Part 20

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The puddle beneath me lost shape just as those words were spoken. My eyes widened in pain and shock as the burning spread up my leg but wasn't as bad as before. I clasped my hand over my neck as I felt the bleeding become worse. I knelt and coughed up more blood as smoke filled my lungs.

"Mistral!" I heard someone yell behind me.

"W-what?" I yelled back, trying to get back on my feet. "Monama? You need to get out of here."

"Not without you," He said, putting his arm under mine as I stumbled trying to catch my balance. "Come one, push through,"

I clutched his uniform as the pain became more intense. He walked me slowly out of the building where there were firefighters, cops, and a few ambulances. I wanted to go to the nurses office to see if All Might was still there but, I was sure Shigaraki didn't lie. I needed to tell someone. Tsukauchi stood with other police looking around the place, I knew it was him that I should tell.

"Mistral," Tsukauchi said with a caring voice. "You alright?"
"I'll live, but they got All Might, I don't know what for but he needs to be rescued." I told him. "They may use his DNA for nomus and who knows what they could do."

"Calm down," He told me, placing his hand on my head. "We'll get him back, just like we got Bakugou, for now we need to have your wounds checked out."

I went to say something else but another police officer had information that Tsukauchi wanted to listen to. Monama took me over to an EMS worker who cleaned and bandaged my wounds. It didn't feel any better but it would help. They couldn't do anything about me coughing up blood so I just stood there with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders with Monama.

"Guys!" I heard Ashido yell. "We got over here as fast as possible, what happened?"

"LOV attack, along with others they took All Might." Monama answered as Ashido ran up.

"I guess school's out." She said as we looked at the burning building.

 I was pacing again, in front of the entire class as I told them what happened as instructed by Aizawa. Their eyes traced me as I went over every detail leading up to when Shigaraki told me they had gotten All Might, the worst part. I pulled up my hood and wiped the tear that had built up in my eye.

"I-i'm not sure what to do, this is only my first month, so many things have happened." I muttered starting another pace. "You guys have dealt with them though, how did you save Bakugou?"

"We used the heroes as cover and got him out of there, it wasn't that simple but that's about it." Kirishima said. "You should sit down, you're limping."

"Yeah, take a break Mistral, save your energy." Jiro told me.

"Fine," I muttered, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table. "Maybe if we draw the LOV to us come up with some type of bait."

"The parade could do just the trick." Tokoyami suggested. "They wanted All Might, maybe they'll want you since you're his daughter."

"I put out that huge thing about me being quirkless, remember?" I asked, twirling my thumbs. "I'm worthless to them, why would they want a quirkless, daughter of a hero?"

"They could extract quirk genes from you to create a nomu, or use you as a base of a nomu." Hagukure said. "Imagine a nomu with a katana, that would be scary."

"You're right," I sighed. "The first part, but maybe the second part, depends on how easily you scare. I'm going to go back to the school and try to-"

"Or are you going after the League?" Iida asked. "Vengeance will get you nowhere, trust me."

"This is different, it's not just vengeance I want, I want the LOV to leave everyone in this world alone." I said, the room was quiet. "I'm just going for a walk, trust me."

"Leave your sword then." Bakugou growled. "You'll be killed the second you lock eyes with the league, nothing but a suicide mission."

I sighed then slipped the sword over my head. I laid it next to the door, then left without saying another word. I pulled up my hood, looked left and right at the trees that I was surrounded by. The LOV could be hiding in them, I could be taken at any moment. Now, if it came down to fighting, I was almost defenseless, other than the little martial art training I had.

I made it to the school that was still burning in only one area. I watched as the flame died down, then there was nothing left but the singed school that happened to be still standing. I knew there wouldn't be too much work to do for the school to get back up and running, until then we'd have classes in our dorms.

I turned back as every firefighter, police officer, and EMS worker cheered since the flame had burnt out. I walked to the gates of U.A before I was stopped by someone. I looked down as they yelled for me to stop. I did as I was told then waited for them to come to me. They grabbed my hand and I looked at him, he smiled.

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