"

"Ye-" I started.

"What's her quirk?" Bakugou asked cutting me off.

"You'll figure it out." Aizawa told him. "You'll start anywhere in Ground Alpha, in five minutes, the hero will go looking for you, go."

Bakugou shot an explosion out of his hand creating smoke blinding me so I couldn't see where he went. I blew the smoke out of my face then looked at Aizawa. He had started a timer for five minutes then shut the gates. I put my hand on the hilt of my sword then waited for the timer to go off so I could get to Bakugou faster.

"Don't make any lethal wounds otherwise this battle shouldn't end in any casualties." He told me.

"Got it," I responded.

Explosion, I thought, that's his quirk. Then I'll have to avoid close combat and protect my face, he's already used the smoke to blind me. He may use that again, he's going to be fast too. I sighed, this wasn't going to be any easy task, I would have to make quick decisions and be able to dodge attacks. I'll have to do my best.

The timer blared, the doors opened, I dashed into Ground Alpha in search of Bakugou. I turned right first, down an alley where there was nothing but a fake trash can. I looped back to the straight without seeing Bakugou. I stalked down the strait holding my sword with shaky hands, quit that! I growled at myself looking at my hands.

"DIE!" I heard Bakugou yell.

I turned towards the alley he was flying out of then jumped back onto a building wall. I bounced off the wall back towards Bakugou without hesitation. Bakugou blocked my attack with his gauntlet that looked like a grenade.

"Is that all that you've got?" He asked as I broke off contact. "Give me your best shot!"

I shot back at him with my sword drawn back beside my legs. I dropped quickly to the ground, losing all my momentum to try and whip out his legs. He jumped up quickly with an explosion blinding me. I shouldn't have done that! I yelled at myself as another explosion came down at me.

I covered my face by accidentally dropping my sword. Ack! I thought as Bakugou landed on the ground a few feet away from me. I got up without my sword that he held with a cocky expression. I glared at him while taking a fighting stance so I still had a chance. He only chuckled then threw away my sword in an alley.

"Come on, use your quirk." He ordered. "This isn't a fair fight, I know that I'd get in trouble if I hurt you, wouldn't I princess? Lucky bastard! You get to be close with the famous All Might!"

"I didn't want or have the choice to be his daughter!" I yelled back. "Can you even imagine worrying every day about him after All For One almost murdered him!"

"You should be great, amazing even! Show me your quirk!" He growled. "If not, you don't deserve a spot in my classroom."

"Fine," I mumbled.

I shot at him, giving him what he wanted. I ducked under the arm he was going to fire an explosion out of. He whipped around about to fire another explosion. I roundhouse kicked him to get rid of his arm then inflicted damage on him. I landed back on the ground skidding to a stop after attacking him. I ran to the alley that contained my sword as he collected himself.

"Get back here!" He yelled.

I grabbed my sword from the ground then turned to face him. He used explosions to fly through the air. His hands both clicked and sparked with small explosions. He put his wrists together, he was going to use a double attack. I moved to the right, under and over. I glided back to solid ground as he turned around to face me.

"What? Are you not talkative?" He asked, smirking and raising his hand before bracing himself. "Then I'll make you!"

He pulled the pin out of his gauntlet firing a massive explosion. I jumped to the far wall away from the middle of the eruption to minimize damage. Smoke filled my lungs as I tried to catch my breath. I was burned, scorched even. I couldn't feel anything but searing pain in my limbs. I tried to cough out the smoke, too late.

"That was nothing, come fight me coward!" He yelled. "You're quirkless aren't you? I'll crush you!"

I rolled out of the way of his attack getting back up on my feet afterwards. I stood shakily back on my feet then put my hand back on the hilt, taking a stance. He looked at me as if I were insane. I had been burned, scratched, bruised, but I still was going to fight him. Even if I was quirkless, I would still be a hero.

"I'll beat you!" I yelled. "You understand!? I won't give up until I'm on the verge of death, nothing will change my mind! Quirkless or not, I will become a hero!"

"You talk like that damn Deku," He muttered. "You'll let me kill you, you're an idiot."

He shot at me with speed unrecognizable. He grabbed my face and pinned me to the wall quickly. Sparks from his quirk singed my face as he held me there. I tried everything to get his hand off my face to give me a second chance.

I went limp making it seem like I was giving up. I dropped my sword too, he chuckled and relaxed his muscles. I put my hand on his wrist and managed a smile just like my father was able to do when things got bad. I swung my body over his arm and hooked my leg around the bottom of his jaw bringing us both to the ground. He struggled under me.

"You should've given up when you had the chance. I have two gauntlet's remember?!" He yelled, firing his other gauntlet explosion in my face.

I flew through the air at least twenty feet up. I fell to the ground and landed on my knee catching my breath. Bakugou closed his hand around my face and let tiny explosions out again. I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull it away from my face but didn't have the energy to.

"Listen here you little rat, if you move another muscle I'll blow your face off." He growled, the sparks became more intense.

"Bakugou!" All Might yelled over the loudspeaker. "Let her go."

Bakugou released me at command then looked down at me as I tried to catch my breath. "If you think a quirkless person can become a hero, you're delusional, having pro hero parents doesn't make you great."

I coughed up blood after he walked away without another word. I wiped my mouth clean before hearing footsteps coming from the other alley. All Might soon came into view, with a worried expression. He knelt down next to me, placing his hand on my sore back. I winced in pain trying to hold back tears.

"I-i'm sorry." I mumbled, looking at my sword in his hand "I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, I am just a quirkless waste of space."

I clenched my fist tightly. "All I wanted was to be like you and mom." I pulled myself up off the ground and put my mask over my face hiding my emotions. I looked down at my sword and the Japanese engravings. I did learn something today, I wasn't good enough to be a pro.

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