Part 13

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I found myself holding a case filled with my hero outfit at the train station waiting with Bakugou, Shoto, and Midoriya. I kept looking at where the train would come to a stop, impatiently waiting for the train to get there. I saw a hero that I did personally know as my old babysitter. I looked over at Edgeshot who was swarmed by fangirls.

It was funny to think that the number four hero used to be my babysitter. Honestly, I couldn't believe that he went from child caretaker to pro hero sidekick to great, famous, strong hero. I couldn't help but stare in shock, now his dream had become a reality. I swore he saw me before saying goodbye to his fans and walking out of the train station.

I frowned and went back to waiting for the train tapping my foot to the beat of a song stuck in my head. It wasn't a bad song, just annoying since it was stuck in my head. Someone cleared their throat next to me, I looked up at the man. He was tall, had slick hair and wore a mask covering his face, I sighed.

"You thought I didn't notice." Edgeshot chuckled. "What are you doin' here?"

"Waiting for the train, what else would we be doing?" I asked. "Why are you here?"

"I just stopped a rogue on the tracks, I'm surprised that the press hasn't come to bother me yet." He said. "That's a U.A uniform, isn't it? Hiding a quirk?"

"No actually I got in yesterday, cause of this." I put my hand on the hilt of my sword.

"I'm sorry but you're Edgeshot, the number four hero!" Midoriya fan-boyed. "I'm a huge fan, your quirk is so amazing! Who thought of the name? Foldabody, that's so unique!"

"What's so special?" I asked.

"Excuse me, I am special," Edgeshot growled. "Maybe you don't think so but that doesn't mean anything."

"Whatever, cous." I muttered and I looked over at Midoriya who's mouth hung open.

"You're related to him?" He asked, looking in between us rapidly.

"Not by blood, my father met her second cousin on her mother's side who weren't very fond of heroes I may add, it's complicated but I'm her third cousin." He explained, I nodded along.

"The press is here number four, you better scram." I told him, he nodded.

I watched as he disappeared up a stairwell into the busy city then turned to the train that just arrived. I got on the train and sat in the only free seat that I could see. Bakugou glared at me before grabbing a strap that hung from the ceiling. I crossed my legs and felt one of the dudes next to me put their hand on my thigh. I slapped him then stood up next to Midoriya who was obviously bothered by what just happened. I hooked my arm around him showing the old men to fuck off. He rubbed his cheek and got off the train not looking back at me.

"Also a reason I hate being in public," I growled, letting go of his arm. "Thanks."

"For what? You did everything." He said, I shrugged.

I grabbed the pole behind him to stabilize myself as the train started to move. I caught my balance on the pole and pulled out my phone for entertainment. Four texts from dad? I thought, punching in my password. Oh, I thought with relief. He was wondering if I was really going to Endeavor's agency to intern. Of course he was worried, it was in Hosu, the nomu hotspot. He, due to the past like every other thing he worried about, was afraid of a nomu getting me since it almost killed Aizawa and Thirteen and himself but I wasn't worried.

I answered him right away then went to the news feed looking for some article to read. I eventually found one on past heroes, not far past but ones not many knew about. I read through the whole thing disappointed by what I found. I put away my phone after that and heard the train come screeching to a stop. The intercom came on and the engineer cleared his throat.

"Sorry folks, it seems there's another rogue on the tracks, we'll be here for a while." He said I looked up at Deku, he nodded.

The next thing that I knew was that I was on my first mission. The four of us burst through the emergency exit on the top of the train then crawled to the front where the rogue was. We slid down to the tracks, two on each side, I was paired with Shoto. A plume of smoke blinded the going crazy man then Shoto froze him in place giving me and Deku the que. We both rushed out and I threw Deku an end of rope that for some reason Shoto had.

We tied the man up by wrapping the rope around his torso and upper legs to keep him in place. I tied the rope into a bow on his back and held my fist up to Deku still out of breath from running around the rogue a million times. He touched his fist to mine then I smiled.

"That was your first job, you did great." Deku said then turned his attention to the rogue. "We'll take him out of the tunnel while the train follows behind."

I nodded and followed him down the tunnel where a bright light came from the other end. The train followed us out then passed us once we reached the station that we were supposed to be at anyway. It wasn't hard to spot the man who had flames for facial hair and was six feet tall, Endeavor, the new number one hero.

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