Part 8

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Both me and Bakugou shot into Ground Alpha with all the speed we had. I looked over at the shadow boy who was preparing for a head-on fight with me. I watched as he melted down into the shadow of a building below him, damn.

"Mhm, a kitsune mask," He mused, I looked over at the alley where he now was. "Interesting, it reminds me of a hero my mother mentioned once."

"I'm not here to talk!" I told him.

I leapt over his head then kicked him out into the sunlight. I looked over at Bakugou who was putting up well with Kendo. I was able to graze his shoulder with my blade knocking him back further. He looked at me with wide, almost crazy eyes.

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Tidal, the hero who died a few years back!"

He left things at that then continued to fight me. Nothing good about her? Nothing about how she saved everyone's sorry souls from that bastard All For One? I was going to show this kid what Tidal could do. I would prove to him that my mother wasn't just the hero who died, but the savior who could've easily left all of Japan to fall to their knees begging for All For One's forgiveness.

"Man she was stupid, using water as a blade? Come on?" He laughed, deflecting my blade.

I spun around in the air gaining momentum to strike him. I hit him in the side with the blunt side of my blade sending him into the building. I looked at him then lifted up my mask so he could tell what I was thinking.

"Don't talk like that about her or else I won't hold back." I growled, wiping the tear that fell from my eye.

I turned back towards Bakugou who was still battling Kendo. He jumped back from her to catch his breath, then I jumped in. I slammed the hilt of my sword as hard as I could into the side of her head. She was already moving away from the attack making the attack lighter and not inflicting as much damage as I wished it would.

"Wow!" She exclaimed. "That was unexpected, you've got some spunk, I'm impressed."

"Sure." I muttered, retaking my stance.

What Bakugou had told me was absolutely true. Her hands were 10 times bigger than their original size. I held my sword in a ready position waiting for her to strike. After a moment, I grew tired of waiting for her to attack so I did. I rushed her, lowering myself to the ground to minimize her choices of what to do. I brought my sword up under her arm so she couldn't move in any way that gave her an advantage.

She looked at me in defeat before I powered my shoulder into her chest sending her back into the wall behind her. I stood up straight then rushed over to her afraid I hurt her badly. I helped her out of the rubble, slightly worried for her. She rubbed the back of her head and winced in pain.

"Are you alright?" I asked quickly. 

"Yeah, I'm ok." She told me. "That was some move, ow."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "How about you Kuroiro!?"

"I'm good!" He called. "Sorry about what I said."

"Don't do it again." I muttered.

I slung Kendo's arm around my shoulders to stabilize her and help her walk. I helped her out of Ground Alpha while Kuroiro and Bakugou went ahead since Kendo was a little slow. I was sure I injured her almost everywhere in her body. She kept wincing and she almost fell often, I felt bad.

"Nice Misty!" All Might cheered, I looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

I rolled my eyes then leaned Kendo up against the wall of Ground Alpha then looked at Bakugou who wore an even angrier expression that said 'Dumbass'. 

"What's wrong this time?" I snapped at him. "Was it me being me? How 'bout still being quirkless? News flash, I'm not going to magically get a quirk!"

"You didn't let me get a single touch in." He growled.

"Right so I'd let you make meaningless moves instead of easily defeating the other team," I sighed while walking past him. "And I'm the delusional one."

I hit his shoulder purposely just to annoy him. I put my hands in the pockets of my haori and waited for the next rounds to finish. About 4 rounds later I was approached by three girls. I looked at them suspiciously, what could they want from me?

One had purple hair, one had pink hair, and one had green hair. I knew them, they were in my class. I took note of everyone's names when they were called on just so I knew what their name was at the right time. The purple haired girl was Kyoka Jiro, the pink haired girl was Mina Ashido, and the green haired girl was Tsuyu Asui.

"Hi!" Mina exclaimed. "You're Misty right? Or Mistral? I didn't really catch it."

"Mistral Yagi," I said quickly so she wouldn't get confused. "Misty is just something that my dad calls me."

"Nice to meet cha' Yagi, I don't know if you figured it out but, I'm Mina, that's Jiro, and Tsu." She told me, I nodded. "You're so cool, how you took out Kuroiro and Kendo was so awesome! Teach me!"

"Umm," I hesitated. "It's practically a hard shove just with your shoulder."

"How difficult is it?" Jiro asked.

"Ohh, your sword, can I hold it? Please?" Mina begged as I took a step back since she was getting in my face.

"S-sure, be careful." I said giving the sword to her. "Both hands is the right way to hold it, just be really careful."

"Yeah I-" She said before almost cutting my face.

I threw up my hand before it touched my face then felt the slight pain in my cut hand. I looked at the blade which had come to a stop since Mina had realized her mistake. I closed my hand around the blade then took the hilt out of her stunned hands. I wiped the blood on my sword off my sleeve then looked at the deep cut across my hand.

"Sorry!" She exclaimed as blood ran down my finger tips. "Are-"

"Yeah, just surprised-ish." I told her, wincing in pain. "Maybe I shouldn't-"

"Let her hold it?" Jiro asked.

"I thought it would be worse." Tsu commented.

I chuckled lightly then continued with our conversation. They did drop a few things about Monama that I was sure he wouldn't appreciate but, I don't remember what exactly was said. We walked together back to the changing rooms after training was over for the day and they even patched up my hand. They finished changing out of their hero outfits first so I didn't get with them after that.

I was now outside, walking away from the school and towards the dorms I was supposed to be at. I wore my sword across my back since I was planning to train later on. I looked up at the clouds in astonishment as a raindrop fell on the tip of my nose then more all across my face as it turned into a downpour. I didn't mind and held my hand out to the rain letting it fall onto my palm soaking into the bandages.

I smirked then continued walking down the path as others pulled out their umbrellas. I loved the rain, it was always a good feeling to be pelted by small bits of perfect temperature water droplets. When it rained, Lui would always throw on a rain jacket and pull me outside so we could splash in puddles and get all messy. I pretended not to have a blast but, it was one of my best memories.

It was about a minute later and I was still at least ten minutes away from the dorms when I saw a shadow cover mine. I looked up at the black shield that stopped the rain from hitting me then at the boy who held it. I slightly blushed, it was Monama.

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