Part 19

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"Aizawa!" I yelled as the flame broke the windows, flinging glass everywhere.

I jumped up away from the blue fire then ducked under a desk so I wouldn't get singed. Alarms went off immediately but they weren't doing anything much. I looked over at Aizawa who shot his scarf toward me to pull me out of harm's way. I grabbed the end of the scarf then felt him quickly pull me back from another outburst of flame. I landed on my feet and pulled out my sword.

My mother's sword was generally blue but the fire made it gleem a beautiful blue. Her sword was iron, tungsten, and steel making it a very strong item. The hilt was covered in twine that helped with gripping the sword for some, I wasn't a fan, but it did the trick. The sword was light and could cut through cement, I had seen my mother do it once so I knew it was possible.

"We'll have to protect the school, come on." He ordered, opening the door from the room and rushing out.

I followed close behind through the halls that were starting to fill with smoke. It was dark in the school, but thankfully, it was only 6:30 AM so no one was in the building. We went to the back entrance that was just where the classroom was. Three people emerged from the forest, running at us with speed. It was Toga, Twice, and a man who traveled on ice like Shoto had done once.

"Heroes? Already?" Twice growled.

I launched myself at the villains wholeheartedly ready to give my all. I struck Toga heavily with my blade then jumped back from the iceman's attack. The ice scratched my shoulder as the sludge from the Toga copy blinded me. I stabbed through Twice's double then found the other was already dealt with by Aizawa.

"That's it so far, that ice guy is new, be careful." He told me as I wiped muck off my face.

I picked up Toga's knife carefully then put it in my pocket. I put my sword in front of me and began stalking towards the woods. I heard yelling from the other side of the school and ran over with Aizawa immediately joining that fight. There were other copies or maybe they were real on the other side, 30-35 people all charging towards the front and back doors with fierce battle cries. We took them all out in minutes, since there were so many of them they were all so weak.

My shoulders rose and fell until I saw a blue haired man enter the building. He had been hiding in the midst of the fight, keeping himself hiden. I glared and ran into the building behind him, he was already far enough ahead of me . Shigaraki Tomura was about to accomplish some horrific goal of his.

"Shigaraki!" I yelled as we stood in the main hall of U.A. "Fight like a real man, coward!"

"You're the one who stayed in your father's shadow until now." He said, slipping off his gloves. "It's too bad that you won't get too much spotlight, I'll make this quick."

"Cocky bastard, how's All For One doing? I hope he's rotting." I told him as he turned to me. "Being imprisoned, I thought he was the best villain, I was really wrong."

"You're only making this harder for yourself." He told me, enclosing his hand around his gloves.

I bared my teeth and shot forwards at the same time as him. I ducked under his arm then kicked the back of his neck, maneuvering quickly. He whipped around in less than a second, swinging his hand trying to catch my face in his grip. I leaned back, avoiding his hand so only three of his finger tips grazed my neck.

I felt unbearable pain and leaped back holding my neck as the pain burned like a fire. I spat blood out of my mouth then looked at the man who smiled with pleasure. He knew exactly how much damage he had just inflicted, it just wasn't enough to stop me.

"You have remarkable speed for a quirkless wanna-be." He said. "I've been working on speed too, a battle of speed, the only way to beat the other is strength, let's see how this ends."

"Let's dance." I growled.

He shot at me and I moved out of the way slickly. He did the same thing that he did to my neck just to my arm. I winced then he came back at me trying to do it again to my left arm. All he needed was to touch my back and this was over for me, I just had to have good timing. I whipped around just as he reached out to touch my back and brought my sword down on his head.

"That's a dirty move, we've already gotten what we wanted." He chuckled as his feet turned to sludge and he grabbed my ankle with his hand. "All Might is all ours."

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