Part 15

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"Tide!" Deku yelled running over to me as I tried to get up. "Here, take my hand, you did awesome."

"I could say the same but I'm not sure." I said chuckling. "Thanks, and by the way I'm about to fall over can you-"

"I gotcha." He told me. "Too bad your sword broke, that was my bad."

I smiled and felt him pick me up like a groom did after marrying his bride. The world around me became blurry as I rested my head on Midoriya's chest. I could hear faint sirens from ambulances as they drove between the crowd to take someone to the hospital. I heard heroes yelling orders at other heroes and their sidekicks trying to escort the citizens out of the area so the clean up crew could come in.

Midoriya put me on a stretcher and I was wheeled away into an ambulance away from him. As soon as I was loaded into the loud ambulance, I was given anesthesia to put me asleep. I wanted to be back out there helping but, I guessed it wouldn't be responsible to leave myself out there while probably having serious injuries.

I woke up in an all black place and shot up to see Nana Shimura waiting for me. I smiled and ran over to her giving her a hug, since one I was seeing her again, and two that I had just taken down 5 nomus with a bunch of heroes.

"Hi, Misty Tide, I have to say that's an awful hero name." She said, slightly chuckling.

"I like it, that's all that matters." I told her, she nodded approvingly. "You said that I had One For All, right? How do I use it?"

"I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that question, you'll have to figure that out." She said, I sighed. "All I know is that you will unlock One For All, but you'll need to do it soon."

"Why?" I asked, looking up at the sky in interest. "Is All For One going to break out of Tartarus?!"

"Dear god, no!" She exclaimed, her voice echoed through wherever we were. "My grandson, Tenko Shimura, you know him as Tomura Shigaraki, will be rising so-"

"You're related to Shigaraki?" I asked, my voice was filled with alarm. "Are you kidding?"

"I didn't want him to be a villain," She said, I calmed my nerves. "But he is going to attack, I'm not sure when he's going to attack but I know he's going to, you need to hurry and unlock One For All, I should've told you earlier."

"Better late than never." I muttered. "I'll do my best Nana, and, I just have to say I miss you and I want you to bring me to this place more often."

"One For All is the one that brings you here, not me." She told me. "I'll see you again."

With that, the image snapped to a hospital room where there were machines and medical equipment all around me. I looked over to my left and saw All Might sitting there with his head hanging low, gripping my hand. I groaned in pain then laid my head back down on the pillow. All Might looked up and we locked eyes.

"Oh, thank god." He muttered, I chuckled. "Good lord you scared me, I was in the break room watching the news when you killed that last nomu, what a good introduction to hero work."

"I suppose," I said looking down at my lap. "Is there anything to worry about, that's actually worry worthy?"

"Everything has been fixed but there was a lot to worry about," He answered. "You're lucky Recovery Girl was able to heal you without killing you."

I nodded and sighed as banging came from the door. I looked at the sliding automatic doors that were locked keeping whoever was outside of the room out. I looked at the door as All Might groaned. The glass was foggy so I couldn't see who it was but it was obvious that my dad did.

"The news, I'll tell them to go away." All Might said.

"You know they won't go away right?" I said, pulling hair out of my face. "Just let them in, a few questions aren't too hard to answer right?"

"You'd be surprised." All Might said. "Fine, come in."

They didn't wait for All Might's invitation. Instead they barged in with the camera man already recording. I sat up to look presentable as the reported shoved a microphone in my face. I was all of a sudden getting nervous, great.

"I'm Naiyomi Alan channel 13 news reporter, what can you tell us about the nomu attack said to be worse than any of the others?" Naiyomi demanded.

"Well, was it tough, yeah, for me at least." I answered, twiddling my thumbs quickly.

"How come All Might is the only person in your hospital room?"

"He's my dad," I told her.

"What is your quirk?"

"Oh, I-i don't have one." I coward away from the awestruck reporter who looked like she was about to explode with confusion.

Great, I thought as her mouth gaped open. I looked at All Might who stood behind them listening to what the reporter was asking. That was insanely embarrassing. I just announced, the great All Might has a quirkless daughter without thinking about what would happen after. There was going to be a protest, and a whole fight between the quirkless and the quirked, the whole world was about to end just because I said one little thing.

"I don't think I caught that, do you mind saying that again?" She asked, giving me a 'Change your answer kid' face.

"Sorry, I said I am quirkless," I answered, raising my chin. "I'm sure it's really shocking, the daughter of the previous number one hero is a quirkless kid and I'm not afraid to say it. You know, us people without quirks can become heroes, but when we were told that we don't have an amazing ability like heroes are supposed to have, our dream is shut down but guess what? I didn't give up, I worked and trained just to get into U.A and I'm not done."

"I think we got it." The reporter said still struck. "How would you like to be on a talk show? What you just said may have just inspired so many people across Japan, don't just stop here. It'll bring you even more fame than you already have."

"Turn her down," The voice said, I sighed, what was that? I wondered before answering.

"I can't, it would cut into training, I can't do that." I refused. "My number one priority is to train and save like a hero should."

The reporter nodded respectfully then left the room with her cameraman. I looked at my dad who stood there with a proud expression on his shriveled face. I took a deep, nervous, shaky breath in then released a shaky, long, breath out.

"That really was great, kid." He told me. "But we've got to go back to Hosu though, Endeavor wants you back at his agency."

"Alright," I said, swinging my feet off the bed. "But my sword it-"

"Broken?" He asked, I knew he already knew. "I have your mom's in the car, she said that she wanted you to have it when you got into U.A but, it's my fault, I should've given it to you earlier."

I wrapped my arms around him and he chuckled. I couldn't believe what he had just said, my mom wanted me to have her complete katana, the one that was replicated and put on her grave. I felt surged with honor, I had finally became the best that I could become. I did it.

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